1. Conditional structure
2. Test case level step
3. Error Handling
How to insert conditional blocks
Task level IFELSE blocks
Adding IF-ELSE conditional block to task
Adding Expression for IF step
Forming expression for IF /ELSE IF:
Adding ELSE IF block after IF
Adding multiple ELSE IF blocks:
Adding ELSE block after IF step
Changes on TestCase screen
UI changes
Adding task step on TC screen
Test case level step (TC step) on TestCase screen
Adding a TC step and Task step
Storing execution status of TC step
IF ELSE blockson Test case screen
Adding IF-ELSE blocks to TestCase
Adding tasks in Test Case level IF-ELSE blocks
Adding IF-ELSE blocks to Task in TC
Execution flow of conditional (IF-ELSE) blocks
Qualitia behavior in case of invalid expression:
OnError settings at step level
OnError settings for dry run
OnError settings for Suite execution
Improvements in existing Reports to support new features
Summary Report
Test Case Detail Report for Conditional structure