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This topic provides information on how to resolve the common issues you may encounter while working on web and mobile applications automation.

General Issues

This topic provides information about the general issues that you may see while working with Qualitia Studio.


Problem: The following error message occurs while adding a new LDAP user: The user name or password is incorrect.

Root Causes: The above error may occur due to the following reasons:

  • You are trying to add a LDAP user by accessing the Notification Server remotely.

  • The application identified is a local account and does not have the permission to browse the Active Directory.

  • Domain password of the user you are trying to add has expired.


The following table shows the error message displayed on the screen or shown in the logs.



User is Inactive

When the user is marked as inactive in the database. The solution is the user must be activated from the database. 

Invalid Password

When the user has entered the wrong password. The solution is to enter the correct password or request the admin to reset a password.

The Authentication has failed

When the user authentication fails due to an incorrect username.

No active session is mapped to the client

When a user logins again, the user is not able to find any session.

Could not find a client with the specified client Id

When the client id is invalid. The solution is to provide the valid client Id must be provided from the configuration file.

Could not find a user with the specified user Id

When user Id is invalid. The solution is to enter the correct user Id.



This error occurs when Qualitia is launched using the incorrect shortcut and user tries to execute the test case for Mobile web or native application.


  1. Go to the Windows Service:

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  2. Right-click on the Qualitia.Web.Service service.

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  3. Click Properties from the context menu.

  4. Click the Log On tab.

  5. Select the This account checkbox:

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  6. Click Browse. The Select User window appears:

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  7. Click Locations, select the Entire Directory option on the Locations windows, and then click OK:

  8. Enter the name of the system user you want to select and click Check Names:

  9. Enter the password in the Password and Confirm password field.

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  10. Click Apply.

  11. Restart the Qualitia.Web.Service service.


  1. Open the computer where the Qualitia Server is installed.

  2. Double-click the Qualitia - Server icon on your desktop.

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  3. Click the Repair button.


  1. On the Qualitia License Server, open the url: http://localhost:1947/_int_/products.html

  2. If you see following error “Disabled due to Cloning”, take the screenshot and open a support ticket.

  3. If no such error is displayed in the Qualitia License Server, restart the “Sentinal LDK License Manager” service on the server system.

  4. If the issue persists for a particular Qualitia Client system only, re-validate the settings documented /wiki/spaces/QAS8/pages/1381630355.

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Solution: This error occurs when the Sentinel License Manager is missing on the designated machine. Before initiating the Qualitia installation, you must first activate Qualitia license. Activating license includes installing Sentinel License Manager (haspdinst.exe).


You will find this file in the Support_Packages folder shared with Qualitia Automation Studio setup.



Do one of the following:

If you have access to Manage Windows Credentials of your computer

Perform the following steps:

  1. From the Start menu of your computer, open Control Panel.

  2. Click User Accounts > Credential Manager > Manage Windows Credentials.

  3. Delete all the credentials associated with the Git server.

  4. After deleting the Git server credentials, push the project artifacts.

If you do not have access to Manage Windows Credentials of your computer

Perform the following steps:

  1. Open the command prompt.

  2. Enter the following command and hit Enter to delete the stored Git server credentials:
    For /F "tokens=1,* delims= " %G in ('cmdkey /list ^| findstr git') do cmdkey /delete %H

  3. After deleting the Git server credentials, push the project artifacts.

Filename too long (Git-version control system)


Though we do not recommend this, however, an alternative can be to set the Enable protected mode ON and set the Internet security options to Medium. This but can have flaky behaviors here and there.


Qualitia Object Spy Does Not Add Objects with XPath Locator Type 


Reason 1: AUT is not loading within 120s.

Solution 1: You can check whether your application under test is taking more than 120 seconds to load. Contact Qualitia support on configuring the time-out.


Unable to Switch to Mobile Web-View

Problem: In the Qualitia Mobile Recorder, you might not be able to open a web application or web-view context of a hybrid application if chrome has more than 20 open tabs. Unable to switch to Mobile Web View and Loader keeps on Loading the screen.


The DragAndDropToObject Action is not Working

Problem: The DragandDropToObjectaction fails to drag and drop an object to the specified location. The execution report displays the associated step as Passed though no operation was performed on the object.

Summary: The DragAndDropToObject action fails when the draggable attribute for the associated HTML element for the object is set to false.

Solution: Modify the associated HTML element for the object to set the draggable attribute to true or auto.

The OpenApplication Action is Getting Failed

Problem: The OpenApplication action fails on UFT version 2021 and above. 

Reason: The OpenApplication action fails while launch API due to technical limitation.

Solution: Use the UFT versions older than 2021.

The SearchandSelect Action of Lookup is Getting Failed


Solution: Create a new offline package for the newly created custom action. For more information, refer to Creating an Offline Package.

Importing Offline Package Report


Qualitia configuration file does not exist, can you please save Qualitia Configuration


This issue occurs when the configuration file is missing. The file is created when you save the configuration settings for the first time.

This issue may occur when creating offline package (from File > Offline Package) as well.


  1. Log on to Qualitia Automation Studio.

  2. On the Setting menu, click Configuration Setting.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Now create an offline package from File > Offline Package.


  • Generate the PAT with a user that is part of the Project Administrators group.
    Qualitia recommends this option for generating a PAT.

  • Allow Bypass Rules on Work Items Updates
    Perform the following steps:

    • In TFS/Azure DevOps project, ensure that the user that is used to generate PAT is member Contributors group / Project Team members group.

    • Click Project Settings > Permissions.

    • Select the user group that has the user to whom you want to provide access (Contributors/Project Team members).

    • From the Bypass rules on work items updates list, select Allow.
      Refer to the following screenshot.

Qualitia does not recommend this option for PAT generation as it changes the access levels for all the users in the group.

Note: Please connect with your Azure DevOps Admin team to discuss the PAT generation and access level management.


Teamcity Agent Running Headless Execution on Window Server System

Sometimes users are unable to view the test case execution on the designated TeamCity build agent. 

It is observed that setting the right Java path resolves this problem. You can try below:
