The advantage of using this Custom Action is that users can reduce the time taken in creating objects for SalesForce Lightning.
Install Java Eclipse.
Define the Eclipse Path In in Qualitia General Configuration Settings.
Map Actions in Qualitia using Eclipse
To map actions in Qualitia using Eclipse
Select the project in which you want to map the action.
Go to Develop> Custom Actions.
Click Add to add a new Custom Action.
Select Base Class as WebGeneral.
Edit the Custom Object Class by entering the values in Custom Object Class and Qualitia Class Class as SFDC_Standard_Function.
Enter the value in Action Name, Description, and Function Name as label_Based_standard_input_operation.
Add the following three parameters:
LabelName along with ArgDataType as String and select the Mandatory checkbox.
LabelValue along with ArgDataType as String and select the Mandatory checkbox.
TypeOfOpeartion TypeOfOperation along with ArgDataType as String and select the Mandatory checkbox.
Click Save & Launch Eclipse to save these values and launch the Eclipse.
After the Eclipse launches, click Import Projects. The Import dialog box opens.
Under General folder, select Existing Projects into Workspace, and then click Next.
Select QAS Workspace from your Project Path, and then click Finish.
Eclipse creates a class as SFDC_Standard_Function.
Copy your Java code and paste to that class. Action file will be provided through an email.
Create a class as WaitMethod in Eclipse, and paste your WaitMethod Java code.
Save and close Eclipse.
Go to Develop>Test Case, to open a new test case.
Verify under Action drop-down whether it is displaying label_Based_standard_input_operation.
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About label_Based_standard_input_operation Action
This action identifies the UI objects based on their label names. As long as the object is present objects are displayed on the screen and displayed, it will be identified , action identifies them irrespective of the DOM structure.
The following are the action handles the following six different types of objects handled:
Radio Button
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
LabelName | Enter the label name of for the object. | Yes | String |
LabelValue | Enter the appropriate value to specify in as an input value for the object. | Yes | String |
TypeOfOperation | Enter the type of operation .from one of the following:
| Yes | String |
You The action can be used to cover the following scenarios using this action:
Filling the Data
This is used to You can enter the values in an object. If there are multiple values to add in an object, such as multi-select values in a drop-down list, then separate values by @@ .
You need have to specify as FillData in Parameter 3.
Parameter 1 (LabelName) | Parameter 2 (LabelValue) | Parameter 3 (TypeOfOpeartionTypeOfOperation) |
Opportunity Name | Oppo1 | FillData |
Stage | ClosedWon@@New | FillData |
Verifying the Object Size
This is used to You can verify the size of the object by specifying the length. For example, whether the maximum the size of the text box is up to 20 characters.
Parameter 1 (LabelName) | Parameter 2 (LabelValue) | Parameter 3 (TypeOfOpeartionTypeOfOperation) |
Opportunity Name | Text^20 | SizeValidations |
Verifying Mandatory Error Message
This is used to You can verify when a mandatory object is not selected or entered a value in it, then whether an appropriate error message is displayed.
You need have to specify in the error message in Parameter 2 and MandatoryValidations in Parameter 3.
Parameter 1 (LabelName) | Parameter 2 (LabelValue) | Parameter 3 (TypeOfOpeartionTypeOfOperation) |
Opportunity Name | Opportunity Name is mandatory | MandatoryValidations |
Verifying the Object Value
This is used to You can verify whether the object value entered or selected is displayed or verify a default value.
You need have to specify in Parameter 3 as DetailsVerification.
Parameter 1 (LabelName) | Parameter 2 (LabelValue) | Parameter 3(TypeOfOpeartionTypeOfOperation) |
Opportunity Name | Oppo1 | DetailsVerification |
Verifying the Object Disability
This is used to You can verify whether an object is disabled or not. You need have to specify as $disabled$ in Parameter 2 and MandatoryValidations in Parameter 3.
Parameter 1 (LabelName) | Parameter 2 (LabelValue) | Parameter 3 (TypeOfOpeartionTypeOfOperation) |
Opportunity Name | $disabled$ | MandatoryValidations |
Storing the Object Value
This is used to verify You can store an object value displayed that displays in run-time or store a default value.
Parameter 1 (LabelName) | Parameter 2 (LabelValue) | Parameter 3(TypeOfOpeartionTypeOfOperation) |
Opportunity Name | Keytostore | $storeText$ |