Creating Bugs in TFS/Azure DevOps

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Creating Bugs in TFS/Azure DevOps

After you have configured the Defect management settings under Configuration Settings, you can create defects from the Reports tab.

To create defects in TFS/Azure DevOps:

  1. Log on to Qualitia Automation Studio.
  2. Click Report tab.
  3. Double-click the Suite Name in which your test case exists. (If the warning appears, click the warning bar and then click Allow blocked content.)
  4. Expand the test case for which you want to create a defect.
  5. Click the Iteration Number for which you want to create a defect.
    The test case details page appears.
  6. Click the Create Defect link in the upper right corner.
    A new window appears where TFS/Azure DevOps details appear in unedited mode. You can change these details from the Configuration Settings (Defect Management).
  7. In the Bug Details section, enter the required information as follows: 

    PrioritySelect the bug priority. 
    SeveritySelect the bug severity.
    SummaryEnter the Summary of the bug. This field is mandatory and comes pre-populated with SuiteName - TC Name - Iteration number.
    DescriptionEnter description of the bug to be added into the TFS. This field is optional.

  8. Once all the required fields are entered, click Create.
    You will see a confirmation dialog with the Defect ID as follows:

  9. Click View Bug to view this issue in TFS/Azure DevOps.

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