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Qualitia users can provide arguments based on the execution environments or make changes to the properties file to use the qualitiaoffline.jar file to execute test cases in different test environments.

Supported Environments and Configurations

Qualitia Offline Package bot is compatible to execute on Remote and Cloud environments along with local environments. Depending on the desired environment, you can set the properties in the file as follows:

To execute offline package bot on

Configure Qualitiaqualitia.Properties properties as

Local Machine


Remote Machine


Sauce Labs


Sauce Labs Real Device-TestObjectExecutionEnvironment=TestObject


It is recommended to set ScreenCaptureMode value as Browser when the execution environment is Remote or Cloud (such as Sauce, Perfecto, and BrowserStack).

You can set the value for FailStepOnBrowserScreenshotFailure as per the test case requirements (as true or false) to behave when the application under test generates any run-time Alert / Windows.

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