Qualitia and QST statuses are not the same for any given scenario at all timetimes. Below The following is a matrix that defines the relation between different statuses in Qualitia and QST.
Qualitia Status | QST Status |
Passed | Passed |
Failed | Failed |
Defect | Failed |
Not Executed | Not Run |
If development xml does not exist/missing | Blocked |
If Project is invalid | Blocked |
If development xml requires sync but is locked by other another user | Blocked |
If TC does not exists exist in active project | Blocked |
QEA-QST Connection Status
The tool status in terms of connection between Qualitia Execution Agent (QEA) and Qualitia SpiraTest during the execution of Test Suites/Test Cases is reflected as underfollows:
When QEA makes a successful connection with QST at polling cycle. | |
When QEA is unable to connect to QST. | |
When QEA is paused. |