Installing the Qualitia Server

Installing the Qualitia Server

Before you Start Installation

Qualitia requires local administrative privileges for Qualitia Server installation. Ensure you have administrative access to the system where you are installing Qualitia server. 

Additionally, as Qualitia uses client-server architecture, you must open port 8889 and 8887 for all clients (client machines). Qualitia uses these ports to communicate between different components.

Installing the Qualitia Server

Qualitia recommends using File Share to keep Qualitia installable. This will help you to easily apply product updates in future.

To install Qualitia Server:

  1. /wiki/spaces/TEST1/pages/1718944196
  2. Open the File Share / folder where you have unzipped Qualitia installable. 
  3. Open the Server folder.

    Executing the QualitiaWDServer.exe from file server may take longer time. Therefore, it is recommended to copy this file on the local temporary folder.

  4. Double-click the QualitiaWDServer.exe.
    The Welcome to the Qualitia Setup Wizard screen appears.
  5. Click Next.
    The Database Server Details section appears.

    Database Type

    Select the Database server (MySQL or SQL Server) 


    Enter the Host Name or IP address of the Database Server


    Enter the port number of the Database Server.

    The default value for MySQL is 3306.

    The default value for SqlServer is 1433.

    Contact Database Administrator for the port number of your database server. 


    (For Sql Server only)

    Select Authentication mode: Sql Server Authentication or Windows Authentication.

    For Sql Server Authentication: Enter Sql Server user ID and password.

    For Windows Authentication on SQL Server, you need to make some additional configurations to Qualitia Web Service.

    Click here for these configurations.

    User ID

    Enter the database server User ID.

    (Not applicable for Sql server with Windows Authentication)


    Enter the database server Password. 

    (Not applicable for Sql server with Windows Authentication)

  6. Click Next.
  7. Enter the desired Master Database name.
  8. By default, the Enable Dashboard option is selected if you want to access Web dashboards functionality. However, if you do not want, deselect the Enable Dashboard checkbox.
    For more information about Web Dashboards, click here.

    Enabling this option, Qualitia consumes an additional database (except master and project databases) for managing data related to the dashboard functionality.

  9. Enter the desired Dashboard Database name.

  10. Click Next.
    The Admin User Details screen appears.

  11. Enter admin credentials.

    Remember these credentials to access Qualitia for the first time as Qualitia Administrator. Qualitia administrator can create new user accounts directly in Qualitia or by accessing user accounts from your local LDAP. 

    Admin User ID

    Enter the desired username for the Qualitia administrator user.


    Enter the desired password for the Qualitia administrator user account.

    Confirm Password

    Enter the password again for confirmation.

  12. Click Next.

  13. Specify network ports that will be used to run Qualitia-related services. 

    By default, for Qualitia Server, 8887 is selected and for Qualitia License server 8889 is selected. You may change these port numbers based on your organizational requirements. These TCP ports needs to be opened (inbound) on Firewall which will be accessed by Qualitia clients.

  14. Specify the Result Path to store test suite executions results that were executed either using QAS, offline, or Azure DevOps.
    Note: Qualitia recommends that at least 500GB of free space is available at the specified location. 

    Qualitia uses this folder to store results of Qualitia suite executions, offline packages run standalone or through CI tools (Jenkins, TeamCity, and Bamboo) and test cases executed through Build/Release cycles of TFS/Azure DevOps.
    All the Qualitia clients should have read access to this directory.

  15. Click Next.
    The Confirm Installation screen appears.

  16. Click Install.
    The installation starts.

  17. After the server is successfully installed, you can click the following links:
    • Show Logs: To view the server installation logs. Qualitia recommends to save at a specific location.
    • Save Report: To view the server installation report.
  18. Click Finish to exit the setup wizard.

Please refer to the /wiki/spaces/T2/pages/1381635712 section in case you face any error when installing Qualitia Server.

Configurations for SQL Server Windows Authentication

If you are using Windows Authentication for SQL Server, you need to configure Qualitia Web Service accordingly. Follow these simple steps to configure Qualitia Web Service.

  1. Run services.msc to open the Services Manager. 
  2. Stop Qualitia Web Service.
  3. Right-click Qualitia Web Service and select properties from the context menu.
  4. In the Log On section, select This account: option.
  5. Enter Windows username and password (domain\USERNAME) using which you want to access SQL Database server.
  6. Click Apply and then OK.
  7. Restart Qualitia Web Service and start using Qualitia.

     View image

Please refer to the /wiki/spaces/T2/pages/1381635712section in case you face any error when installing Qualitia Server.

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