Purging Data from the Server Administration Portal

Purging Data from the Server Administration Portal

The Server Administration portal allows you to remove the data associated with the suite execution reports from the Qualitia Server.

You can purge whole suite execution reports, screenshots, and logs.

Only administrators can purge the data.

Once you purge reports data, you cannot recover them.


Purge Data Tab

Purge data tab provides the following information:

  • Number of Test Execution Reports

  • Total storage size of the suite execution report data

  • Total storage size of the image data

  • Total storage size of the log data

The Purge Data tab, by default, displays the execution reports that were generated in the last 7 days.

The Purge Data tab displays the following information for each test suite execution.

If besides the checkbox of a test suite execution, a red alert icon is displayed, it indicates the suite execution is aborted.





Generated On

Indicates the date on which the report was generated.

Suite Name

Indicates the name of the test suite

Project Name

Indicates the name of the associated project

Execution Type

Indicates the execution type:

  • Qualitia denotes the test suite is executed through a QAS Client.

  • Offline denotes that the test suite is executed through an offline package, either standalone or using a CI server.

Iteration No

Indicates the iteration number of the test suite execution

Total Size

Indicates the size of reports data including screenshots and logs

Report Size

Indicates the size of reports excluding screenshots and logs

Images Size

Indicates the size of associated screenshots

Logs Size

Indicates the size of associated log files

Test Cases

Indicates the number of test cases in the test suite

Test Case Status

Indicates the number of test cases that passed, failed, have defects, and are not executed.


Purging the Selected Reports

You can select the respective checkboxes of the reports you want to remove or apply filters and then select the reports from the filtered list.

For instructions on how to filter the reports list, refer to Filtering the Reports List.

To purge reports data:

  1. Click Purge Data.

  2. Select any or all of the following checkboxes:

    1. All Report Files: To remove all the reports data of the selected reports to remove its entire folder structure. However, the execution summary of the suite execution report is stored in the database.

    2. Images Only: To remove only the screenshots captured for the selected reports.

    3. Logs Only: To remove only the log files for the selected reports.

  3. Click Purge.
    An alert message appears that shows the number of reports and the size of files that are ready for removal.

  4. Click Continue.

Filtering the Suite Execution Reports List

You can filter the list of suite execution reports based on project, build or release number of projects, test suite, execution type, user, and also include aborted suite executions.

To filter the suite execution report list:

  1. Select a date range or click the Filter button.

  2. Select the appropriate options from the list of filters.

Logs Tab

The Logs tab provides the details of the previous purges.






Indicates the date and time when the reports were purged.


Indicates the purging activity


Indicates the user who purged the reports

Purge Details

Indicates the type of reports data that was removed.

Data Size

Indicates the amount of data purged


Click to view the details of test suite execution reports that were purged.

Server Settings Tab

Qualitia Sever settings can now be updated from the Server Administration screen of the Realtime Reporting portal.

To enable the settings, change the 'ServerSettingsUIEnabled' flag from 'false' to 'true' in the QualitiaServerSettings.json file.

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