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These release notes provide information about the new features added to Qualitia Automation Studio. They also provide details about the enhancements done, bugs fixed, and known issues in this release.

We are happy to announce the release of Qualitia Automation Studio couldn’t be more excited about releasing Qualitia 8.6.0.

We are bringing you some exciting new features that will take user experience to a whole new level.

With every step, we strive to make automation development with Qualitia even easier, even faster, and even more reliable.

Qualitia Automation Studio 8.6.0 Release Notes

What’s New?




Known Issues


Bug Fixes


1 at the time we are right now.   

We thank our users for their continued support and valued input into the features and developments of Qualitia 8.6.1. Guided by your feedback and driven by the latest innovations, our team has always worked hard to expand our capability with every release, making it possible for your users to fully benefit from test automation. 

Qualitia Automation Studio 8.6.1 Release Notes


  • Introduced a feature to create a copy of a suite for easy suite management from existing suites.

  • Introduced support for Android version 11 and above in the mobile automation.

  • Introduced feature to change scenario of a test case.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue related to JSON comparison report incorrect link issue during Azure DevOps executions.

  • Fixed issue on Integration Status page for filtering of the test cases based on publish status.

  • Fixed issue with customized database server port not honored in configurations.

  • Cosmetic UI changes for better compatibility with Windows Server 2019 operating system.

  • Improved handling of XML documents in XML based actions.

  • Minor bug fixes in Image based object recognition in Object Spy.

  • Fixed issues observed in Test data management during Task steps sequence change.

  • Fixed issue observed in Task navigation making application non-responsive.

Known Issues

  • Scheduler execution does not start if another scheduled execution is in progress.

  • Qualitia JIRA Defect integration is supported only till version 8.22 of on-premises JIRA.

  • Internet Explorer support is not available for recording or execution if Internet Explorer is not available on the machine, or you have set up auto redirect to the Edge browser.

  • Recording resumes from the recorder strap while executing the script via dry run and debugger.

  • If "Microsoft Windows Unquoted Service Path Enumeration" vulnerability is reported for Qualitia.Web.Service, then the same needs to be resolved manually. Server setup cannot handle the same.

  • Qualitia Client settings may get wiped off if there is no disk space on Qualitia Client machine.

  • For test cases aborted inside Suite of Suites, the execution time shows 0hr 00m 00sec. This is only for jobs which get aborted due to service restart.

Qualitia Automation Studio 8.6.0 Release Notes

What’s New?

  • Introduced image-based object recognition feature to capture objects based on image snapshots from a webpage.

  • Introduced new object types and actions for SalesForce automation.


  • Improved performance of Qualitia Client for loading project, test cases, and tasks quicker.

  • Added a confirmation dialog box when you try to close Qualitia Client.

  • Added miscellaneous settings for executions based on environmental settings.

  • Updated the VerifyStringContainsValue action to handle null values.

  • Updated the ReplaceAndStoreText action to remove characters using empty string as one of the inputs.

  • Improved report purging process to make Qualitia server responsive while purging continues at the background.

  • Updated timeout for Qualitia scheduled executions to avoid early termination after 2.5 hours.

  • Updated identified cases with Shadow DOM object identification.

  • Updated the data displayed in heat map to include data for selected date range of two years when yearly date range spans across two calendar years.

  • Updated error notification in case SVN/Git integration results in exception during working of Qualitia.

Known Issues

  • Scheduler execution does not start if another scheduled execution is in progress.

  • Qualitia JIRA Defect integration is supported only till version 8.22 of on-premises JIRA.

  • Internet Explorer support is not available for recording or execution if Internet Explorer is not available on the machine, or you have set up auto redirect to the Edge browser.

  • Recording resumes from the recorder strap while executing the script via dry run and debugger.

  • If "Microsoft Windows Unquoted Service Path Enumeration" vulnerability is reported for Qualitia.Web.Service, then the same needs to be resolved manually. Server setup cannot handle the same.

  • Qualitia Client settings may get wiped off if there is no disk space on Qualitia Client machine.

  • The Qualitia user interface appears to be distorted when it is installed on Windows Server 2019.

  • For test cases aborted inside Suite of Suites, the execution time shows 0hr 00m 00sec. This is only for jobs which get aborted due to service restart.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues related to test case selection while adding test case in suite.

  • Fixed issue in offline execution in Bamboo pipelines.

  • Fixed cosmetic issues in the purge functionality of Reporting portal.

  • Updated Reporting portal to handle invalid authentication token in the session more effectively.

  • Updated the AttachFile action to be compatible with Sauce executions.

  • Updated the log4j library to the latest stable version.

  • Fixed the defects related to TSR merging performed during the Import Task feature.

  • Updated the test integration screen to display Azure DevOps test case ID for easy reference of Azure DevOps tests in Qualitia.

  • Made cosmetic UI fixes in Qualitia client user interface.

That’s it for now! 

If you have any questions or feedback – we’d love to hear your thoughts!


Enhanced UFT support 
This version supports UFT version 2021. This means Qualitia 8.5.0 has all the latest API access for desktop automation. 

Known Issues

  • Execution of suites having test cases with large test data iterations, such as 5000 iteration rows and 500 parameter columns, fails to start.

  • While purging the old Qualitia Reports in large volumes, such as 16 GB reports with 44 GB data, you may see the "Error occurred while fetching purge listing" error.
    As a workaround, purge the old Qualitia Reports in chunks instead of purging large volumes at the same time.

  • Recording or executing test cases using Internet Explorer browser fails with a timeout error message in the QualitiaEngine.log file. This issue occurs as the WebDriverManager does not identify the IE browser version and hence it fails to download the appropriate driver.

    As a workaround, download and add a driver that is compatible with IE browser version manually and provide the path in Qualitia Settings by navigating to Browser>IE.

  • In the Dashboard Heatmap, if the date range spans across two calendar years, the heatmap shows the data only for the latest year.

  • In the Dashboard, for the date filters, the following behavior is observed:

    • If you select the current date, which is today’s date, the selection is applied.

    • If you select a date range, the starting date is applied but not the end date. Details up to the current date are displayed, irrespective of what end date is selected.

    • If you select a date from previous years, then the selection is ignored. Data for only the current year is displayed.

  • When you purge more than 2 GB of data, the purge status of the batch is not marked as completed as expected.

  • In the Dashboard – Test Trend, the unexecuted test cases from a suite are not included in the calculations.

  • For test cases aborted inside Suite of Suites, the execution time shows 0hr 00m 00sec. This is only for jobs which get aborted due to service restart.

  • Overriding an environment variable that is used in multiple QAS projects from the Azure DevOps pipeline overrides the environment variable across all QAS projects.
    You can use any of the following workarounds:

    • Do not use the same environment variable name across multiple Qualitia projects that are linked with an AzureDevOps project.

    • If you already have an environment variable that is used across multiple Qualitia projects with AzureDevOps pipeline, do not override the environment variable from AzureDevOps pipeline.

    • Ensure that the tests from different Qualitia projects are not linked to the AzureDevOps tests in the same test suite.

    • Ensure that environment variables names in multiple Qualitia projects do not match. You may prefix them with the project name.


  • You can now link multiple Qualitia projects to the same project in Azure DevOps. You can manage your testing efficiently by organizing all Qualitia projects separately under a single Azure DevOps project.

  • You can now link Qualitia test cases from different Qualitia projects to manual test cases in a single Azure DevOps project.

  • You can now quickly search the Azure DevOps Test Plan and Azure DevOps Test Suite while linking the Qualitia test case to Azure DevOps test case instead of scrolling from the drop-down list to save time.

Bug Fixes

  • The performance issues observed when loading and editing large test cases using Test Case Editor have been fixed.

  • The stability issue with WaitForInvisibility action has been fixed.

  • The issue where Qualitia Automation Studio would become unresponsive while adding or removing test cases has been fixed.

  • The issue of test cases taking longer time to load from dry run has been fixed.

  • The issue with Suite Stability Comparison chart where the charts would not display when switching from one suite to another has been fixed.

  • The issue with the QAS Server not working after installation has been fixed.

  • The issue with not being able to process the environment variables from the Qualitia settings has been fixed.

  • The issue where the execution of the WaitForInnerText and WaitForInnerTextMatches pattern actions would fail has been fixed.

  • The issue where the execution of the WaitForInvisibility action would fail has been fixed.

  • The issues with the Test Plan and Test Suite search have been fixed to provide better search results.

  • The issue where an error was displayed when you click on the Save as report option on the Summary Report screen has been fixed.

  • The issue where you had to restart the Qualitia Automation Studio after modifying the System Execution Profile has been fixed.

  • The issue where the "The insert statement conflicted with the foreign key..." error was displayed while saving a test case has been fixed.

  • The issues with the Suites Filter not working properly for Azure DevOps executions have been fixed.

  • The issue where the “Error occurred while applying project schema” error was displayed while creating a Desktop project has been fixed.

  • The issue where after unlinking an Azure DevOps project, the button label was displayed as Azure DevOps instead of Link on the Project screen has been fixed.

  • The issue of the toast message of partially purged reports not displayed completely on RTR has been fixed.

  • The issue with large test cases, where it would take longer to add or remove a test case step, has been fixed.

Known Issues

  • Execution of suites having test cases with large test data iterations, such as 5000 iteration rows and 500 parameter columns, fails to start.

  • When a step inside a task that is being moved down crosses over another step being moved up, the test data of the test cases using the task being moved goes into inconsistent state. This issue is observed only when two test steps being moved in opposite direction cross other.

  • While purging the old Qualitia Reports in large volumes, such as 16 GB reports with 44 GB data, you may see the "Error occurred while fetching purge listing" error.
    As a workaround, purge the old Qualitia Reports in chunks instead of purging large volumes at the same time.

  • For test cases aborted inside Suite of Suites, the execution time shows 0hr 00m 00sec. This is only for jobs which get aborted due to service restart.

  • Overriding an environment variable that is used in multiple QAS projects from the Azure DevOps pipeline overrides the environment variable across all QAS projects.
    You can use any of the following workarounds:

    • Do not use the same environment variable name across multiple Qualitia projects that are linked with an AzureDevOps project.

    • If you already have an environment variable that is used across multiple Qualitia projects with AzureDevOps pipeline, do not override the environment variable from AzureDevOps pipeline.

    • Ensure that the tests from different Qualitia projects are not linked to the AzureDevOps tests in the same test suite.

    • Ensure that environment variables names in multiple Qualitia projects do not match. You may prefix them with the project name.


  • Enhanced the user experience for environment variables to enable environment variable management for a project easily. The variables are automatically shared across all the project users. You can now also overwrite the values of the variables at local level for customizations.

  • The Perfecto API has been added to support File Upload.The Perfecto File upload API was changed by Perfecto. Hence, it was not possible to upload the artifacts to the repository using Qualitia Automation Studio. It was required to upload the artifacts to the repository manually and mention the repository storage path in the test case.
    You can now easily upload the artifacts to the repository using Qualitia Automation Studio by providing the local directory path of application file.

  • A new setting called MaxSnapshotWriterQueueCapacity has been added to enable you to manage the queue capacity in the execution settings. In case you run out of memory and the logs say that the queue size is too large, you can adjust the queue capacity using the MaxSnapshotWriterQueueCapacity setting.

  • Upgraded Log4j version to 2.17 to fix the Log4J vulnerability issue.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the performance issues of suite execution by making execution JSONs available while starting the suite execution. This reduces the time taken to start the suite executions and avoids application going into non-responsive state.

  • Fixed the Real Time Reporting issues where the state of suite was not aborted after 1 hour in case of unexpected error.

  • Implemented retry mechanism in Qualitia Remote agent to try to get the test case artifacts from Qualitia server if first attempt fails.

  • Introduced a setting to bypass validation for user permissions during Server installation, if necessary Database privileges are not set up in the Database configurations for the Database user performing the Qualitia server installation.

  • Enabled database configuration wait time for Server setup to address latency issues between Qualitia Server and Database server.

  • Fixed performance issues observed while adding a new test in a large suite.

  • Fixed the issue of handling Azure DevOps suite names containing single quotes.

  • Fixed the issue with encrypted environment variable values for overwriting the values of the variables from the command prompt/Azure DevOps executions.

  • The threshold percentage values to be used to show warning for disk space in Real time reporting has been made configurable so that you can set thresholds lower than default values.

  • Fixed the issue with incorrect execution profile selection by multiple users of a project.

  • Fixed the issue in updating SVN/Git password in version control settings.

  • Fixed the Real Time Report issue of RTR data not being displayed when large number of projects and suites are available for Azure SQL database.

  • Fixed the issue with screenshot visibility in the Real Time Reports.

  • Improved the message that is logged to understand cause of Failure of Sauce Tunnelling.

  • Fixed the issue in desktop executions to display execution report after successfully closing UFT instance used for execution.

  • Fixed the issue with statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter of the WaitForVisibility action.

  • Fixed the issue when the task would not open and throw the "please update latest version of file" error.

  • Fixed the acceptSSLCerts issue for execution.

Known Issues

  • You may experience performance issues when editing a test case with large volume of test data associated with it.

  • Execution fails to start for the suites having test cases with large test data iterations.

  • Test data gets corrupt when the task steps are moved up or down.

  • Mobile Object Spy, Mobile Recording, and Mobile execution do not support Android real devices and emulators with Android 11 operating system and above.

  • Internet Explorer (IE) does not support Shadow DOM. Hence, IE Object Spy and IE Recorder do not support Shadow DOM Object Spyingand IE Recorder do not support Shadow DOM Object Spying.

  • For test cases aborted inside Suite of Suites, the execution time shows 0hr 00m 00sec. This is only for jobs which get aborted due to service restart.

  • SFDC objects do not support the following features:

    • Polling Interval and Time Out on object level

    • Wait actions


Qualitia Automation Studio 8.3.3 Release Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the Real-time reporting issues for longer executions where the suite execution details were not updated to the Reports dashboard.

  • Fixed the Real-time reporting issue where the filter options did not work as expected for Azure SQL database if the number of project and suite executions are high.

  • Fixed the issue on the Task screen to display appropriate error message when the XML file associated with the task is missing.

Known Issues

  • FireFox Recorder uses the SetWindowSize action instead of MaximizeBrowser when the browser is maximized during recording.

  • Currently, Mobile Object Spy and Mobile Recorder do not support the Shadow Dom feature.

  • The "Highlighted object(s) does not exist on the current page" error message occurs for all objects even if the objects are highlighted. This is an intermittent issue for Object Spy.

  • In Shadow DOM, Web ObjectSpy and Web Recorder do not support element with dynamic attributes which have non-null attribute value.

  • Unknown error exception occurs while performing actions on the Shadow DOM object:
    For the Click and MouseOver actions, you can use the alternative actions ClickJS and MouseOverJS, respectively provided by Qualitia.
    For similar issues with other actions, contact Qualitia Customer Support.

  • Test Case execution from ALM fails when the integrated Test Case is locked or out of sync, when the associated task is modified by some other Test Case or from the Task tab.
    To work around this issue, unlock the Test Case or open and save the impacted test case, and then execute the Test Case again from ALM.

  • Commit from GIT fails for long file paths, though it works from GIT Bash. For example, C:\Users\localadmin\Documents\DND_QDS_Automation_Backup\DND_QDS_AutomationProject\Regression_Repo.
    To work around this issue, use short file path. For example, C:\.

  • Mobile execution with the “_appiumOption” capability as “Automatic” does not work With ALM integration. ALM does not allow to connect to the appium server even when the server starts successfully at the localhost. Once ALM is disconnected, the appium server is connected successfully, and the TC executed as expected.
    To work around this issue, set the capability "_appiumOption" as "custom".

  • For test cases aborted inside Suite of Suites, the execution time shows 0hr 00m 00sec. This is only for jobs which get aborted due to service restart.

Qualitia Automation Studio 8.3.2 Release Notes


  • Qualitia Automation Studio (QAS) now supports Shadow DOM for Web Object Spy and Web Recorder.

  • The QAS Recorder now has a constant ID that can be whitelisted for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

  • Added new web object actions and enhanced some existing ones to support Shadow DOM.

  • Added actions in Desktop projects for classes present under Technology UI Automation and Oracle.

  • You can now update the Qualitia Server settings from the Reporting portal.

  • Improved logging for test case loading and saving to improve troubleshooting of the issues related to development flow.

Bug Fixes

  • Added few missing desired capabilities.

  • Fixed the screenshot trimming issue in the Qualitia execution report for the Desktop Capture mode.

  • Fixed the behavior of Environment variable to read the variable values from the environment file.

  • Fixed a few defects related to user interface enhancements to improve the user experience.

  • Fixed upgrade related defects that were observed while upgrading from Qualitia 5.6 to 8.3.x.

  • Fixed the issue related to incorrect publish status of test cases when only test data is changed in Azure DevOps integration.

  • Fixed the issue related to overwriting the environment variables in Azure DevOps executions/Offline executions when variable contains "=" in the value.

Known Issues

  • FireFox Recorder uses the SetWindowSize action instead of MaximizeBrowser when the browser is maximized during recording.

  • Currently, Mobile Object Spy and Mobile Recorder do not support the Shadow Dom feature.

  • The "Highlighted object(s) does not exist on the current page" error message occurs for all objects even if the objects are highlighted. This is an intermittent issue for Object Spy.

  • In Shadow DOM, Web ObjectSpy and Web Recorder do not support element with dynamic attributes which have non-null attribute value.

  • Unknown error exception occurs while performing actions on the Shadow DOM object:
    For the Click and MouseOver actions, you can use the alternative actions ClickJS and MouseOverJS, respectively provided by Qualitia.
    For similar issues with other actions, contact Qualitia Customer Support.

  • Mobile execution with the “_appiumOption” capability as “Automatic” does not work With ALM integration. ALM does not allow to connect to the appium server even when the server starts successfully at the localhost. Once ALM is disconnected, the appium server is connected successfully, and the TC executed as expected.
    The workaround to this issue is to set the capability "_appiumOption" as "custom".

  • For test cases aborted inside Suite of Suites, the execution time shows 0hr 00m 00sec. This is only for jobs which get aborted due to service restart.

Qualitia Automation Studio 8.3.1 Release Notes


  • Improved the error highlighting in the Test Case Editor screen for the steps that contain empty or deleted objects. Now, the modified task steps are also highlighted if their test data is blank.

  • Real Time Reporting now allows to filter offline suite results executed through Continuous Integration (CI) tool. Also, the offline suite results executed through CI tools now display the CI tool next to their names, such as Offline | Jenkins and Offline | Azure DevOps.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where the SVN client version was getting reset in the Scheduler suite executions.

  • Updated the custom action return status handling when the return status values are not as expected by Qualitia.

  • Now, you cannot edit the test data if all the test case steps use static data.

  • Fixed issues in action execution.

  • Fixed the issues where the suite execution results displayed cropped screenshots in different screen resolutions.

  • Improved the Excel.StoreCellData action to read different data types from an Microsoft Excel file.

  • Improved the performance of the Suites and Custom Actions screens.

  • Improved the Settings screen.

  • Some cosmetic changes are done in the product to improve the user experience.

Known Issues

  • Before executing a test case or a test suite on a custom browser profile, ensure that you close all the instances of the browser.

  • For test cases aborted inside Suite of Suites, the execution time shows 0hr 00m 00sec. This is only for jobs which get aborted due to service restart.

Qualitia Automation Studio 8.3.0 Release Notes


  • Chrome Object Spy now enables you to:

    • Detach the Chrome Object Spy UI from the application under test page.

    • Learn objects for a child window in the following ways:

      • Opens another Chrome Object Spy to add child window objects.

      • Allows switching between a parent and a child window if you are using a common Chrome Object Spy UI.

  • The locator preference is now saved locally so that it is preserved across all the Object Spy sessions for a user.

  • You can now edit the Mandatory status for a custom action parameter though the action is added in a task or a test case.

  • You can now increase the timeout to query the database to more than 30 seconds.
    To set the timeout value, open the Qualitia Server Settings file and specify the DatabaseQueryTimeout value as per your requirement.

  • When the connection to the MS SQL database server fails, the Chrome Object Spy now displays an appropriate message to restore the database connection.

  • Updated Git integration workflow to avoid continuous incorrect Task modification notification.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue with saving test cases when large test data is attached with filters.

  • The aborted scheduler executions now display the correct execution time in the reports and terminate after the predefined time period if no response is received for the execution progress.

  • Updated the Qualitia Server to refresh the database connection when the database connection goes into a stale state due to a temporary connectivity issue.

  • Fixed the issue that occurred while accessing the Reports and Dashboard due to blank spaces in the Qualitia Server URL.

  • Fixed the issue with Reports and Dashboard login when the domain name of the Active Directory is different from the E-Mail ID domain.

  • Fixed the issue where the work would be lost by automatic reload occurring due to a connection reset in Remote Desktop Connection.

Known Issues

General Known Issues

  • The Text parameter of the Secureset action is not encrypted if you add its value from the Task Editor screen.

  • Qualitia Offline Configuration utility does not display the Save and Cancel buttons though the utility is set to the recommended 1920*1080 display resolution and text size to 150%.
    To display the Save and Cancel buttons, change the display resolution of the utility to 1366*768 and its text size to 100%.

  • Qualitia Mobile Object Spy and Qualitia Automation Mobile Recorder do not support the Android SDK Build Tools having version 30 or higher.

  • After you import a task into a current project and update the corresponding task in the import project to add or delete a step, and then revert the changes, then in the Import screen, the import project task is displayed under the Conflicted Tasks section. Selecting the conflicted task does not show any changes.


  • The overall QAS components installer package size has been reduced significantly, which helps you to download the QAS components installers quickly.

  • Pre-requisite Checks by QAS Installers

    • The QAS client installer now checks whether compatible versions of Java and .Net Framework are installed on your computer.

    • The Mobile ObjectSpy installer now checks whether compatible versions of Java, .Net Framework, and Android Debug Bridge are installed on your computer.

  • You can now repair the Qualitia services that are not working using the QAS Server desktop shortcut.

  • Qualitia now provides a list of database privileges for SQL Server and MySQL that are required to install or upgrade the Qualitia Server. Earlier, the database administrator-level privilege was required to install or upgrade the Qualitia Server.

Known Issues

General Issues

  • The sorting of test cases in the Scenarios tree is lost when using the Search Test Cases feature.

  • You cannot add or edit the properties of a custom action in a single click. You need to click the properties that you want to modify thrice.

  • The following issues are seen while using the Search feature in the Environment Variable dialog box:

    • You cannot add a variable or edit a key.

    • If you update any environment variable, change the text in the Search box, and then update another variable, then only the last edited input variable is saved.

  • In the Import screen, if you scroll down the tasks inthe New and Conflicted sections, the New and Conflicted labelsare not freezed.

  • After skipping a highlighted step and saving the test case, the red underline of that step disappears. However, reverting the changes by unskipping the same step and saving the test case does not fix the problems. If you want the red underline to appear, switch to other tabs, such as tasks or objects within the Development module, and then return to the test case screen.

  • If a test case is highlighted with steps, then the test case name that is displayed above the first step of the test case is not highlighted. If you switch to another tab, such as tasks or objects within the Development module, and then return to the test case screen, the test case name in the same is now highlighted.


  • When a task is removed from the Test Case Editor screen, the selection focus now moves to the previous logical unit (Test Case step, Task, If Block) instead of the first line of the test case.

  • Enhancements have been done to improve the error logging.

  • QAS now supports MOS and Mobile Recorder for iOS platform version 14.x.

  • MOS and Mobile Recorder now support web view on simulator and real device for iOS web and hybrid applications.

  • The offline package logging is updated to match the QFD version logging for enabling dependency on specific log formats.

  • Updated the PrintMessageInReport action to support backward compatibility for the Qualitia for Desktop v4.3.x projects migrated to QAS 8.x.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issues where the applications stopped responding during successive project changes.

  • Fixed the authentication issue that were seen while logging into the Reports and Dashboard portal.

  • Fixed the issue where an incorrect object class was mapped to a custom action.

  • Fixed the issue where the suite execution reports for Azure DevOps pipeline executions did not display the execution start and end time.

  • Fixed the issues related to migration of the desktop projects from Qualitia for Desktop v4.3.x to QAS 8.x.

  • Fixed the Date-Time formatting issue in the Sync TSR feature and the Sync TSR button visibility.

  • Fixed the issue related to incorrect migration of the ComputeExpression action for the desktop projects migrated from Qualitia for Desktop v4.3.x to QAS 8.x.

  • Fixed the issues in the reporting of parallel execution of a test suite using Power Shell utility. The Qualitia Parallel Execution Report is now generated if you abort the execution by pressing Ctrl+C from the PowerShell console.

Known Issues

  • While upgrading from a previous QAS version, the saved browser binary does not work correctly. This causes the browser to close immediately when you are recording a session.
    To work around this issue, update the browser binary to replace the existing browser binary even if it is the same at the following location:

  • The Excel.WritetoColumn and Excel.WritetoRow general actions are not working correctly.

  • During a MOS or Mobile Recorder Session, if you switch from a native-context to the web-context view, the web-view may get distorted for an iOS hybrid application on a real device having iOS version 12.4.5.

  • While recording a hybrid application, by default, the Page Refresh option is set to Auto mode by in the web view context.

  • The SelectWindowUsingURL action may sometimes fail to execute on Internet Explorer.

  • During execution, if you switch from the native-context to theweb-context of the hybrid application, the screenshots for the steps executed on the web-context are not displayedin the Execution Summary Report.
    To work around this issue:

    1. Open the associated execution profile.

    2. Click Edit Desired Capabilities > Android.

    3. Select the nativeWebScreenshot checkbox.

    4. Set nativeWebScreenshot to True.

    5. Click Update.

  • In desktop projects, if you add a test data with a double quote, it is replaced with an empty data.


  • Selecting an object in the object repository allows you to view the details of the object and also its child objects on the main page.

  • Updated the Writelog action for handling the pass message.

  • Updated the VerifyExistence action to display the appropriate message in the Info Log details.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issues related to editing child objects. Now you can select a child object directly and edit or remove it, without having to first select the parent object.

  • Fixed the issues to allow you to edit or remove an object that is selected using the Find option.

  • Fixed the issue where after editing any object name, it is reflected in the left pane immediately. Now you are no longer required to switch to other tabs and return to the Objects tab to see the updated object name.

  • Fixed the issue where the new properties added to an object were not displayed.

  • Fixed the issue with Qualitia executable process, which would remain active in the background even after closing the QAS client.

  • Fixed the issues in the Wait actions to enable working in the Explicit wait mode.

  • Fixed the issues related to saving test cases when objects are identified using the Google Chrome Object Spy.

Known Issues

Known Issues in Qualitia Automation Web Recorder


  • The QAS server upgrade process now handles the Unit Test stubs for the projects integrated with TFS/Azure DevOps. You are no longer required to re-publish the test cases after upgrading the TFS/Azure DevOps integrated projects.

  • Significant performance improvements have been made in the following areas:

    • Test case management

    • Object management

    • Project management

    • Local data cache management

    • SaveAs Project feature

  • The location of TFS/Azure DevOps Remote Agent working folder has been moved to the localappdata folder to avoid conflicts.

  • Cosmetic user interface changes done to improve the user experience.

  • Enhancements in the object identification for web elements using Smart locator with text strategy in the following scenarios:

    • Creating objects manually in QAS

    • Adding objects using the the Qualitia Automation Web Recorder

    • Learning objects using Chrome object spy and IE object spy

  • Enhancements in the SmartLocator algorithm.

Bug Fixes

  • Qualitia Automation Studio now allows you to save test cases with empty test data (cells containing only spaces).

  • Fixed the issue related to the data type while passing variables to the Vbscript engine for the test case executions on the Desktop applications.

  • Fixed the issue with test case exit flags in a test suite. When you save a test suite, the existing test case exit flags do not reset to Continue (Green flag) anymore.

  • Fixed the issues related to the test data of the projects that are migrated from QFD. Now the correct test data is shown for those actions whose parameter sequence has changed.

  • Minor fixes related to object identification are done.

Known Issues

  • The following error message appears when you open a test case of a project that is migrated from QAS v7.x:
    Object Reference not set to the instance of the Object.
    To work around this issue, after you complete the project migration, delete the DBCache folder, which is located at the following location:
    %localappdata%\Qualitia\WD\Client\Settings\<Project Folder>\DBcache

  • The QAS client crashes if it remains idle for more than 12 hours on a virtual machine.


  • Removed check-in of DBCache and environment variables in Git to avoid conflicts when using Git as the version control system.

  • Improved the Object Selection performance in the Test Case Editor screen.

  • Fixed the synchronization issues between Qualitia Design Studio and Qualitia Automation Studio.

  • Fixed the issue related to publishing custom actions during Azure DevOps integration.

  • Fixed the issue where custom action execution in Azure DevOps integration was skipped intermittently.

Known Issues

Known Issues in Settings

  • QAS client does not prompt any error message if the Java path is blank in the General Settings screen.


  • Fixed an issue related to the latest setup files for Qualitia Web server setup not getting updated to the latest version during the Server upgrade process.

  • Fixed the issue where the IF conditional statements that were migrated from QFD did not work.

Known Issues


  • The WindowsAuthenticationLogin action does not work on Safari.

  • The PressKeys action does not execute on the inactive screen of the VM for the following keys and key combinations.

    1. NUMLOCK



    4. PRTSC

    5. Ctrl+Shift+Tab

    6. Ctrl+N

    7. Alt+F4

    8. Ctrl+Shift+T

    9. Ctrl+W

    10. Ctrl+F4

    11. Ctrl+F5

    12. Alt+Home

    13. Ctrl+

    14. Ctrl-

    15. Ctrl+Shift+Del

    16. Ctrl+J

    17. Ctrl+P

    18. Ctrl+O

    19. Ctrl+U


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the minor issues in UI, suite executions, and configuration settings.

  • Fixed an issue related to Offline Suite executions.
    An offline suite execution fails if it contained an encrypted password that is defined in the associated Environment Variables.

Known Issues

  • The Web Dashboards display the execution results as per the time zone of the QAS server. However, the Realtime Reporting portal displays the execution results as per the local time zone of your computer.

    Hence, for the suite executions that occur in a time zone different than QAS server’s time zone, the date and time for the execution results displayed on Real Time Reporting Portal and Web Dashboard might be different.


  • Apply settings for custom actions and version control at a project level. This means that you can create different settings for different projects.

  • Create multiple execution profiles and select a particular execution profile during suite execution. An execution profile is a pre-defined set of configuration settings, which can be used to execute test suites. You can add multiple execution profiles with different combinations of configuration settings. Use the new user interface for editing profile settings and desired capabilities.

  • Maintain multiple execution profiles for an offline package and edit the profiles using a simple user interface.

  • Developing Custom Actions has become more object-oriented as you can access Qualitia Public APIs.

Known Issues

The following are the known issues in Qualitia Automation Studio 8.0.0.
