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Qualitia Configuration File does not exist, can you please save Qualitia Configuration.

This issue occurs when the configuration file is missing. The file is created when you save the configuration settings for the first time.


  1. Log on to Qualitia Automation Studio.
  2. On the Settings menu, click Configuration Settings.
  3. Click Save.


When trying to log in into Qualitia, the user may get the following error [when the machine is cloned with Qualitia Installation].

Qualitia License Key Not Found. (H0007)

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In case you come across this error:


​You can now log on to Qualitia Client without any error.2017-7-26_9-1-11.png


Unable to Execute Offline Package

Qualitia automatically registers all the binaries to system registry during installation, but sometimes this registration does not take place due to some environmental issue. The non-registered dll may cause different unexpected errors including but not limited to unexpected report layouts, inability to execute test cases from offline package and so on. In case you find such issues, ensure that the dll registry is proper by following the steps below:

  • How to validate QualitiaCore.dll is not registered?

Create a .vbs file, put below code snippet into it and save it to a location on your drive. Execute (double-click) this .vbs file. If any error message appears it indicates QualitiaCore.dll is not registered. If it does not show any message this means registry is alright.

Code Block
Dim logs, conn
Set logs = CreateObject("QualitiaCore.QLogger")
Set conn = CreateObject("QualitiaCore.DatabaseConnectionHelper")
msgbox err.description
  • How to register QualitiaCore.dll?

If you find the error explained in step 1, then follow steps below.

  1. Launch Command Prompt as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to the folder where you have stored offline package.
  3. Execute the following command:

    Code Block
    "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\<Version_Number>\RegAsm.exe" /codebase QualitiaCore.dll

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If the registration is successful then appropriate message will be displayed on the command prompt.

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Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Xml\Suite.xml'

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This issue occurs when somehow xml folder is not created during the installation process. You can create a folder named as xml at the C drive to resolve this issue. 

Unable to Execute Test Cases in Internet Explorer

When a test case execution starts in Internet Explorer, the Internet Explorer does not open, and UFT closes. Also, in the Errorlog.txt, a message is displayed as “Testcase xml is missing”.

The reason is due to unavailability of the relevant add-in of the Internet Explorer for testing the application.


  1. Open the UFT, specify the application URL, and the browser as Internet Explorer.

  2. Click the Record button.
    A pop-up message opens which shows the message as “Some third-party add-ins are required to launch this URL. Do you want to enable these add-ins?”

  3. Click Yes to enable the required add-ins.

  4. Record few steps and save them.

  5. Run them through UFT.

  6. If the execution is successful, open the Internet Explorer, and check the name of new add-in enabled.

  7. Run the test case through Qualitia.

Unable to Launch Qualitia Desktop Client

Problem: The Qualitia Client is not opening and also you do not see any error message.

Reason: Your organization’s security policies may be restricting the Qualitia Client from opening.

Workaround: Perform the following steps to resolve the issue.

  1. Go to %Localappdata%\QualitiaQTPClient\app-x.x.x.
    Note:x.x.x refers to the Qualitia for Desktop version you have installed.

  2. Open the Qualitia.exe.Config file.

  3. In the <runtime> node, between </assemblyBinding> and </runtime>, enter the following tag: 
    <enforceFIPSPolicy enabled="false" />

  4. Save the configuration file.

  5. Open the Qualitia Client.