Viewing Page Source and Object Properties

Viewing Page Source and Object Properties

Qualitia allows you to view the page source of the application under test for understanding the object hierarchy in better way. This helps in forming the better flow while automating test cases for application under test.

Qualitia also gives you provision to add the objects from the application under test from the page source view. You can also view the object properties selecting the corresponding object in the page source.

To view the page source and object properties:

  1. Launch Mobile Object Spy and install or launch the application under test.
  2. From the right pane, click Page Source.
    A new section appears displaying the page source.

  3. Hover over the object in the page source which you want to add and click  icon.
    Object will then appear in the right pane in the Object Repository section. 
  4. To launch the object properties section, from the right pane, click Object Properties
    A new section appears below page source.

  5. To view the object properties of any object, click the desired object in the page source and its properties appear in the Object Properties section.