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Qualitia Client and Offline Package supports test suite executions on multiple platforms and browsers for test case executions and report viewing. Along with the local machines, test suite can be executed through Qualitia Client and Offline package on remote o cloud environments.


Remote Executions for Mobile Applications on Selenium Grid


What is Selenium Grid?

Selenium Grid is a part of the Selenium Suite that is specialized to run multiple tests across different browsers, operating systems, and machines simultaneously.


Either you can create an execution profile to execute on the remote environment or edit an existing execution profile. For more information, refer to Working with Execution Profiles.
Before you execute a test suite, ensure that all the nodes in the network meets the minimum system requirements. For more information, refer to Requirements and Configuration Settings for Mobile Environments.

To configure the settings for executing through Selenium Grid:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • To execute the test suite from a Qualitia client, open the associated execution profile.

    • To execute the offline suite, do the following in the order listed:

      1. Open the offline package folder.

      2. From the Configuration Manager folder, and double-click the Qualitia Offline Configuration Manager. 

      3. Do one of the following;

        1. Click Browse next to Select the Suite Directory, and then locate and select the offline suite.

        2. Enter the location path of the offline suite folder, and press Tab.

      4. Under the Select the profile to edit, select the execution profile created to execute on remote environment.

      5. Select the associated execution profile that is defined to execute on remote environment.
        From the Mapped Execution Profile list, select the execution profile you have opened.

  2. Configure the settings in the associated execution profile. For more information, refer to Requirements and Configuration Settings for Mobile Environments.

  3. Set the ExecutionEnvironment as Remote.

  4. Set the RemoteURL value to a valid remote URL that is IP and port of the remote machine.

    For example: RemoteURL=

  5. Set the GridPlatform value to a valid platform where you want to execute test cases. For example: Set the GridPlatform=Win10.

  6. Click Save.


Execute the test suite or offline suite you have configured. To know how to execute an offline package, refer to Offline Package.


If you want to use PowerShell Utility on Selenium Mobile Grid to perform parallel execution, refer to (8.5.X) Parallel Execution using Power Shell Utility .


Qualitia gives you provision to set these values for Selenium. Selenium has its own control on what value to use and how to reflect them in Execution Browser. For more information about Selenium Capabilities, refer following links:

Execution on Sauce Labs



  • An active account with valid user name / password 

  • Sufficient balance of execution hours.


After logging to Sauce Labs, click Data Center located at the top-right corner, and select the Time Zone to USE West 1.

Mandatory Settings in Qualitia


  1. Open the associated execution profile.

  2. Under Edit Additional Capabilities, set the desired value for slw.tunnelIdentifier.
    The value set here for this key will be required when executing sc.exe in step 6. For more information on configuring this property, refer Sauce Labs documentation.

  3. Download the Sauce Connect Proxy on any machine in the network using following url:

  4. Extract the folder at the suitable location.
    You will find the sc.exe file in the bin folder.

  5. Open Command Prompt and navigate to the folder where sc.exe file exists. 

  6. Enter the following command.

    Code Block
    sc -u <sauce_username> -k <accesskey> -i <tunnelID>
    For example: sc -u john.doe -k 8becc95c-4559-4582-a617-7d38544797a2 -i tunnel-1232
  7. Press Enter.


Execution on Sauce Labs Real Device-TestObject


The Sauce Labs Real Device-TestObject provides you the ability to run Qualitia test cases across Android and iOS physical devices. With its Web interface, you can run tests using different combinations of platforms, platform versions, and browsers. In this environment all Qualitia mobile application tests are executed on physical devices. Sauce Labs allows you viewing video recordings of the test case executions.

To know more about Sauce Labs click here.


Settings in the Associated Execution Profile:

You must create execution profiles that are solely used for execution on the Browserstack platform from the Qualitia Client. In those execution profiles, you must define the below settings that are mandatory for test suite execution.


Once you have triggered the offline execution, you can view the status of your ongoing executions in Perfecto's Execution Center. Each test case appears on dashboard as a single grid with execution status against it. The status is updated after each test execution is completed in Perfecto's environment with its status (FAILED / SUCCESS) against it. Select the test case from the list and click Report from top to view recording of your test case.


Qualitia and Perfecto's reports may mismatch if Qualitia test case contains any situation which ends the WebDriver session. This situation may arise due to the use of actions like Mobile.CloseApp, opening multiple WebDriver sessions in a single test case and so forth.

To view the execution report of Qualitia test cases:
