Getting Started with Reports and Dashboards Portal

Getting Started with Reports and Dashboards Portal


Web-based Dashboards allows you to visualize and analyze your test automation results in various ways. The dashboard consolidates test execution data across projects, including executions run using CI tools. This provides you the capability to view trends and monitor progress along your test automation journey.

In order to serve the purpose, this feature will require:

  • Higher RAM and Storage
  • Browsers:

We have tested this Web dashboard on following browsers versions:

Browser NameVersion
Google Chrome73 to 75
Mozilla Firefox66 and 67
Microsoft Edge44
Chromium 77
Internet Explorer

10 and 11

  • Access to Qualitia Server machine and port 8887:

You must have access to port 8887 from the machine where Qualitia Server is installed.

Accessing Web-Based Dashboards

You can access these dashboards using any machine in the network where Qualitia server is installed. To access these dashboards, just enter the dashboard URL in any browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge) and enter your Qualitia credentials.

Dashboard data will be displayed for the projects which are assigned to this user. 

This Web dashboard URL is available in the Automation Insights section of Dashboard in Qualitia Automation Studio. 

Dashboard URL contains the Hostname/IP:Port from the machine where Qualitia server is installed followed by the dashboard URL i.e. qualitia-reports/dashboard. By default, system uses port number 8887 which users can change while installing Qualitia server.

The sample URL may look like:

Last Updated

On logging in, the dashboard displays date and time when it was last updated in the top right corner. If there is no data available for the dashboard to be displayed, (like immediately after the Qualitia automation studio installation or upgrade as dashboard gets refreshed only after midnight) it displays the text as 'Not yet updated'.

Dashboard Refresh Interval

The data in the dashboard gets refreshed every day at midnight. Details of the test cases executed on a particular day will be available in the dashboard next day.

Important Notes:

You can view the data of last 30 days for a project in the dashboard. You can filter the test execution dates from the filter given at the top of the screen. You can also filter the data based on other filters such as project, suite and so forth.

To view the detailed information about any bar/line from the chart, hover your mouse pointer over that bar/line.

If a test case is executed multiple times in a selected time frame, multiple occurrences are counted while loading the metrics and charts.

If there is no data present for the selected filter criteria, you will see a message in the widget that there is no data to display.

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