Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
Text | Enter the text to add to the clipboard memory. | Yes | String |
Clipboard.Copy "Qualitia Software Pvt. Ltd."
ComparetwoInt “123“ “ 234”
This action drags the specified object and drops it in the position of another specified object.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
dragLocator | Enter the locator value of an element to be dragged. | Yes | String |
dragLocatorType | Enter the locator type of the element to be dragged. | Yes | String |
dropToLocator | Enter the locator of an element whose location (i.e., whose centre-most pixel) will be the point where dragLocator is dropped. | Yes | String |
dropToLocatorType | Enter the locator type of the element where the element will be dragged. | Yes | String |
DragAndDropToObject "//div/img[@alt='abx']" "xpath" "abc" "id"
This action opens the specified URL in the browser selected in the associated execution profile.
StorePageURL "Key"
RightClickTo(String X , String Y)
This action right-clicks at a definite location of the web page as specified by x and y coordinates. You cannot specify negative values to X and Y.
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
String X | The X co-ordinate of the location | Yes | String |
String Y | The Y co-ordinate of the location | Yes | String |
String String X = "100" , String Y = "100" . The right-click will occur at the location point (100,100).
ScrollTo(String X, String Y)
This action scrolls the Scrollbar of the web page to a definite location specified by x and y coordinates. You cannot specify negative values to X and Y.
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
String X | The X co-ordinate of the location | Yes | String |
String Y | The Y co-ordinate of the location | Yes | String |
String X = "100" , String Y = "100" . The scrollbar scrolls to the location point (100 ,100).
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
Key | Enter the key name in which you want to store the updated string. | Yes | String |
Number | Enter the number from which you want to store the integer part. | Yes | String |
StoreFixNumber "Key" "6.4332"
This action calculates the difference between two specified dates as per the number of days. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
startDate | Enter the start date, that is, the date which is lesser. | Yes | String |
startFormat | Enter the start date's date format. | Yes | String |
endDate | Enter the end date, that is, the date which is greater. | Yes | String |
endFormat | Enter the end date's date format. | Yes | String |
Key | Enter a key to store the the difference in date as per the number of days. | Yes | String |
Interval: The interval parameter can have the following values:
CalculateDifferenceInDateAndStore "Key" "D" "01-Jan-2021" "28-Feb-2021"
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
windowName | Enter the name of the window which you want to select. You may use "NULL" to select the main window. | No | String |
Select Page "Name"
This action selects the window using the URL address or URL pattern specified in the parameters.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
URL | Enter the URL address of the page you want to open. | Yes | String |
URL Pattern | Specify whether the URL is patterned or not. | No | String |
This action helps to convert the date and time provided by the user into the expected time zone.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
expectedTimeZoneID | Enter the zone ID in which you want to convert the date and time. Refer to the list below for the complete list of time zones (case-sensitive). | Yes | String |
currentTimeZoneID | Enter the current zone ID in which you are giving the date and time. Refer to the list below for the complete list of time zones (case-sensitive). | Yes | String |
dateTime | Enter the date and time that you want to convert in the expected time zone. | Yes | String |
dateTimeFormat | Enter the format in which you have given date and time format. Refer to the list below for the complete list of supported date and time formats (case-sensitive). | Yes | String |
key | Enter the key under which you want to store the date and time of the expected zone. Key value can be retrieved using the key name. | Yes | String |
This action converts the provided string to the integer value and stores it into the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
Key | Enter the key name in which you want to store integer value. | Yes | String |
Number | Enter the number whose integer value you want to store into the key. | Yes | String |
This action verifies if the data type is numeric or string.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
data | Enter the data to verify. | Yes | String |
dataType | The data type against which the data is to be verified.
| Yes | string |
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
actualDate | Enter the actual date which need to be verified. | Yes | String |
actualDateFormat | Enter the format of the actual date provided earlier. | Yes | String |
expectedDate | Enter the expected date against which you want to verify the actual date. | Yes | String |
expectedDateFormat | Enter the format of the expected date provided earlier. | Yes | String |
operation | Specify the operation to be performed between the first and second dates.
| No | String |
If you're experiencing issues please see our Troubleshooting Guide.
This action changes the case of the provided string and stores the final value into the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.
These findings are tested and verified at the time of documenting this information and are subject to change based on the changes made to the respective browser and driver versions.
Info |
If you want to upload a file using an object, refer to AttachFile action as described in WebFile Actions. |
Info |
You can also use AutoIT to execute this action on Windows operating systems only. You need to install AutoIT. After installing AutoIT, you can configure the AutoIT Install path in Qualitia client as follows: Project Configuration > General > Settings > AutoIT Install Path. The default AutoIT path is C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoitV3. To configure the Auto Install Path for an offline suite:
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
folderPath | The path where the file is to be download. Please check Table 1 "Parameter Mandate" to validate in the situation where this parameter will be mandatory. In case the parameter Mandatory; the user should take care that the folder path exists. The action does not validate whether the folder exist | Yes | String |
Filename | The filename of the downloadable file, to be given in case the user requires to give a specific name and not depend on the default name of the file. In case, the file already exists, similar window like below will appear. Such windows are not handled by the action. In case, the user does not provide this data, the action will pick the default file name available while downloading. | No | String |
locator | Enter the locator value. | Yes | String |
locatorType | Enter which locator type you want to use. It can be ID, Name, xpath, CSS and so on. | Yes | String |
Example: DownloadFile "C:/ProgramData" "Qualitia" "DOWNLOAD SAMPLE DOC FILE" "Link"
This action simulates the refresh operation on the currently selected page.
This action accepts the dialog appeared on the Web page and stores the message under the specified key.
AcceptDialogAndStoreMessage "AlertMessage"
This action validates the data given in the specified JSON or XML file.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Types |
FilePath | Enter the absolute path to the JSON/XML file on which you want to validate the data. | Yes | String |
ValidateSyntaxinFile "C:\Users\Qualitia\Cust_Details.json"
End of the execution, if the data from the specified file is valid, action will pass, else action will fail.
This action reads a JSON file and updates the JSON key value as per the specified parameters and data type.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name
Parameter Description
Data Type
Enter the absolute file path to the JSON file where you want to add the node.
Enter the JSON path where you want to add the new node.
Use $ if you want to add the node at root level.
Enter the value to be added for the JSONValue key.
Specify the data type of the value being added.
Value type can be Boolean or Numeric.
Keep the value type blank if the data type is JSONObject, JSONArray, or String.
Updating single value:
.UpdateValueInJson “C:\Users\Qualitia\Cust_Details.json” “$.address.postalCode” “6300194” “Numeric“
This action will update the value of the attribute postalCode of type Numeric to the value given in the parameter (6300194).
Updating value from the array:
.UpdateValueInJson “C:\Users\Qualitia\Cust_Details.json” “$[0].address.postalCode” “6300194” “ Numeric“
This action will update the value of the attribute postalCode of address at 0th index, type Numeric to the value given in the parameter (6300194).
Updating value of type String:
“C:\Users\Qualitia\Cust_Details.json” “$.address” “StateCode” "["CA" , "California"]" ""
ValidateSyntaxInFile "C:\Users\Qualitia\Cust_Details.json"
End of the execution, if the data from the specified file is valid, action will pass, else action will fail.
This action writes a user defined property along with its value to qer.properties file. This customized information can be used in email notifications sent by Jenkins provided all the required email specific settings are done there in Jenkins.
This action sets the page load timeout when executing test cases. The time set here overrides the Page Timeout set in the associatedInput Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
timeoutinSeconds | Enter the expected timeout to load the page. | Yes | String |
This action stores the source of the page under the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
keyPageSource | Enter the key name to store the page source in. | Yes | String |
This action waits until the number of open windows reaches the count specified in the parameter. You may use polling interval and timeout, if required.
Info |
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
expectedNumber | Enter expected number of windows. | No | String |
timeOut | Enter the timeout (in seconds) to wait. | No | String |
pollingInterval | Enter the frequency (in milliseconds) after which you want to check whether the specified count has reached. | No | String |
keyNumOfWindows | Enter the key name under which the status of this step will be stored. Stores 0 for Pass, 1 for Fail, and 2 for Defect. | No | String |
statusIfConditionNotSatisfied | Enter the status of the step you want to show in the report in case the expected condition is not satisfied. value for this parameter can be Pass, Fail, and Defect. | No | String |
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
RegExPattern | Enter the regular expression pattern. | Yes | String |
InputString | Enter the data from which you want to store the element. | Yes | String |
Key | Enter the key name under which you want to store the matching element. | Yes | String |
StoreMatchesFromRegExPattern "Cust1(\d?)" "CustKey1 CustKey123Cust321" "Key"
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
ArrayKey | Enter the key that holds an array data which you want to join. | Yes | String |
Key | Enter the key name under which you want to store the joined array. | Yes | String |
Array.JoinArrayAndStore "ArrayKey" "Key"
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
ArrayKey | Enter the key that holds an array data which you want to modify the sequence of. | Yes | String |
Array.Reverse "ArrayKey"
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
ArrayKey | Enter the key that holds an array data which you want to sort in an ascending order. | Yes | String |
Array.Sort "ArrayKey"
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
ArrayKey | Enter the key that holds an array data whose length you want to store. | Yes | String |
Key | Enter the key name under which you want to store the array length. | Yes | String |
Array.StoreArrayLength "ArrayKey" "Key"
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
ArrayKey | Enter the key that holds an array data from which you want to store the element. | Yes | String |
Index | Enter the index of the element which you want to store. | Yes | String |
Key | Enter the key name under which you want to store the element. | Yes | String |
Array.StoreElementByIndex "ArrayKey" "5" "Key"
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
ArrayKey | Enter the key that holds an array data from which you want to store the element index. | Yes | String |
Element | Enter the element which you want to store. | Yes | String |
Occurrence | Enter the number of occurrence from the array which you want to store. | Yes | String |
CaseSensitive | Enter whether you want to consider case-sensitivity when comparing content. Value for this parameter can be True or False.
| Yes | String |
Key | Enter the key name under which you want to store the index of an element. | Yes | String |
Array.StoreElementIndex "ArrayKey" "Sunday" "1" "True" "Key"
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
ArrayKey | Enter the key that holds an array data from which you want to verify the element. | Yes | String |
Element | Enter the element which you want to verify. | Yes | String |
CaseSensitive | Enter whether you want to consider case-sensitivity when comparing content. Value for this parameter can be True or False.
| Yes | String |
Array.VerifyElementExists "ArrayKey" "Sunday" "True"
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
Key | Enter the key name under which you want to store the final value. | Yes | String |
InputString | Enter the string from which you want to trim the blank space. | Yes | String |
LeftTrimAndStore "Key" " John and family"
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
Key | Enter the key name under which you want to store the final value. | Yes | String |
InputString | Enter the string from which you want to trim the blank space. | Yes | String |
RightTrimAndStore "Key" "John and family "
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
SourceImagePath | Enter the absolute path to the source image which you want to compare. | Yes | String |
TargetImagePath | Enter the absolute path to the target image with which you want to compare the source image. | Yes | String |
IMAGE.CompareTwoImages “C:\Users\Qualitia\Cust_Sign.png” “C:\Users\Qualitia\Cust_Logo.png”
This action modifies the date interval based on the data provided by the user and stores the modified date in the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
Inputdate | Enter the date to which you want to add the interval. | Yes | String |
Interval | Enter the interval which you want to modify. Value for this parameter can be as follows:
| Yes | String |
Data | Enter the number of intervals you want to add to the input date. The number can be positive for future dates and negative for dates in the past. | Yes | String |
Key | Enter the key name under which you want to store the modified date. The key value can be retrieved using the key name. | Yes | String |
Data.StoreModifiedDate “02/28/2001” “yyyy” “20” “Key”
This action modifies format of the date and time based on the format specified by the user and stores the date and time in the modified format under the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
Inputdate | Enter the date whose format you want to change. | Yes | String |
Interval | Enter the value for the format you want to update the date into. Value for this parameter can be as follows:
| Yes | String |
Key | Enter the key name under which you want to store the modified date. The key value can be retrieved using the key name. | Yes | String |
Date.ChangeDateFormat “02/28/2021” “1” “Key”
This action stores the value available in the specified cell. You can then use this data while developing tasks and test cases.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
filePath | Enter absolute path to the Excel file from which you want to get and store the value. | Yes | String |
sheetname | Enter the sheet name from the Excel file from which value is to be stored. | Yes | String |
rowNumber | Enter the row number of the cell from which you want to store the value. | Yes | String |
column | Enter the column ID or column name from which you want to store the value in the following format. Column ID either can be an index number of the column or column header (mentioned at the top of each column, starts from the letter A). For example: to specify 2nd column, use col::2 or col::B. Column name: Enter the name of the column from which you want to store the value. This name is provided by the user while adding data. | Yes | String |
Key | Enter the key name under which you want to store the value. The key value can be retrieved using the key name. | Yes | String |
This action adds specified value or a set of values into the specified row of the Microsoft excel file.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
filePath | Enter absolute path to the Excel file. | Yes | String |
sheetname | Enter the sheet name from the Excel file in which you want to add the values. | Yes | String |
rowNumber | Enter the row number in which you want to add the value. | Yes | String |
column | Enter the column ID or column name in which you want to add the value in the following format. Column ID either can be an index number of the column or column header (mentioned at the top of each column, starts from the letter A). For example: to specify 2nd column, use col::2 or col::B. Column name: Enter the name of the column from which you want to store the value. This name is provided by the user while adding data. | Yes | String |
data | This is the data to be added to the specified Excel row. In case you are statically creating an array, values should be separated by caret (^). | Yes | Array |
overWrite | Specify whether you want to overwrite the existing data or you want to add another row to add this data. Values for this parameter can be as follows:
| No | String |
This action adds the specified value or a set of values into the specified column of the Microsoft Excel file.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
filePath | Enter absolute path to the Excel file. | Yes | String |
sheetname | Enter the sheet name from the Excel file in which you want to add the values. | Yes | String |
rowNumber | Enter the row number in which you want to add the value. | Yes | String |
Column | Enter the column ID or column name in which you want to add the value in the following format. Column ID either can be an index number of the column or column header (mentioned at the top of each column, starts from the letter A). For example: To specify the 2nd column, use col::2 or col::B. Column Name: Enter the name of the column from which you want to store the value. This name is provided by the user while adding data. | Yes | String |
Data | You need to add the data in the specified Excel row. In case you are statically creating an array, values should be separated by caret (^). | Yes | Array |
Overwrite | Specify whether you want to overwrite the existing data or you want to add another row to add this data. Values for this parameter can be as follows:
| No | String |
This action stores the total number of columns present in the specified sheet of Microsoft Excel.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
filePath | Enter absolute path to the Excel file. | Yes | String |
sheetname | Enter the sheet name from the Excel file from which you want to store the column count. | Yes | String |
ignoreBlankColumn | Specify whether you want to ignore the blank columns while calculation.
| No | Boolean |
Key | Enter the key name under which you want to store the value. | Yes | String |
Excel.StoreColumnCount “D:\TrainingStatus.xlsx” “Sheet1” “True” “Key”
This action stores the total number of rows present in the specified sheet of Microsoft Excel.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
Key | Enter the key name under which you want to store the value. | Yes | String |
filePath | Enter the absolute path to the Excel file. | Yes | String |
sheetname | Enter the sheet name from the Excel file from which you want to store the row count. | Yes | String |
ignoreBlankRows | Specify whether you want to ignore the blank rows while calculation.
| No | String |
Excel.StoreRowCount “Key” “D:\TrainingStatus.xlsx” “Sheet1” “True”
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
filePath | Enter absolute path to the Excel file. | Yes | String |
sheetname | Enter the sheet name from the Excel file in which you want to check for the data. | Yes | String |
ColumnNumber | Enter the column ID or column name in which you want to add the value in the following format.
| Yes | String |
Data | Enter the data in the specified Excel row. In case you are statically creating an array, values should be separated by caret (^). | Yes | String |
Key | Enter the key name under which you want to store the occurrence. | Yes | String |
Excel.StoreColumnDataOccurrance “D:\TrainingStatus.xlsx” "Sheet1” "5" “True” “Key”
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
filename | Enter the absolute path to the excel file from which you want to read and store the data. | Yes | String |
sheetName | Enter the name of the sheet from which you want to fetch the data. | Yes | String |
colName | Enter the column name from which you want to fetch the data. | Yes | String |
Condition | Enter the condition which you want to match for getting the desired data. | Yes | String |
Separator | Specify the separator which you have used to separate column name and data while adding the condition. You can use any character as a separator (equal to [=] sign in the example mentioned below). Use caret sign (^) as a connection string. | Yes | String |
strKey | Enter the key in which you want to store the data. | Yes | String |
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
File1 | Enter the absolute path to the source file from which you want to compare the content. | Yes | String |
File2 | Enter the absolute path to the target file with which you want to compare the source file content. | Yes | String |
CaseSensitive | Enter whether you want to consider case-sensitivity when comparing content. Value for this parameter can be True or False.
| Yes | String |
IgnoreWhitespace | Enter whether you want to consider whitespaces when comparing file contents. Value for this parameter can be True or False.
Note: Only leading and trailing whitespaces will be ignored if you set this parameter to True. Whitespaces inside the content will not be considered. | Yes | Boolean |
File.CompareFileContents “C:\Users\admin\Downloads\Cust_Info.txt” “C:\Users\admin\Downloads\Client_list.txt” “False” “True”
This action stores the total number of characters present in the specified text file.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
FilePath | Enter the absolute path to the file from which you want to store characters. | Yes | String |
Key | Enter the key name in which you want to store the character count. | Yes | String |
IgnoreWhitespace | Enter whether you want to consider whitespaces when storing character count. Value for this parameter can be True or False.
Note: A space or a tab is counted as one character. | Yes | String |
FILE.StoreCharacterCount “C:\Users\admin\Downloads\Cust_Info.txt” “Key” “True”
This action stores data from the specified row of the specified text file in the key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
FilePath | Enter the absolute path to the file from which you want to store data. | Yes | String |
RowNumber | Enter the row number from which you want to get and store the data. | Yes | String |
Key | Enter the key name in which you want to store the data. | Yes | String |
FILE.StoreStringByLineNumber “C:\Users\admin\Downloads\Cust_Info” “2” “Key”
This action verifies whether the specified data exists in the specified text file.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
FilePath | Enter the absolute path to the file in which you want to verify data. | Yes | String |
Data | Enter the data which you want to verify in the file. | Yes | String |
CaseSensitive | Enter whether you want to consider case-sensitivity when verifying data. Value for this parameter can be True or False.
| Yes | String |
FILE.VerifyStringExistInFile “C:\Users\admin\Downloads\Cust_Info” “Qualitia” “True”
This action verifies the existence of the specified file at the specified location.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
FilePath | Enter the absolute path to the file which you want to verify. | Yes | String |
File.VerifyFileExist “C:\Users\admin\Downloads\Cust_List.txt”
This action verifies the existence of the specified folder at the specified location.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
FolderPath | Enter the path to the folder which you want to verify. | Yes | String |
File.VerifyFolderExist “C:\Users\admin\Downloads\Cust_Info”
This action verifies whether the array is sorted in ascending/descending order.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
array data | The array to be verified for ascending or descending order. | Yes | Array |
datatype | This is the type of data considered for testing. Supported data types are | Yes | String- |
direction | The way the data are to be sorted, i.e. in either ascending or descending. Supported directions are: | Yes | String |
IsArraySorted "0^1^4^10" "Integer" "1"
Add XPDF tools directory to system path environment variables.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
pdfFile | Enter the absolute path to the PDF file in which you want to find the text. | Yes | String |
textToFind | Enter the text you want to find in the specified PDF file. | Yes | String |
PDF.VerifyStringExistInPDF “C:\Users\Qualitia\Cust_List.pdf” “Qualitia”
Add XPDF tools directory to system path environment variables.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
pdfFile | Enter the absolute path to the PDF file in which you want to find the text. | Yes | String |
textToFind | Enter the text you want to find in the specified PDF file. | Yes | String |
pageNumber | Enter the page number on which you want to search the specified text. | Yes | String |
PDF.VerifyStringExistInPDFPage “C:\Users\Qualitia\Cust_List.pdf” “Qualitia” “2”
Add XPDF Tools and GnuWin installation directory to system path environment variables.
For example: D:\XPDF\xpdf-tools-win-4.00;C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
Pdf1 | Enter the absolute path to the PDF file which you want to compare. | Yes | String |
Pdf2 | Enter the absolute path to the PDF file with which you want to compare the source file. | Yes | String |
diffFilePath | Enter the absolute path to the text file in which you want to store the PDF comparison results. | Yes | String |
PDF.ComparePDF “C:\Users\Qualitia\Cust_List.pdf” “C:\Users\Qualitia\Client_List.pdf” “C:\Users\Qualitia\Diff.txt”
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
Key | Enter the key name under which you want to store the data. The key value then can be retrieved using the key name. | Yes | String |
StoreClipboardData "key"
Info |
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
expectedNumber | Enter expected number of windows. | No | String |
timeOut | Enter the timeout (in seconds) to wait. | No | String |
pollingInterval | Enter the frequency (in milliseconds) after which you want to check whether the specified count has reached. | No | String |
keyNumOfWindows | Enter the key name under which the status of this step will be stored. Stores 0 for Pass, 1 for Fail, and 2 for Defect. | No | String |
statusIfConditionNotSatisfied | Enter the status of the step you want to show in the report in case the expected condition is not satisfied. value for this parameter can be Pass, Fail, and Defect. | No | String |
This action runs the parameterized JavaScript code until it returns the value. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
JavaScriptString | Enter the JavaScript code to run. | No | String |
keyReturnValue | Enter the key under which the javascript return value will be stored. The key value can be retrieved using the key name. | No | String |
timeOut | Enter the timeout (in seconds) to wait for the value. | No | String |
pollingInterval | Enter the frequency (in milliseconds) after which you want to check for the value before exhausting timeout. | No | String |
keyStatus | Enter the key name under which the status of this step will be stored. Stores 0 for Pass, 1 for Fail, and 2 for Defect. | No | String |
statusIfConditionNotSatisfied | Enter the status of the step you want to show in the report in case the expected condition is not satisfied. value for this parameter can be Pass, Fail, and Defect. | No | String |
Info |
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
JavaScriptString | Enter the JavaScript code to run. | No | String |
timeOut | Enter the timeout (in seconds) to wait for the exception. | No | String |
pollingInterval | Enter the frequency (in milliseconds) after which you want to check for the execption before exhausting timeout. | No | String |
keyJSThrowsExceptionStatus | Enter the key name under which the status of this step will be stored. Stores 0 for Pass, 1 for Fail, and 2 for Defect. | No | String |
statusIfConditionNotSatisfied | Enter the status of the step you want to show in the report in case the expected condition is not satisfied. value for this parameter can be Pass, Fail, and Defect. | No | String |
This action waits for the web page title to contain expected partial parameterized value. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
title | Enter the expected partial value of the web page title. | No | String |
timeOut | Enter the timeout (in seconds) to wait for the expected value. | No | String |
pollingInterval | Enter the frequency (in milliseconds) after which you want to check for existence of the expected value before exhausting timeout. | No | String |
keyTitleContains | Enter the key name under which the status of this step will be stored. Stores 0 for Pass, 1 for Fail, and 2 for Defect. | No | String |
statusIfConditionNotSatisfied | Enter the status of the step you want to show in the report in case the expected condition is not satisfied. value for this parameter can be Pass, Fail, and Defect. | No | String |
Info |
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
title | Enter the expected partial value which should not be in the web page title. | No | String |
timeOut | Enter the timeout (in seconds) to wait for the expected value. | No | String |
pollingInterval | Enter the frequency (in milliseconds) after which you want to check for existence of the expected value before exhausting timeout. | No | String |
keyTitleNotContains | Enter the key name under which the status of this step will be stored. Stores 0 for Pass, 1 for Fail, and 2 for Defect. | No | String |
statusIfConditionNotSatisfied | Enter the status of the step you want to show in the report in case the expected condition is not satisfied. value for this parameter can be Pass, Fail, and Defect. | No | String |
Info |
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
title | Enter the expected exact value of the web page title. | No | String |
timeOut | Enter the timeout (in seconds) to wait for the expected value. | No | String |
pollingInterval | Enter the frequency (in milliseconds) after which you want to check for existence of the expected value before exhausting timeout. | No | String |
keyTitleToBe | Enter the key name under which the status of this step will be stored. Stores 0 for Pass, 1 for Fail, and 2 for Defect. | No | String |
statusIfConditionNotSatisfied | Enter the status of the step you want to show in the report in case the expected condition is not satisfied. value for this parameter can be Pass, Fail, and Defect. | No | String |
Info |
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
title | Enter the expected exact value which should not be in the web page title. | No | String |
timeOut | Enter the timeout (in seconds) to wait for the expected value. | No | String |
pollingInterval | Enter the frequency (in milliseconds) after which you want to check for existence of the expected value before exhausting timeout. | No | String |
keyTitleNotToBe | Enter the key name under which the status of this step will be stored. Stores 0 for Pass, 1 for Fail, and 2 for Defect. | No | String |
statusIfConditionNotSatisfied | Enter the status of the step you want to show in the report in case the expected condition is not satisfied. value for this parameter can be Pass, Fail, and Defect. | No | String |
Info |
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
url | Enter the expected partial value of the web page URL. | No | String |
timeOut | Enter the timeout (in seconds) to wait for the expected value. | No | String |
pollingInterval | Enter the frequency (in milliseconds) after which you want to check for existence of the expected value before exhausting timeout. | No | String |
keyURLContains | Enter the key name under which the status of this step will be stored. Stores 0 for Pass, 1 for Fail, and 2 for Defect. | No | String |
statusIfConditionNotSatisfied | Enter the status of the step you want to show in the report in case the expected condition is not satisfied. value for this parameter can be Pass, Fail, and Defect. | No | String |
Info |
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
url | Enter the expected partial value which should not be in the web page URL. | No | String |
timeOut | Enter the timeout (in seconds) to wait for the expected value. | No | String |
pollingInterval | Enter the frequency (in milliseconds) after which you want to check for existence of the expected value before exhausting timeout. | No | String |
keyURLNotContains | Enter the key name under which the status of this step will be stored. Stores 0 for Pass, 1 for Fail, and 2 for Defect. | No | String |
statusIfConditionNotSatisfied | Enter the status of the step you want to show in the report in case the expected condition is not satisfied. value for this parameter can be Pass, Fail, and Defect. | No | String |
This action waits for the web page URL to contain exact expected parameterized value. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
url | Enter the expected the web page URL. | No | String |
timeOut | Enter the timeout (in seconds) to wait for the expected URL. | No | String |
pollingInterval | Enter the frequency (in milliseconds) after which you want to check for existence of the expected URL before exhausting timeout. | No | String |
keyURLToBe | Enter the key name under which the status of this step will be stored. Stores 0 for Pass, 1 for Fail, and 2 for Defect. | No | String |
statusIfConditionNotSatisfied | Enter the status of the step you want to show in the report in case the expected condition is not satisfied. value for this parameter can be Pass, Fail, and Defect. | No | String |
Info |
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
url | Enter the URL which should not be the web page URL. | No | String |
timeOut | Enter the timeout (in seconds) to wait for the URL to change. | No | String |
pollingInterval | Enter the frequency (in milliseconds) after which you want to check for existence of the URL before exhausting timeout. | No | String |
keyURLNotToBe | Enter the key name under which the status of this step will be stored. Stores 0 for Pass, 1 for Fail, and 2 for Defect. | No | String |
statusIfConditionNotSatisfied | Enter the status of the step you want to show in the report in case the expected condition is not satisfied. value for this parameter can be Pass, Fail, and Defect. | No | String |
Info |
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
urlRegx | Enter the expected pattern for the URL. Pattern should be regular expression. Step fails in case the pattern is invalid. | No | String |
timeOut | Enter the timeout (in seconds) to wait for the URL to change. | No | String |
pollingInterval | Enter the frequency (in milliseconds) after which you want to check for existence of the URL before exhausting timeout. | No | String |
keyURLPattern | Enter the key name under which the status of this step will be stored. Stores 0 for Pass, 1 for Fail, and 2 for Defect. | No | String |
statusIfConditionNotSatisfied | Enter the status of the step you want to show in the report in case the expected condition is not satisfied. value for this parameter can be Pass, Fail, and Defect. | No | String |
Info |
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
textToSend | Enter the text you want to send in the alert. | Yes | String |
timeOut | Enter the timeout (in seconds) to wait for the alert. | No | String |
pollingInterval | Enter the frequency (in milliseconds) after which you want to check for existence of the alert before exhausting timeout. | No | String |
keyAlertAvailable | Enter the key name under which the status of this step will be stored. Stores 0 for Pass, 1 for Fail, and 2 for Defect. | No | String |
statusIfConditionNotSatisfied | Enter the status of the step you want to show in the report in case the expected condition is not satisfied. value for this parameter can be Pass, Fail, and Defect. | No | String |
Info |
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | MandatoryacceptOrDismiss | Data Type |
acceptOrDismiss | Values for this parameter can be: accept or dismiss.
| No | String |
timeOut | Enter the timeout (in seconds) to wait for an alert. | No | String |
pollingInterval | Enter the frequency (in milliseconds) after which you want to check for existence of the alert before exhausting timeout. | No | String |
keyAlertAvailable | Enter the key name under which the status of this step will be stored. Stores 0 for Pass, 1 for Fail, and 2 for Defect. | No | String |
statusIfConditionNotSatisfied | Enter the status of the step you want to show in the report in case the expected condition is not satisfied. value for this parameter can be Pass, Fail, and Defect. | No | String |