After you add the extension to the Chrome browser, you can start using it for adding objects into the object repository from the application under test.
- Launch Google Chrome browser and navigate to the application URL.
- Open Developer tools (press F12 or right-click and select Inspect from the context-menu).
- In Developer tools, select Object Spy.
- Enter Server URL and Qualitia username.
The Server URL is a combination of the hostname and port 8887 where you have installed Qualitia server.
For example, or http://localhost:8887 (if server is installed on a local machine).
By default, Qualitia uses port 8887. You may change it while installing Qualitia Server component. - Click Continue.
The list of projects appears which are accessible to that user. - Select the project under which you want to add new objects and click Continue.
- To add new objects in the repository, turn the Select Mode on.
- Hover the mouse pointer over the object and click it once the object details are highlighted.
You will see the object added into the list in the Object Spy window. - Once you add all the required objects, click Save to Repository.
This will add objects into the repository and object is now ready for use in the automation studio.