Logs provide details about the actions that occur during the test execution on an applicationused when executing test cases on application under test. Qualitia creates log files after every execution of a test suite.
The logs are generated based on the settings configured on the Configuration Settings window. You can generate specific logs by selecting options on the Configuration Settings window.
Qualitia supports the following log categories:
Info Log
Info log provides details about the application workflow to identify potential application defects.
Debug Log
Debug log provides technical flow to analyze and debug object identification issues, page synchronization issues, and so on.
Error Log
Error log provides details about the errors that occurred during the test execution. The logs can be generated based on the parameters configured in the Qualitia.exe.config file. You can generate specific logs by specifying the TRUE or FALSE value for the required logs in the Qualitia.exe.config file. To generate Info Log, Debug Log, and Error Log, enters the following parameters in the Qualitia.exe.config file.
CreateInfoLog = TRUE
CreateDebugLog = TRUE
CreateErrorLog = TRUE
See also,
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