Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Welcome to the Develop feature in Qualitia Automation Studio, your one-stop solution for creating, managing, and optimizing your test automation projects. This feature is the heart of Qualitia, where you can create and organize Test Suites, Test Scenarios, Test Cases, Test Steps, Tasks, Task Steps, Objects, and Test Data Parameterization. It's where the magic happens!

🌟 Core Features:


📚 Test Suite & Test Scenario

Test Suites and Test Scenarios are the building blocks of your testing process. They allow you to group related Test Cases together, providing a structured and organized approach to your testing. With Qualitia, creating and managing these elements is as easy as a few clicks.

🎯 Test Case & Test Step


🔄 Tasks & Task Steps

Tasks are reusable components that can be used across multiple Test Cases, and Task Steps are the individual steps that make up a Task. With Qualitia, you can easily create and manage tasks, speeding up your automation process and making it easier to maintain.

🔍 Objects

Objects in Qualitia represent the elements of the application under test. They are your gateway to interacting with the application during the execution of a Test Case or Task. With Qualitia, managing these objects is a breeze.

🔄 Test Data Parameterization

Test Data Parameterization allows you to run a Test Case or Task multiple times with different sets of data. This feature is a game-changer, allowing you to test how the application handles various inputs without having to create a separate Test Case or Task for each set of data.

Understanding the Qualitia Automation Studio Client Develop module interface.



  1. User should have the QAS client installed.

  2. Project should have been created.

  3. User should have been assigned to the project.

  4. A test scenario should exist.

  5. For Test Steps, a test case should exist.



User should have the below privileges:


  • Import Feature: Import test cases or other project elements.

  • Manage Custom Action Code: Oversee the custom action scripts in your projects.

  • Manage Objects: Control the objects within your testing environment.

  • Manage Scenarios: Control the scenarios within your test suites.

  • Synchronize Objects: Keep your test objects synchronized.

  • Test Development: Create and update test cases.


Process Flow

👁️View Test Steps.


  1. Login to Qualitia Automation Studio Client <insert Screenshot>

  1. Access Develop from left navigation of your Qualitia Automation Studio Client to view Test Explorer screen.

  1. On the Explorer section, you can view existing Test Scenarios. <Include Screenshot>

  1. Click Expand option on the test scenario.

  1. All test cases under the scenario will be listed.

  1. Clicking on a test case will show all the

Test Steps in the middle section <Test Step Editor section?



‍➕ Create Test Steps.


  1. Login to Qualitia Automation Studio Client <insert Screenshot>

  1. Access Develop from left navigation of your Qualitia Automation Studio -Client to view Test Explorer screen.

  1. On the Explorer section, you can view existing Test Scenarios. <Include Screenshot>

  1. Click expand option to view test cases.

  1. Click a test case to add test steps.

  1. When a new test case is created, there will be a default step 1 created. <middle section – include screenshot>.

  1. Click dropdown Create Step.

  1. Select Create TC Step.

  1. If you intend to create a step above an existing step, select the test step and then from the Create Step dropdown, click Create TC Above.

10.   Clicking will add a new step after the last step.


Note: TC step can be blank to additional step placeholders. Clicking Create TC Step or Create TC Above without updating a test step Create TC Above will continue to add multiple blank steps.


Tasks in Qualitia Automation Studio are used to group related test steps together to create reusable components. This can help to make automation easier to maintain and speed up the automation process.

Remember, the goal of using tasks is to improve the efficiency and maintainability of your test automation. If creating a task doesn't contribute to these goals, it might be better not to use them. Refer to the Golden Nuggets section for more information.

The interesting thing about Tasks is, they can be created independently and then associated with Test Cases. You can be productive from day 1 even when your test scenarios and test cases are not ready.


➕ Create Tasks and Task Steps.


There are two ways to create Tasks:

 View Tasks


  1. Login to Qualitia Automation Studio Client <insert Screenshot>

  1. Access Develop from left navigation of your Qualitia Automation Studio -Client to view Test Explorer screen.

  1. On the Explorer section, you can view existing Test Scenarios. <Include Screenshot>

  1. Click Tasks.

  1. You can search for the existing test cases using the Search bar.

  1. You can filter test cases by clicking Filter icon.

  1. This will open a popup window in which you can enter text to find. <include screenshot>

  1. You can find tasks and task steps by clicking Find.

  1. This will open a popup window in which you can enter text to find. <include screenshot>

10.   If you have a long list of tasks and you wanted to scroll to the last task you were working on, click on the Scroll to Selection icon.


Creating Tasks independent of Test Case:


<Include Screenshot>


  1. Login to Qualitia Automation Studio Client <insert Screenshot>

  1. Access Develop from left navigation of your Qualitia Automation Studio -Client to view Test Explorer screen.

  1. On the Explorer section, you can view existing Test Scenarios. <Include Screenshot>

  1. Click Tasks.

  1. When a new task case is created, there will be a default step 1 created. <Middle Section - Task Editor Section? – include screenshot>.

  1. Flexibility to create Tasks:

a.       Option 1

                                                               i.      Click Create Step dropdown.

                                                             ii.      Select Add Task Step or Add Task Step Above based on your context.

b.       Option 2

                                                               i.      Click Create Task dropdown.

                                                             ii.      Select Add Task Step or Add Task Step Above based on your context.

  1. Clicking


a.       Name: Enter a name for the task that’s easy to recognize. Maximum length permitted is 300 characters including spaces.

b.       Description: A brief description about the task.




Creating Tasks as part of the Test Case:


<Include Screenshot>


  1. Login to Qualitia Automation Studio Client <insert Screenshot>

  1. Access Develop from left navigation of your Qualitia Automation Studio -Client to view Test Explorer screen.

  1. On the Explorer section, you can view existing Test Scenarios. <Include Screenshot>

  1. Click expand option to view test cases.

  1. Click a test case to add test steps.

  1. Click Create Step to add a new step.

  1. Clicking Create Step will add a new line.

  1. Click the + button (Create Step) in the new line to create a new Task.


a.       Name: Enter a name for the task that’s easy to recognize. Maximum length permitted is 300 characters including spaces.

b.       Description: A brief description about the Task.

10.   Once completed, click Create to proceed. Otherwise, click Discard


Note: Creation of Test Steps and Tasks are context sensitive. Assume you have selected a Test Step, when you click on Create Step you will have options to:

  1. Add TC Step

  2. Add TC Step Above

  3. Add Task Step

  4. Add Task Step Above


Assume you have selected a selected a Task Step, when you click on Create Step you will have options to:

  1. Add TC Step

  2. Add TC Step Above


Additional actions you can perform while developing test automation:


  1. Remove a Test Step

  2. Remove a Task

  3. Remove a Condition

  4. Move a Task one line up.

  5. Move a Task one line down.

  6. Create a Note

  7. Hide

  8. Find

  9. Save


Refer to the table Understanding the Qualitia Automation Studio Client Develop module interface to understand more.


  • Importing Tasks from Another Project

  •  Updating a Conflicted Task

  •  Importing Tasks in Bulk

  •  Viewing Import History of a Task

‍🧑‍💼Manage Test Steps.




  1. Login to Qualitia Automation Studio Client <insert Screenshot>

  1. Access

Develop from left navigation of your Qualitia Automation Studio -Client to view Test Explorer screen.

  1. On the

Explorer section, you can view existing Test Scenarios. <Include Screenshot>

  1. Click expand option on the test scenario.

  1. All the test cases under the scenario will be listed.

  1. Click on a test case to view all the

Tasks and Test Steps under the Test Case.

  1. Actions you can perform:

a.       Add a new Task

b.       Add a Task above

c.       Add a TC step

d.       Add a TC step above

e.       Move a Test Step / Task one line up

f.        Move a Test Step / Task one line down

g.       Remove a Test Step

h.       Remove a Task

i.         Remove a Condition

j.         Create a Note

k.       Hide


❌ Remove

  1. Login to Qualitia Automation Studio Client <insert Screenshot>

  1. Access

Develop from left navigation of your Qualitia Automation Studio -Client to view Test Explorer screen.

  1. On the

Explorer section, you can view existing Test Scenarios.

  1. Hover mouse over a test case to view the Delete option.

  1. Click on the

Bin icon.

  1. Alternatively, you can select a test case in the middle section <details section?> and click

Bin icon to delete.

  1. <To be written> Because QAS client was not working.


💡 Golden Nuggets: Best Practices for Test Scenario Management When managing test cases


in Qualitia Automation Studio, a strategic approach can improve efficiency and prevent issues down the line. Here are some best practices to consider:

Break scenarios into test cases: Once you have defined scenarios, break them down into individual test cases that cover specific functionality or test conditions. Each test case should focus on testing a single aspect or behavior.

Example: In an e-commerce application scenario called "Checkout Process," break it down into separate test cases such as "Add Item to Cart," "Apply Coupon Code," "Select Shipping Method," and "Place Order." Each test case focuses on testing a specific functionality within the overall checkout process.

Create modular and reusable test cases: Design test cases in a modular and reusable manner. This means that test cases can be executed independently and reused in different scenarios or for cross-functional tests. Avoid duplicating test steps or data across multiple test case.

Example: Create a reusable test case called "User Login." This test case covers the login functionality and can be reused across different scenarios that require user authentication. Avoid duplicating login steps in other test cases and instead reference the "User Login" test case.

Define scenario-specific setup and teardown: If certain test cases within a scenario require specific setup steps or teardown activities, define them at the scenario level. This helps in maintaining consistency and ensures that necessary preconditions are set up before executing the test cases.

Example: In a scenario related to file upload functionality, define the setup steps at the scenario level to ensure that the necessary preconditions are met. This could include actions such as creating test files in a specific directory or configuring the file upload settings before executing the related test cases.

Use descriptive scenario and test case names: Provide clear and descriptive names for scenarios and test cases. Use naming conventions that indicate the purpose, functionality, or specific test condition being addressed. This makes it easier to locate and understand the tests.

Example: Use clear and descriptive names such as "Product Search by Keyword" for a scenario and "Verify Search Results Displayed" for a test case. This naming convention makes it easier to understand the purpose and functionality being addressed without delving into the specific test steps.

Use placeholders for test steps: Instead of providing specific test steps, use descriptive keywords or phrases that outline the intended actions. For example, use terms like "perform action A" or "verify result B" without going into implementation details.

Focus on test objectives: Clearly state the objective or goal of the test case without specifying the exact steps to achieve it. For instance, mention the expected outcome or behavior you want to validate, rather than the specific actions to take.

Example: State the objective as "Verify successful payment processing" instead of providing detailed steps on how to achieve it. This focuses on the expected outcome or behavior to be validated rather than prescribing the exact actions to take.

Document test assumptions: If there are any assumptions related to the test case, explicitly state them in a separate section. Assumptions can include prerequisites, specific system states, or test environment conditions. By doing so, you keep the test steps independent of these contextual factors.

Example: In a test case, explicitly state assumptions such as "Assumes a valid user account already exists" or "Requires a stable internet connection." This clarifies the preconditions or contextual factors without embedding them within the test steps.

  1. Exclude specific test data:

Avoid including specific test data or examples within the test cases. Instead, indicate the type or characteristics of the data required without providing actual values. This allows for flexibility in selecting appropriate test data during execution.

Refer to external sources: If there are external resources, documents, or specifications to be used during the test, mention them without embedding the actual content. This approach maintains the test case's independence from specific reference materials.

10.   Separate test configuration details: Keep any configuration or setup details separate from the test case itself. If there are specific configurations required for the test, refer to them without providing the actual configuration values or steps.

11.   Regular Reviews: Conduct regular reviews of test cases and usage to optimize test scenario management.

12.   When to use Tasks:

a.       Reusability: If you have a set of steps that are used frequently across multiple test cases, it's beneficial to create a task. This allows you to reuse the same set of steps without having to recreate them each time.

b.       Maintainability: Tasks can make your test cases easier to maintain. If a common set of steps needs to be updated, you only need to update the task, and the changes will be reflected in all test cases where the task is used.c.       Organization: Tasks can help to organize your test cases by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable pieces. This can make your test cases easier to understand and work with.

13.   When not to use Tasks:

a.       Unique Steps: If a set of steps is unique to a specific test case and is not likely to be used in other test cases, it might not be necessary to create a task.

b.       Simplicity: If a test case is simple and doesn't include many steps, creating tasks might add unnecessary complexity.

14.   One-time Use: If you're creating a test case for a one-time use or for a feature that's likely to change significantly, it might not be worth the time to create tasks.



📞📚 Here to Help: Support and Resources

Need a helping hand? Don't hesitate to reach out to your Qualitia Relationship Manager. For more resources, our official Qualitia documentation and community website are just a click away!