Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

This topic provides information on how to resolve the common issues you may encounter while working on web and mobile applications automation.

General Issues

This topic provides information about the general issues that you may see while working with Qualitia Studio.


Task Iterations Are Not Getting Executed

Problem: Some task iterations are skipped.

Summary: In task iterations, some iterations execute, but the remaining task iterations do not execute or none of them were executed.


You need to delete the blank cells associated with the task iterations.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Open the test case in which task iterations did not execute.

  2. Open its Test Data explorer.

  3. Select the blank cells of the following columns, and Press Delete from your keyboard.

    1. TCIteration

    2. Selection

    3. DataSetTag
      Note: All the cells can be deleted in a single go except for the first cell immediate below to DataSetTag. You need to delete this cell separately.

Unable to Add Test Data

Problem: You may encounter any of the following pop-up messages while adding the test data:

Image Added

Image Added

Reason: The antivirus of your system has blocked the test data excel file.

Solution: Open the anti-virus of your system to whitelist the QAS Client setup folder that is located at the following location:


Also, ensure that files having extensions .dll, .exe, and .JAR files are not blocked.

If this issue still occurs, request the System Administrator to examine the anti-virus log file.

Version Control Issues

This topic provides information about the issues that you may face while working with version control systems.


Version Control Error: Object Reference not set to an instance of an object.

Image Modified

This error occurs when SharpSVN is used as version control tool for the Qualitia test assets. Few SharpSVN components require Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable package.


Sometimes, it has been observed that Object Spy does not allow users to add new or update existing set of objects. For "Object Spy in IE" this usually happens when Enable Protected Mode is ON and Internet security is set to High or Medium High. These options are found under Internet Options in the Internet Explorer.
Though we do not recommend this, however, an alternative can be to set the Enable protected mode ON and set the Internet security options to Medium. This but can have flaky behaviors here and there.


Qualitia Object Spy does not add objects with XPath Locator Type 

Problem: If a page contains more than 50 child elements, Chrome Qulaitia Object Spy may fail intermittently to add objects using XPath.

Summary: Chrome Qualitia Object Spy adds the object using a locator type other than XPath though you have specified XPath as the highest priority in the locator precedence.


Unable to Switch to Mobile Web-View

Problem: In the Qualitia Mobile Recorder, you might not be able to open a web application or web-view context of a hybrid application if chrome has more than 20 open tabs. Unable to switch to Mobile Web View and Loader keeps on Loading the screen.


Qualitia Configuration File does not exist, can you please save Qualitia Configuration

Image Modified

This issue occurs when the configuration file is missing. The file is created when you save the configuration settings for the first time.

This issue may occur when creating offline package (from File > Offline Package) as well.


  1. Log on to Qualitia Automation Studio.
  2. On the Setting menu, click Configuration Setting.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Now create an offline package from File > Offline Package.


  • Generate the PAT with a user that is part of the Project Administrators group.
    Qualitia recommends this option for generating a PAT.

  • Allow Bypass Rules on Work Items Updates
    Perform the following steps:

    • In TFS/Azure DevOps project, ensure that the user that is used to generate PAT is member Contributors group / Project Team members group.

    • Click Project Settings > Permissions.

    • Select the user group that has the user to whom you want to provide access (Contributors/Project Team members).

    • From the Bypass rules on work items updates list, select Allow.
      Refer to the following screenshot.

Qualitia does not recommend this option for PAT generation as it changes the access levels for all the users in the group.

Note: Please connect with your Azure DevOps Admin team to discuss the PAT generation and access level management.


Teamcity Agent Running Headless Execution on Window Server System

Sometimes users are unable to view the test case execution on the designated TeamCity build agent. 

It is observed that setting the right Java path resolves this problem. You can try below:
