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(v9.0) Import Test Case

Qualitia Automation Studio (OAS) lets you import test cases from another project to cover similar testing scenarios in your project.

The import test case process involves two types of projects:

  • Import Project: The project from which you want to import the test cases in the current project.

  • Current Project: The project to which you want to import the test cases.


  1. User should have the QAS client installed.

  2. Projects should have been created.

  3. User should have been assigned to the project.

  4. A test scenario should exist.


User should have the below privileges to:

  • Import Feature: Import test cases or other project elements.

  • Manage Custom Action Code: Oversee the custom action scripts in projects.

  • Manage Objects: Control the objects within the testing environment.

  • Manage Scenarios: Control the scenarios within test suites.

  • Synchronize Objects: Keep test objects synchronized.

  • Test Development: Create and update test cases.

Point to Know 

  • After a test case is imported:

    • If the test case name matches with an existing test case in the current project, the imported test case name is appended with _N, where N is a number that is incremented by 1 if there are multiple test case with the same name.
      For example, if a test case called “login” is present in both, the imported and the current project, then after importing the test case, it is named as “login_1” in the current project. If a test case with a name “login_1” already exists in the current project, then it is named as “login_2”, and so on.

    • If an object name matches with an existing object in the current project, the imported object name in the current project is appended with _N, where N is a number that is incremented by 1 if there are multiple tasks with the same name. For example, if a button called "Submit" already exists in the current project, and you import a task that contains a Submit button, then this object is named as Submit_1 in the current project.
      If an object with a name “Submit_1” already exists in the current project, then it is named as “Submit_2”, and so on.

    • Similarly, if an environment variable name in the import project matches with an existing environment variable name in the current project, but their value differs. Then, after the test case is imported, the environment variable name is appended with _1.

    • The imported custom actions along with their parameters are displayed in the Test Case Editor screen. However, you need to manually copy all the external files and codes of the imported custom actions to execute them.

  • In case of desktop projects, if the TSR file is different for import and current projects, then after importing the tasks the current project updates its TSR file with the additional objects and replaces the existing values for the same objects associated with the imported tasks from the TSR file of import project. Also, when you synchronize the TSR file for any other project that shares the same TSR file with the current project, the TSR file for other project is updated too. 

  • You can use the Search feature to find a task by its name, its associated test case names, and associated test scenario names.

  • If the imported task contains rest header variable, the rest header should be copied manually from the source project to the target project.

 Import a Test Case

To import a test case:

  1. Login to QAS - Client.

  2. Access Develop from left navigation to view the Test Explorer screen.

  3. Select the current project for which you want to import the test case from the top menu.

  4. Now, access Import from left navigation to view the Imports screen.

  5. Select the import project from where you want to import the test case using the Project dropdown (below the hamburger menu or the menu with three horizontal lines).

  6. Once the import project is set, select Test Cases.

  7. Under Test Cases, there are three sections.

    1. New: The test cases that are part of the import project and are never imported to the current project are listed in this section. These test cases can be imported if required.

    2. Conflicted: If the test cases are imported and later any changes are made to those test cases, either in the import project or the current project, they will appear under the Conflicted section.

    3. Matching: The test cases that are imported without making any changes to the existing test cases, in import as well as the current project, can be viewed under this section. When a test case is imported, it will be directly moved from the New section to the Matching section.

  8. To import, select the test case and click Import.

  9. You will see a message Do you want to import Test Case along with the options Without Data and With Data. Select Without Data or With Data depending on if you don’t want or if you want to import the test data. Then click Confirm to continue.

  10. After clicking Confirm, a pop-up window will appear with Select Scenario to import Test Case message and a drop-down to select a scenario. Select Scenario and click Confirm to continue.

  11. Once the import is complete click Finish.

  12. You have successfully imported a test case.

  • You cannot modify any test case in the import module. It is a read-only mode. If you want to edit or modify a test case, you need to go to the develop tab.

  • If you try adding a step to an imported test case, but then at the same time decide to remove it; though the test case is with no changes, it will appear under the Conflicted section on the Import tab.

Update a Conflicted Test Case

Conflicted test cases are those test cases that were already imported in the current project, but either their steps in the import project or the current project have changed.
After a test case is imported, the test case ids of the task in the import project and the current project are same. Hence, whenever a test case is edited in the import or the current project, the test case is displayed under the Conflicted test cases even if you change its name in the import or the current project.

To update a conflicted test case:

  1. Login to QAS - Client.

  2. Access Develop from left navigation to view the Test Explorer screen.

  3. Select the current project for which you want to import the test case from the top menu.

  4. Now, access Import from left navigation to view the Imports screen.

  5. A list of test cases under New, Conflicted, and Matching is displayed.

  6. Under Conflicted, click the test case that you want to import.
    Both the imported test case and the current test case opens in the main pane.

  7. You can know the differences between these two test cases in the following ways:

    1. Steps marked in red color and red icon indicate that they will be removed from the current test case after the test case is imported.

    2. Steps marked in green color and green icon indicate that they will be added to the current test case after the test case is imported.

    3. Objects, custom actions, and parameters marked in red color indicate that their values are different, which will be replaced after the test case is imported.

    4. Steps marked in minus sign indicate that parameter values are different, which will be replaced after the test case is imported.

  8. In the left pane, you can see the Current Test Case and in the right Imported Test Case.

  9. Compare the changes and click Import from the top-right corner if you want to import the updated test case.

  10. Clicking Import will open an Import Test Case pop-up. Click Confirm to continue; otherwise, Discard.

  • The main pane does not allow you to dry run or make any changes to the test case.

  • When you import a test case, and make some changes to the task, both the task and the test case will appear under the Conflicted section. Now, when you import the conflicted test case, the test case and the task both will be moved to the Matching section. However, when you import the conflicted task, only the task will be moved to the Matching section and the test case still appears under the Conflicted section.

Import Test Cases in Bulk

You can import either multiple new test cases or multiple conflicted test cases in a single go.

To import test cases in bulk:

  1. Login to QAS - Client.

  2. Access Develop from left navigation to view the Test Explorer screen.

  3. Select the current project for which you want to import the test case from the top menu.

  4. Now, access Import from left navigation to view the Imports screen.

  5. Select the import project from where you want to import the test case using the Project dropdown (below the hamburger menu or the menu with three horizontal lines).

  6. A list of test cases under New, Conflicted, and Matching is displayed.

  7. Click the bulk import icon from the top-right corner of the Imports screen.

  8. Select the test cases you want to import. Click Import to continue; otherwise, Discard.

  9. You will see a message Do you want to import Test Case along with the options Without Data and With Data. Select Without Data or With Data depending on if you don’t want or if you want to import the test data. Then click Confirm to continue.

  10. After clicking Confirm, a pop-up window will appear with Select Scenario to import Test Case message and a drop-down to select a scenario. Select Scenario and click Confirm to continue.

  11. Once the import is complete click Finish.

  12. You have successfully imported a test case.


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