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The Sauce Labs is cloud environment which allows users to run tests in the cloud using different combinations of operating systems, browsers, and browser versions. In this environment all tests are executed on Sauce Labs VM. You can view the ongoing suite execution on Sauce Lab's Dashboard.



If you are providing these values through command line, each value should be provided within double quotes if values are containing spaces; otherwise, the spaces in values will result in inconsistencies. For example, java -jar Qualitia-Offline-xxx.jar platform="Windows 8.1".

For more information on platforms, browsers, browser versions supported on Sauce, please refer

If you do not set these values against platform in the file, all your test cases will be executed on Linux. Also, if you do not specify the version, test cases will be executed using the latest version of browsers.


  • For more information about property possible values, refer the file.
  • You can use the Platform Configurator maintained by Sauce Labs to get the exact values of properties to set in the configuration files. Open Platform Configurator, select the properties based on which you want to configure your device on Sauce Labs and you will find the list of properties to be set in the configuration file at the end of page.
  • If you are providing these values through command line, each value should be provided within double quotes if values are containing spaces; otherwise, the spaces in values will result in inconsistencies. For example, java -jar Qualitia-Offline-xxx.jar platform="Windows 8.1".
    For more information on platforms, browsers, browser versions supported on Sauce, please refer
  • If you do not specify the version of browsers, test cases will be executed using the latest version of browsers.


Values you provide in the file can also be provided using command line. You can set the sauce properties using three different sources as mentioned below.

It is a set of default Sauce properties file. You can always use this file to define your own set of properties.

User Defined Sauce Properties

Qualitia users can create their own properties file for Sauce Labs, which includes all the Sauce Labs properties. This file can be used by providing command line arguments accordingly when executing offline package.
For example: java -jar qualitiaoffline-x.x.x.jar saucelabsfilename="D:\\SauceLabsData"

Command Line Arguments

Qualitia allows providing Sauce properties as command line arguments. For example, java -jar qualitia-offline-xxxx.jar custom_username=<<sauce user name>> platform=MAC recordVideo=false

Viewing Current Execution on Sauce Lab's Dashboard


  1. Download the Sauce connect zip on any machine in the network using following url:
  2. Unzip the folder.
  3. Open Command Prompt and navigate to the Sauce-connect.jar file followed by Sauce Username and Access key.
    For example, <Location of the jar file>java -jar Sauce-Connect.jar parvinm ab8fa4d8-8c1f-4904-8353-b6074fc744fb
  4. Press the Enter button.
