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MobileRadioButton Actions
This action verifies whether the radio button is selected or deselected.
Input Parameters:
ParameterName | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
State | Value of this parameter can be either True or False.
| No | String |
If radio button is selected and state is "true", result is success. If radio button is selected and state is "false" result is failure.
If radio button is not selected and state is "true", result is failure. If radio button is not selected and state is "false" result is success.
IsSelected "True"
This action selects the radio button if parameter passed is TRUE.
Input Parameters:
ParameterName | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
Select | Value of this parameter can be true or false.
| No | String |
SelectIfTrue "True"
This action clicks the specified object.
This action does not have any parameter.
This action performs the long press event on the specified object.
This action does not have any parameter.
This action performs swipe and finds object until timeout occurs.
Input Parameters:
ParameterName | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
upDownLeftRight | Enter the direction of swipe:
| No | String |
timeoutInSeconds | Enter the timeout in seconds. | No | String |
swipePageInSeconds | Enter in how many seconds one page should be swiped. Default is 1 second. Use this parameter with caution only when control on swipe speed is required. | No | String |
Swipe "up" "10" "1"
This action stores existence of the object under the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
Key | Enter the key name under which the existence's Boolean value will be stored.
| Yes | String |
StoreExistence "Key"
This action stores the property of the specified object under the key name. The stored value can be retrieved using the key name.
Some Android and iOS properties are not accessible.
List of accessible properties for Android: "name","contentDescription","className","resourceId","text","enabled","checkable","checked","clickable","focusable","focused","longClickable","scrollable","selected","displayed"
List of accessible properties for iOS: "name", "value", "type", "visible", "label", "enabled", "accessible", "rect", "frame", "accessibilityContainer", "wdName", "wdValue", "wdType", "wdVisible", "wdLabel", "wdEnabled", "wdAccessible", "wdRect", "wdFrame", "wdAccessibilityContainer"
Input Parameters:
ParameterName | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
Key | Variable in which the property value will be stored | Yes | String |
Property | Property/attribute name whose value needs to be stored in "Key". This can be any accessible property of Android/iOS native object. | Yes | String |
StorePropertyValue "key" "text"
This action verifies the existence of the specified object.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
existence | Value for this parameters can be true or false.
| Yes | String |
VerifyExistence "True"
This action verifies the enability of the specified object.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
enability | Value for this parameters can be true or false.
| Yes | String |
VerifyEnability "True"
This action waits for the object to appear or disappear for the maximum number of seconds specified.
If the object is found or not found before the maximum time specified, execution continues to the next steps.
If the wait time is "" then the wait time shall be the "Sync Time" set under the Configuration Settings (Execution) window.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
waitTime | Enter the number of seconds to wait for the object to appear or disappear. This has to be 0 or any positive number. | Yes | String |
existence | Value for this parameter can be true or false.
| Yes | String |
WaitForObject "10" "true"
The action waits for maximum 10 seconds for the object to appear. If the object appears before 10 seconds elapses, execution continues to the next steps.
WaitForObject "15" "False"
The action shall wait for maximum 15 seconds for the object to disappear. If the object disappears before 15 seconds elapses,execution continues to the next steps.