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🔍 At Qualitia Automation Studio (QAS), we 're are on a mission to make your test automation journey as smooth as a Sunday your morning coffee. Guess what? Our secret ingredient is “Objects'Objects,' which boosts enhances your test automation experience by efficiently managing your testing elements.

🌟 Core Features:

Here are some of the core features:

  • 🔑 Object Management: This feature allows you to You can create, editupdate, delete, locate, and import objects. This ensures your testing environment is always up-to-date and reflective of your application's current state.

  • 🎉 Regular Expressions: Powerful tool used for Efficient pattern matching and text manipulation. Regular expressions are also called Regex and are primarily used in test automation to find and interact with dynamic or variable elements in the application being tested.

  • 🔄 Keys: In QAS, you You can store values in keys and use them in your tests, enhancing . This enhances the flexibility and maintainability of your test cases. The scope of keys is limited to the specific test case in which they are used, allowing for the reuse of identical key names in different test cases without conflicts.

  • 🔗 Concatenating Keys and Strings: The ability to concatenate keys and strings provides the flexibility to create dynamic values based on your testing needs.

  • 🎭 Special Characters: QAS supports special characters like braces for key name identifiers, forward slash as an escape character, and caret as a separator for array data. These special characters provide additional flexibility in defining your test data.

  • 📍 Locator Types: QAS offers a variety of locator types for both web and mobile objects. They act as your compass, guiding your test scripts to interact with the right elements. Whether you are working with IDs, Names, Link Text, CSS, XPath for web objects, or UiAutomator, ID, Accessibility ID, Class, XPath for mobile objects, QAS has got you covered. Understanding and using these locator types effectively will enable you to create efficient, reliable test scripts, making your journey in test automation a smooth sail.

  • 🔍 SmartLocator: Dealing with dynamic objects can be a challenging task. These are elements that change their properties, such as ID or name, every time the page is loaded, making them difficult to identify consistently. This is where SmartLocator comes into play. It is a robust solution for handling dynamic objects. It automatically identifies dynamic objects during the execution of a test case. It uses advanced algorithms to locate these objects based on their properties and behaviors, even when their identifiers change.
