How to insert conditional blocks
Task level IF ELSE blocks
Adding IF-ELSE conditional block to task
Adding Expression for IF step
Forming expression for IF /ELSE IF:
Expressions can be entered in IF and ELSE IF conditional step. User can refer stored variables, environment variables in expression.
- Numeric, Boolean comparisons, string values and arithmetic operators are allowed.
- Environment variables and stored variables if used should be included in curly braces in expression.
- User can save the execution status of last executed step as $$_STATUSusing StoreVariable keyword, Or directly use $$_STATUS in expression ($$_Status is not case sensitive).
- Using $$_STATUS directly in expression.
- Saving status of step ($$_STATUS) for use in expression.
User can save the execution status of a step in variable. This status can later be used in expression of IF step.
- Saving execution status for future reference.
More about $$_Status
- $$_Status is not case sensitive
- It gets overridden after each step is executed, hence can store the status of last executed step only.
Values of $$_STATUS variable
Value | Description |
0 | Success |
1 | Fail |
2 | Defect |
-1 | Not executed |
- $$_Status does not store any status for conditional steps like "IF", "ELSE IF", "ELSE" and END IF.
- If a user declares environment variable named "$$_STATUS", its value is ignored.
Examples of expressions:
Following are some examples of valid/invalid expressions, assuming var1 and var2 as stored variables.
- The static or dynamic string data used should always be enclosed within double quotes.
- The expression, having string as data, should always be enclosed within double quotes.
- Boolean values are case-sensitive and should be written in small case.
Data type | Example | Valid/Invalid | |
Any |
| All are invalid as assignment operator is not allowed in expression | |
String |
| |
Integer |
| |
Float |
| |
Boolean |
| |
Logical operators | (var1=true , var2=false)
| {var2}==true
Arithmetic |
| |
Relational Operators |
| |
Bitwise Operators | (var1=60 , var2=13)
| {var2})==61
Special Characters | Using Qualitia Special characters:
Adding ELSE IF block after IF
Adding multiple ELSE IF blocks:
Adding ELSE block after IF step
Changes on TestCase screen
UI changes
Adding task step on TC screen
With this version of Qualitia, a new button "Task Step" is provided to add step to the task.OnTestCase screen, create a new task and click on "Task Step" button to add step to the task.
Test case level step (TC step) on TestCase screen
In case if user wants to avoid adding a task for single step, he can add Test case level step. Add object, action and parameters to a TC step just like a task step.
TC step can be added at any position, after or before a task or even as a first step of test case.
To add TC step before a Task focus on task and add TC step, then focus on that TC step and click on "Move Up".
Adding a TC step and Task step
Storing execution status of TC step
The execution status of TC step can be stored same as Task step.
IF ELSE blockson Test case screen
On Test case screen users can add conditional blocks to Task as well as TestCase.TestCase level IF-ELSE blocks can contain tasks, the contained tasks in turn can have task level IF-ELSE blocks.
Adding IF-ELSE blocks to TestCase
With this version of Qualitia, new button "Condition" is added at top right, click "Condition" to add Task level or TC level IF ELSE blocks
- Adding TC steps to Test Case level IF-ELSE blocks
- Focus/Select TC Step/Task after which you wish to add TC level IF-ELSE block
- Click on Condition->TC Condition->IF
- Select IF step of block, click on "TC Step" to add TC step
- Select TC step, just added and click on Condition->TC Condition->ELSE IF to add TC level ELSE IF block. Or Condition->TC Condition-> ELSE to add ELSE block.
Adding tasks in Test Case level IF-ELSE blocks
- Select TC Step/Task after which you wish to add TC level IF-ELSE block
- Click on Condition->TC Condition->IF
- Select IF step of block, click on "New Task" to add new task, or Import Task to add existing task to IF-ELSE block.
- To add Tasks to ELSE-IF or ELSE blocks, select the ELSE-IF or ELSE step of conditional block and click on "New Task" or "Import Task"
Adding IF-ELSE blocks to Task in TC
- Create a new test case, add task to this test case
- Select the step after which the conditional block needs to be added, or the task row to which the block needs to be added.
- Click on Condition->Task Condition->IF
- Once If block is added to task, ELSE IF or ELSE blocks can be added by selecting proper task step and clicking on Condition->Task Condition->ELSE IF or Condition->Task Condition->ELSE.
- For adding expression, double click IF or ELSE IF
- Syntax of expression is as described earlier.
Execution flow of conditional (IF-ELSE) blocks
- Qualitia validates expression entered by user and checks if expression is empty or contains assignment (for Example user entered a=b which is invalid). Expressions should not have assignment, users should use "==" operator instead. Hence {a}={b} is invalid expression.
- Rest of the syntax and semantics is checked during actual execution of test case.
- Users must enclose stored variables, environment variables in curly braces (for eg: {a}=={b}, or {$$_Status}==0.
- Consider following test case level conditional block:
- OpenUrlurl
- IF {$$_Status}==0
- ELSE IF {$$_Status}==1
If during execution, OpenUrlis successful, then Task1, Task2 will be executed.
In case of OpenUrl fails, then Task3 will be executed.
If OpenUrl has execution status other than 0 or 1, Task 4 will be executed.
Qualitia behavior in case of invalid expression:
- In case if the expression entered by user is invalid, for example expression has stored variables referred but not declared, or the syntax of expression is invalid then the test case is considered to have error and Qualitia will stop execution of test case.
- In case of dry run (run from Develop screen), Qualitia stops execution of test case
- In case of Suite execution, Qualitia will execute next Test case in sequence. If suite has only one test case, suite execution will be stopped.
- In all such cases, Error log in reports will explain the reason of execution failure so that users can take corrective actions.