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Qualitia supports headless executions. In headless mode, executions are possible with PC without display, keyboard, and mouse. Such executions are known to be faster as compared to normal executions. You can use Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers to execute test cases in headless mode.


Google Chromev60+v59+v59+

You can execute test cases from your Qualitia offline package using following two ways.

Table of Contents


  1. Open
  2. In the Headless Execution Properties section:
    1. Set HeadlessMode as True.
    2. Set Display and BrowserBinaryPath as per the requirements.

There are multiple configurations and allied software components that are required to support executions in headless mode on Linux. In order to execute test cases in headless mode, you need to configure the headless box by installing X Virtual FrameBuffer (Xvfb).
