Configuration Settings for Custom Browser Profile Executions

Configuration Settings for Custom Browser Profile Executions

Qualitia Automation Studio (QAS) supports testing on a custom browser profile for the following browser types:

  • Chrome

  • Edge

  • Firefox

You can use the System Execution Profile to dry run a test case or create a custom execution profile to execute test suites on a specific custom browser profile.

Ensure that you have created the custom browser profile on your computer.

To configure the settings for a custom browser profile:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • To execute on a custom Chrome profile, open a Chrome browser, enter chrome://version/ in its URL address bar, and then copy the Profile Path value.

    • To execute on a custom Edge profile, open an Edge browser, enter Edge://version/ in its URL address bar, and then copy the Profile Path value.

    • To execute on a custom Firefox profile, open a Firefox browser, enter about:profiles in its URL address bar, and then copy the Profile Path value.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Open an existing execution profile that you want to use to execute on a custom browser profile.

    • Add a custom execution profile.
      Note: For more information on execution profiles, refer to Working with Execution Profiles.

  3. Click Settings > Local Profile > Browse.

  4. From the Browser Type drop-down list, select the associated browser.

  5. Paste the Profile Path value in the Browser Profile Path.
    Note: The name at the end of the Profile Path denotes the browser profile name. If you have entered a different browser profile name, edit the desired browser profile name in the Profile Path.
    For example, if the Profile Path is C:\Users\john.smith\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\JohnS, then JohnS is the custom browser profile name.

  6. Under EdgeOptions, ChromeOptions, or FirefoxOptions (depending on the selected browser), enter the following value in args:
    --profile-directory=<profile_name>, where profile_name indicates the name of the custom browser profile.

  7. If necessary, edit any other required settings of the execution profile.
    Note: For detailed instructions on configuring the execution profile settings, refer to Configuring the System Execution Profile Settings.

  8. Click Save.

Before executing a test case or a test suite on the custom browser profile, ensure that you close all the instances of the associated browser.


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