Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


This action copies the data given into the parameter to clipboard.


Clipboard.Copy            "Qualitia Software Pvt. Ltd."


This action clears the data present on the clipboard memory.

This action does not have any input parameters.




This action will close current window.  




This action will check if the excel process is running.





This action will concatenate the two strings and stores result string into a variable. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


ConcatString  “Hello“ “World” “Result”

ComparetwoStrings (Deprecated)

This action will compare two string values. As it is deprecated, Qualitia recommends using CompareString.


ComparetwoString  “hello“  “hello”


This action compares two integer numbers. Even a key can be passed as one of the parameters for comparison where the ComparetwoInt function will retrieve the value from the key and that value will be compared with another integer.


ComparetwoInt  “123“  “234”


This action drags the specified object and drops it in the position of another specified object. 


DragAndDropToObject                   "//div/img[@alt='abx']"            "xpath"           "abc"        "id"


This action opens the specified URL in the browser selected in the associated execution profile.


It is recommended to close all the unnecessary browsers before starting the test execution or object spying using UFT.


This action navigates the browser to the next page.

This action does not have any parameter.




This action navigates the browser to the previous page.

This action does not have any parameter.




This action takes input as list of characters from user and provides random string as output of a specified length.


RandomString  "32#$abd "            "12"      “abc”


This action replaces the specified part from the string with another string and stores the updated value into the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


In this case,  the string Australia changes to Bustralia.


This action replaces a substring by another substring into a source string and stores the resulting string in the given key.


The result string will be IndZa.


This action replaces a substring of an original string with a specified string.


ReplaceSubString “welcome” “come”  “gone”  “1”  "True" “abc”


This action takes lower and upper limit of a range as integer input and gives an output of a random integer number within that range.


RandomNumber  "1"   "100"      


This action stores the URL of the web page under the specified key. The stored value can be retrieved using the key name. 


StorePageURL                   "Key"

RightClickTo(String X, String Y)

This action right-clicks at a definite location of the web page as specified by X and Y co-ordinates. You cannot specify negative values to X and Y.


 String X = "100", String Y = "100". The right-click will occur at the location point (100,100).

ScrollTo(String X, String Y)

This action scrolls the Scrollbar of the web page to a definite location specified by X and Y co-ordinates. You cannot specify negative values to X and Y.


String X = "100", String Y = "100". The scrollbar scrolls to the location point (100 ,100).


This action stores the integer part of a specified number into the specified key. The stored key value can be retrieved using the key name.


In this case, the variable Key stores the value to 6.


This action stores the web page title under the specified key. The stored value can be retrieved using the key name. 


StorePageTitle                   "Key"


This action stores a particular string value under the specified key. This value can be used when developing test cases.  


StoreVariable                   "url"                     " "  


This action stores the specified value securely by encrypting it under the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


When the focus is moved away from the data ABC, Qualitia will automatically encrypt the text to "vHpmlfI4R3PQJskt3nuqw==þNWE3ZDdkNjE3N2JmNDM2ODgxMzQwYWI1MTA3YWNjMDc="


This action calculates the difference between two specified dates as per the number of days. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.



Interval: The interval parameter can have the following values:

CalculateDifferenceInDateAndStore      "Key"            "D"        "01-Jan-2021"      "28-Feb-2021"


This action adds the delay during execution for the given period of time (in seconds).


Sleep                   "20"


This action helps Qualitia users to move focus from one window/page to another as per the test case requirements. 


Select Page                            "Name"


This action selects the window using the URL address or URL pattern specified in the parameters.


SelectWindowUsingURL                      ""                    "False"


This action closes the popup that appears on the web page. 


ClosePopUpBrowser                   "viewPage"


This action sends one or more keystrokes to the active window (as if typed on the keyboard).


  • The only keystroke pattern you can send is the kind that is comprised of a single keystroke pressed several times. For example, you can send "x" ten times, but you cannot do the same for "Ctrl+x".

  • You cannot automate the PRINT SCREEN key ~{PRTSC~} to an application.

  • To send a space, enter the string " ".


This action helps to convert the date and time provided by the user into the expected time zone.



You can create your own combinations and formats using the patterns mentioned here. These patterns mentioned herein are case-sensitive such as entering as dd-mm-yyyy instead of dd-MM-yyyy will result in wrong output. Ensure that you use them in a correct way in order to achieve the desired output. 


This action stores a sub string of a string into a variable. The key value can be retrieved using the key name. 


StoreSubStringNew                   "resultSubString"            "This is a test"                "2"                  "4"


The action stores the substring of a string from a specific index up to any number of characters that you want. The indexing starts from 1.


The variable Key stores the value as come.


This action converts the provided string to the integer value and stores it into the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


StoreStringToInteger            "Key"          "20"


This action increments the string length by the value specified by the user and stores it into a variable.


StoreStringLength                             "length"                      "This is a test"            "3"


This action compares two strings without trimming the spaces. The comparison can be either case-sensitive / non-case-sensitive. Even a key can be passed as one of the parameters for comparison where the CompareString function will retrieve the value from the key and that value will be compared with expected.


Here the CompareString action shall retrieve the value for the key (here Cancel) and compare it with the expected (here Cancel) with case sensitive comparison as True. The action will return 0, if the strings match else it will return 2 if the strings do not match. It will return 1 in any other case (like an error).


This action helps you to print the desired message in Qualitia test case execution report. 


PrintMessageInReport         "Test case executed successfully without fail."                "Passed"


This action verifies whether a specific substring is present in the main string. Comparison can either be case-sensitive or case-insensitive.


Empty and null main string as well as substrings are not  verified by this action.


This action compares the data passed by user and verifies that it matches the pattern specified by the user.  


Special characters and sequences are used in writing patterns for regular expressions. For a complete list of the regular expression syntax visit the VBScript syntax Guide for Regular Expressions.


This action verifies whether a string or any of its substring is defined in the desired pattern that you want.


CompareSubStringPattern ~^[a-z]~{0,5~}[0-9]~{5~}$ YuIFp96062 True
In this case, the action matches the complete string with the specified pattern where it does not match. Hence, the action will return Defect.


This action verifies if the data type is numeric or string.


VerifyDataType "4.78" "numeric"
This shall verify if 4.78 is numeric
VerifyDataType "This is a test" "string"
This shall verify if "This is a test" is a string
Anything which is not numeric shall be considered as a string.
Example: "Enter 123", "23/02/20" etc. shall be considered as a string.


This action verifies the difference between two integer values and validates it with the expected difference value.


VerifyDifference                       "30"                 "40"               "10"


This action splits the string based on the specified delimiter character and stores the value that is contained between its previous occurrence of the delimiter into a variable. If there are n delimiters, then there are  (n+1) substrings.


In this example, the delimter is =, as there are multiple occurrences of =in the mainString,,  after this action is executed, the text between 2nd and 1st delimiter character that is QASM will be stored under the specified key spaceKey.


This action maximizes the browser.

This action does not have any parameter. 




This action selects a frame within the current window.


SelectFrame                        "mainFrame"               "name"


This action is used to select a frame irrespective of the frame hierarchy. The frame can be either be an iframe or a normal frame, which are defined in html by <iframe> and <frame> tag respectively.


The SelectFrameUsingUrl action will select first frame from the frame hierarchy which is found as per the regex pattern.


This action stores the current date in the specified format under the key name. The key value can be retrieved using the key name. 


StoreCurrentDateInFormat                             "MM-dd-yyyy"                "currentDateKey"


This action stores the date provided by the user in a specific format under the key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


StoreDateInFormat                      "30/Jan/2009"                    "dd/MMM/yyyy"               "dd-MMM-yyyy"             "Datekey"


This action trims the preceding and succeeding spaces and stores the resulting string in the given key.


Suppose, you give the strText as "John Doe" to store the final string inside the key "FullName". End of the execution, John Doe will be stored in the key FullName.


This action compares two strings. The comparison can be either case-sensitive/non case-sensitive. Even a key can be passed as one of the parameters for comparison where the TrimAndCompareString function will retrieve the value from the key and that value will be compared with expected. The spaces of both the strings are trimmed before comparing.


TrimAndCompareString      “Hello “     “ hello ”    “True”


This action performs comparisons between two dates for various operations (equality, inequality, greater than, less than).


Macro lookup error: excerpt "DateTimeFormatSupported" was not found on page "General Web Actions" (with ID 34394177967) in space "QASNew".


This action changes the case of the provided string and stores the final value into the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


ChangeCaseAndStore                "Key"               "Qualitia"             "Upper"


This action modifies the day/month/year by the number specified by the user and stores the resulting date under the specified key in the same format as the input date. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


Hence, the user can either give the exact end date or can give the number of days, months, or years by which the date needs to be changed.


This action calculates the difference in days between the two specified dates and stores the difference under the specified key. The key value can be used using the key name.


CalculateDifferenceInDatesAndStore                             "24-Jan-2007"                    "dd-MMM-yyyy"                     "01/26/2007"                      "MM/dd/yyyy            "diffKey"


This action verifies if any dialog of the type alert/prompt/confirmation exists on the browser.


VerifyDialogExistence                       "True"


This action clicks OK on the alert/prompt/confirmation pop up.

This action does not have any parameter.



This action cancels the alert/prompt/confirmation pop up.

This action does not have any parameter.



This action stores the message from the alert/prompt/confirmation pop up under the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


StoreDialogText               "message"


This action executes the batch file specified by the user.


ExecuteFile                     "C:\test\batchfile1.bat"


This action sets a file path in the file object type in html. This action is applicable only for desktop web application.



 If you want to upload a file using an object, refer to AttachFile action as described in WebFile Actions.


This action executes data manipulation queries like select and stores the result into a file.


ExecuteQueryAndStoreInFile "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl" "scott" "tiger" "select * from test_table where id = 100" "C:\DBResults\XML\ORACLE\Result.xml"


This action executes data definitions queries like update, delete and stores the result into a key.


ExecuteQueryAndStoreInKey "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl" "scott" "tiger" "delete from test_table where id = 100" "Resultkey"


This action compares the database results in two files and displays only the difference in an Microsoft or a kingsoft Excel sheet. A link is generated in the log file. On clicking the link, the excel sheet opens in which the difference in the data is displayed. This action compares the following file types which contain DB results. These files contain the results after executing the queries using the actions "ExecuteQueryAndStoreInFile" or "StoreTableData". The supported file extension types are : txt, xml and xls.


CompareTabularResults             "C:\DBResults\XML\ORACLE\Result.xml"                 "C:\DBResults\Excel\ORACLE\Result.xls"                     "MSExcel"


This action evaluates mathematical, relational, logical operations and stores the result under the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


Logical Expression
ComputeExpression             "10*2+1>19&10*2+2<23'"     "Result"


This action compares two arrays for equality.


Example :
CompareArray "1^2^3^4" "1^2^3^4"             "exact"
CompareArray "1^2^3^4^5^6" "2^1^3^4"      "partial"


This action fetches the handle (identifier) of a window and stores under the specified key.  This key can the be used in action like SelectPage and ClosePopupBrowser to work on the specific page. This action can be used when the name of the window on which user needs to work on is not known.


OpenUrl                                 ""
StoreWindowHandle            "mainapplicationWindow"


This action skips the execution of the next step and continue executing the next task. 


This action does not have any parameter.




This action skips the execution of the current iteration of test case and execute next iteration. In case of a single TC Iteration the test case execution will stop.

This action does not have any parameter.




This action stops the execution of the test suite and no further test cases will be executed.

This action does not have any parameter.




This action verifies if there is any hyperlink exists on the page.


VerifyLinkOnPage                    "AdvancedSearch"


This action stores the child count for the specified locator. The action counts the last element in the Xpath which are placed inside the parent hierarchy. The child elements to be counted can be immediate children/descendants. The user should pass relevant Xpath to achieve children/descendants count.


StoreChildCount                      "//table[@id='12']/tbody/tr/td/div"         "Key"


This action clicks the link or element that opens a download window, which is used to download the files.  You need to handle the action externally as it does not wait until the file is downloaded.


Example  DownloadFile               "C:/ProgramData"           "Qualitia"       "DOWNLOAD SAMPLE DOC FILE"       "Link"


This action simulates the refresh operation on the currently selected page.

This action does not have any parameter. 




This action deletes all the cookies that are visible to the current domain. This action does not have any parameter. 




This action accepts the dialog appeared on the Web page and stores the message under the specified key. 


AcceptDialogAndStoreMessage                  "AlertMessage"


This action validates the data given in the specified JSON or XML file.


End of the execution, if the data from the specified file is valid, action will pass, else action will fail. 


This action writes a user defined property along with its value to the file. This customized information can be used in email notifications sent by Jenkins provided all the required email specific settings are done there in Jenkins.


WriteToBuildProperty             "propertyName"                 "propertyValue"


This action is required to add authentication details in the window to log into the application.


WindowsAuthenticationLogin                      ""               "testuser1"        "passwduser1"


This is a placeholder action and cannot be executed. Qualitia selects this action for the steps present under the activity when auto-populating test case.


When executing test cases with this action, test cases will be failed to notify Qualitia users about replacing such actions.


This action minimizes the window.

This action does not have any parameter. 




This action sets the page load timeout when executing test cases. The time set here overrides the Page Timeout set in the associatedInput Parameters:


SetPageLoadTimeout             "20"


This action stores the source of the page under the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


StorePageSource             "PageSource"


This action fetches the handle (identifier) of the specified window in the index and stores under the specified key.  This key can the be used in action like SelectPage and ClosePopupBrowser to work on the specific page. This action can be used when the name of the window on which user needs to work on is not known.


StoreWindowHandleAtIndex              "Key"                   "4"


This action changes the current Web execution platform from Desktop to Mobile. When used, web application test case will run on specified platform.


SwitchWebExecutionPlatform                        "Mobile"


This action waits until the number of open windows reaches the count specified in the parameter. You may use polling interval and timeout, if required.


WaitForNumberOfWindowsToBe       "3"         "10"      "500"       "Key"     "Defect"


This action sets the window size based on the parameters provided (height and width).


SetWindowSize          "1344"             "689"


This action stores the current size of the window under the specified keys. These key values can be retrieved using the key names.


StoreWindowSize          "Height"             "Width"


This action sets the position of the console window as per the specified position.


SetWindowPosition          "123"             "232"


This action stores the current position of the window under the specified keys. These key values can be retrieved using the key names.


StoreWindowPosition          "XCordinateValue"             "YCordinateValue"


This action sets the browser in the full screen mode. 

This action does not have any parameter.




This action clicks (without releasing) at the current mouse location.

This action does not have any parameter.




This action performs a double click action at the current mouse location.

This action does not have any parameter. 




This action performs a right-click action at the current mouse location.



Selenium requires a click action to be performed in case this (RightClick) action is used two times in a single test case. In case you do not use any click action between two RightClick actions, the second instance of the RightClick will not be visible.




This action waits for the specified frame to appear on the page and selects when it is available. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.


SelectFrameByIndexWhenAvailable       "3"         "10"      "500"       "Key"     "Defect" 


This action runs the parameterized JavaScript code until it returns the value. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.


WaitForJavaScriptReturnsValue       "return eval('2-1');"    "key"      "10"      "500"       "Key"     "Defect"  


This action runs the parameterized JavaScript code until it throws the execption. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.


WaitForJavaScriptThrowsNoExceptions       ""          "10"      "500"       "Key"     "Defect"  


This action waits for the web page title to contain expected partial parameterized value. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.


WaitForTitleContains      "Qualitia"          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits until the web page title changes to other than the partial parameterized value. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.  


WaitForTitleNotContains      "Qualitia"          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits for the web page title to contain exact expected parameterized value. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.


WaitForTitleToBe      "Qualitia"          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits until the web page title changes to other than the parameterized value. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.  


WaitForTitleNotToBe      "Qualitia"          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits for the web page URL to contain expected partial parameterized value. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.  


WaitForURLContains      "OAuth%9"          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits until the web page URL changes to other than the partial parameterized value. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.  


WaitForURLNotContains      "OAuth%9"          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits for the web page URL to contain exact expected parameterized value. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.  


WaitForURLToBe      ""          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits until the specified web page URL value changes to other than the parameterized value. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.  


WaitForURLNotToBe      ""          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits until the specified web page URL value changes to the parameterized regular expression pattern. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.  


WaitForURLPattern      "http[s]:\/\/www\.mysite\.com.*"          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits for the page to prompt an alert. After the alert is prompted, you can send the text specified in the parameter. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.


WaitForAlertAndSendText      "Qualitia"          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits for the web page to prompt an alert. After the alert is prompted, you can either accept the dialog or dismiss the dialog giving appropriate values in the parameters. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.


WaitForAlertAndSpecifyBehavior      "accept"          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action minimizes the window.

This action does not have any parameter. 




This action sets the page load timeout when executing test cases. The time set here overrides the Page Timeout set in the associatedInput Parameters:


SetPageLoadTimeout             "20"


This action stores the source of the page under the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


StorePageSource             "PageSource"


This action fetches the handle (identifier) of the specified window in the index and stores under the specified key.  This key can the be used in action like SelectPage and ClosePopupBrowser to work on the specific page. This action can be used when the name of the window on which user needs to work on is not known.


StoreWindowHandleAtIndex              "Key"                   "4"


This action changes the current Web execution platform from Desktop to Mobile. When used, web application test case will run on specified platform.


SwitchWebExecutionPlatform                        "Mobile"


This action sets the window size based on the parameters provided (height and width).


SetWindowSize          "1344"             "689"


This action stores the current size of the window under the specified keys. These key values can be retrieved using the key names.


StoreWindowSize          "Height"             "Width"


This action sets the position of the console window as per the specified position.


SetWindowPosition          "123"             "232"


This action stores the current position of the window under the specified keys. These key values can be retrieved using the key names.


StoreWindowPosition          "XCordinateValue"             "YCordinateValue"


This action sets the browser in the full screen mode. 

This action does not have any parameter.




This action clicks (without releasing) at the current mouse location.

This action does not have any parameter.




This action performs a double click action at the current mouse location.

This action does not have any parameter. 




This action performs a right-click action at the current mouse location.



Selenium requires a click action to be performed in case this (RightClick) action is used two times in a single test case. In case you do not use any click action between two RightClick actions, the second instance of the RightClick will not be visible.




This action waits for the specified frame to appear on the page and selects when it is available. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.


SelectFrameByIndexWhenAvailable       "3"         "10"      "500"       "Key"     "Defect" 

AnswerForNextDialog (Deprecated)

This action sets the input as the answer for the next prompt. After setting the answer, webdriver by default may cancel the prompt.


AnswerForNextDialog           "Hello"

StoreSubString (Deprecated)

This action stores a substring of a string into a variable. The key value can be retrieved using the key name. 


StoreSubString                   "resultSubString"            "This is a test"                "2"                  "4"


This action generates any random alphanumeric string for a specific length that you want and stores the random value for the specified key. 


StoreRandomAlphanumericString               "Key"                       "10"


This action stores values specified by the user by rounding them off to the nearest whole number. The rounded off value stored in the key can be retrieved using the key name.


  • In this case, 7 will be stored into the key.


This action picks up any random number from the specified range and stores that number in the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


StoreRandomNumber        “123”         “890”        “Key”


This action concatenates (combines) two strings specified by the user and stores into the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


StoreStringConcat                "String1"          "String2"        "Key"


This action generates and stores any random string of the specified length into the key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


StoreRandomString               "Key"                    "23"


This action stores the specified number of characters from the right side of the given string. The stored key value can be retrieved using the key name.


In this case, the last three characters, that is, Doe will be stored under the key name.


This action stores the specified number of characters from the left side of the given string. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


In this case, this action stores the value of Key as John.


This action stores the square root of the specified number under the key. The stored key value can be retrieved using the key name.


In this case, the first four characters i.e. Jonn will be stored under the key name.


This action stores an integer that indicates sign of the number specified in the parameter. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


If you enter a negative integer, in this case, the -1 will be stored under key because the number is lesser than 0.


This action stores the absolute value of the specified number under the key name. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


In this case, the 3.6 will be stored under key.


This action fetches all the matches of a regular expression pattern from an InputString and stores the array of all the matches into the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


StoreMatchesFromRegExPattern                  "Cust1(\d?)"               "CustKey1 CustKey123Cust321"           "Key"


This action verifies whether the specified data is in the array form. If the data is not an array, reports a defect in the execution report.


Array.IsArray              "ArrayKey"


This action joins the substrings from an existing array and stores them into the specified key. By default, these substrings are separated by the caret sign (^). The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


Array.JoinArrayAndStore                "ArrayKey"            "Key"


This action reverses the existing sequence of data given in an array.


Array.Reverse                     "ArrayKey"


This action sorts the existing array data in an ascending order.


Array.Sort               "ArrayKey"


This action stores the length of an existing array into the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


Array.StoreArrayLength       "ArrayKey"               "Key"


This action stores the element from the specified index of an array into the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


Array.StoreElementByIndex                  "ArrayKey"          "5"           "Key"


This action stores the index of the specified element from an existing array into the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.
Input Parameters:


Array.StoreElementIndex                    "ArrayKey"           "Sunday"           "1"           "True"         "Key"


This action verifies whether the specified item exists in an array and reports a defect in case of not finding the specified item.


Array.VerifyElementExists                        "ArrayKey"             "Sunday"             "True"


This action removes or trims the blank spaces existing at the extreme left side of the specified string and stores the value under the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


In this case, the John and family will be stored under key. The blank space before john will be removed.


This action removes or trims the blank spaces existing at the extreme right side of the specified string and stores the value under the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


In this case, the John and family will be stored under key. The blank space after john and family will be removed.


This action compares two images. The file extension and resolution of both the images (source and target) should be same, otherwise, the step will fail.


IMAGE.CompareTwoImages    “C:\Users\Qualitia\Cust_Sign.png”        “C:\Users\Qualitia\Cust_Logo.png”

Date.StoreModified Date

This action modifies the date interval based on the data provided by the user and stores the modified date in the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


Post execution, Qualitia will store 02/28/2021 in the key.


This action modifies format of the date and time based on the format specified by the user and stores the date and time in the modified format under the specified key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


Post execution, Key is stored in the new modified date format to Sunday, February 28, 2021.


This action drags the specified object and drops it in the position of another specified object.


DragAndDropToObject                  "//div/img[@alt='abx']" "xpath" "abc" "id"


This action performs the drag and drop using various actions in Selenium’s Actions class with a delay between every action. Sometimes there is a delay on sites, which prevents any events from being fired by mistake. To perform the drag and drop and action we need to add this delay in our action.


DragAndDropWithDelay                   "//div/img[@alt='abx']" "xpath" "abc" "id" “10”


This action stores the value available in the specified cell. You can then use this data while developing tasks and test cases.


EXCEL.StoreCellData               “D:\TrainingStatus.xlsx”           “Sheet1”         “3”      “Col::3”          “Key”


This action adds specified value or a set of values into the specified row of the Microsoft excel file.


EXCEL.WriteToRow                   “D:\TrainingStatus.xlsx”                “Sheet1”            “3”               “Col::3”         “PASS^PASS^FAIL^WIP”              “Current”


This action adds the specified value or a set of values into the specified column of the Microsoft Excel file.


EXCEL.WriteToColumn               “D:\TrainingStatus.xlsx”           “Sheet1”           “3”          “Col::3”         “USER1^ USER2^ USER3^ USER4”          “Previous”


This action stores the total number of columns present in the specified sheet of Microsoft Excel.


Excel.StoreColumnCount           “D:\TrainingStatus.xlsx”          “Sheet1”         “True”        “Key”


This action stores the total number of rows present in the specified sheet of Microsoft Excel.


Excel.StoreRowCount       “Key”    “D:\TrainingStatus.xlsx”       “Sheet1”    “True”


This action stores the occurrence of the specific value into the specified column.


Excel.StoreColumnDataOccurrance              “D:\TrainingStatus.xlsx”    "Sheet1”   "5"        “True”        “Key”


This action checks the condition added by the user and stores the matching data from specified Excel cell into the specified key.


End of the execution, action stores the Employee ID of Jane i.e. 232 into the specified key ID.


This action is used to compare two text files to validate whether their content is same.
Input Parameters:


File.CompareFileContents                  “C:\Users\admin\Downloads\Cust_Info.txt”               “C:\Users\admin\Downloads\Client_list.txt”        “False”       “True”


This action stores the total number of characters present in the specified text file. 


FILE.StoreCharacterCount        “C:\Users\admin\Downloads\Cust_Info.txt”        “Key”       “True”


This action stores data from the specified row of the specified text file in the key. The key value can be retrieved using the key name.


FILE.StoreStringByLineNumber        “C:\Users\admin\Downloads\Cust_Info”     “2”    “Key”


This action verifies whether the specified data exists in the specified text file.


FILE.VerifyStringExistInFile       “C:\Users\admin\Downloads\Cust_Info”     “Qualitia”    “True”


This action verifies the existence of the specified file at the specified location.


File.VerifyFileExist        “C:\Users\admin\Downloads\Cust_List.txt”


This action verifies the existence of the specified folder at the specified location.


File.VerifyFolderExist        “C:\Users\admin\Downloads\Cust_Info”


This action verifies whether the array is sorted in ascending/descending order.


IsArraySorted                  "0^1^4^10"               "Integer"             "1"


This action searches specified text in the PDF file.


PDF.VerifyStringExistInPDF   “C:\Users\Qualitia\Cust_List.pdf”      “Qualitia”


This action searches specified text on the specified page of the PDF file.


PDF.VerifyStringExistInPDFPage   “C:\Users\Qualitia\Cust_List.pdf”      “Qualitia”       “2”


This action compares two PDFs and validates whether content inside them is identical and stores differences in the temporary text file.


PDF.ComparePDF   “C:\Users\Qualitia\Cust_List.pdf”      “C:\Users\Qualitia\Client_List.pdf”    “C:\Users\Qualitia\Diff.txt”


This action stores the data present on the clipboard into the specified key. The key value then can be retrieved using the key name.


StoreClipboardData                 "key"


This action stores the integer part of a specified number into the specified key. The stored key value can be retrieved using the key name.


StoreFixNumber           "Key"              "6.4332"


This action waits until the number of open windows reaches the count specified in the parameter. You may use polling interval and timeout, if required.



  • For the WaitFor actions to complete successfully, the specified object must exist.

  • Only for all the Wait actions, you can override the actual execution result with that of your choice using the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter. For example, if you set the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter to Pass, the action execution result will always be Pass, irrespective of whether the actual execution result was Fail or Defect.


WaitForNumberOfWindowsToBe       "3"         "10"      "500"       "Key"     "Defect"


This action runs the parameterized JavaScript code until it returns the value. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.


WaitForJavaScriptReturnsValue       "return eval('2-1');"    "key"      "10"      "500"       "Key"     "Defect"  


This action runs the parameterized JavaScript code until it throws the execption. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.



  • For the WaitFor actions to complete successfully, the specified object must exist.

  • Only for all the Wait actions, you can override the actual execution result with that of your choice using the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter. For example, if you set the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter to Pass, the action execution result will always be Pass, irrespective of whether the actual execution result was Fail or Defect.


WaitForJavaScriptThrowsNoExceptions       ""          "10"      "500"       "Key"     "Defect"  


This action waits for the web page title to contain expected partial parameterized value. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.


WaitForTitleContains      "Qualitia"          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits until the web page title changes to other than the partial parameterized value. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.  



  • For the WaitFor actions to complete successfully, the specified object must exist.

  • Only for all the Wait actions, you can override the actual execution result with that of your choice using the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter. For example, if you set the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter to Pass, the action execution result will always be Pass, irrespective of whether the actual execution result was Fail or Defect.


WaitForTitleNotContains      "Qualitia"          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits for the web page title to contain exact expected parameterized value. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.



  • For the WaitFor actions to complete successfully, the specified object must exist.

  • Only for all the Wait actions, you can override the actual execution result with that of your choice using the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter. For example, if you set the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter to Pass, the action execution result will always be Pass, irrespective of whether the actual execution result was Fail or Defect.


WaitForTitleToBe      "Qualitia"          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits until the web page title changes to other than the parameterized value. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.  



  • For the WaitFor actions to complete successfully, the specified object must exist.

  • Only for all the Wait actions, you can override the actual execution result with that of your choice using the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter. For example, if you set the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter to Pass, the action execution result will always be Pass, irrespective of whether the actual execution result was Fail or Defect.


WaitForTitleNotToBe      "Qualitia"          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits for the web page URL to contain expected partial parameterized value. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.  



  • For the WaitFor actions to complete successfully, the specified object must exist.

  • Only for all the Wait actions, you can override the actual execution result with that of your choice using the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter. For example, if you set the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter to Pass, the action execution result will always be Pass, irrespective of whether the actual execution result was Fail or Defect.


WaitForURLContains      "OAuth%9"          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits until the web page URL changes to other than the partial parameterized value. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.



  • For the WaitFor actions to complete successfully, the specified object must exist.

  • Only for all the Wait actions, you can override the actual execution result with that of your choice using the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter. For example, if you set the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter to Pass, the action execution result will always be Pass, irrespective of whether the actual execution result was Fail or Defect.


WaitForURLNotContains      "OAuth%9"          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits for the web page URL to contain exact expected parameterized value. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.  


WaitForURLToBe      ""          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits until the specified web page URL value changes to other than the parameterized value. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.  



  • For the WaitFor actions to complete successfully, the specified object must exist.

  • Only for all the Wait actions, you can override the actual execution result with that of your choice using the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter. For example, if you set the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter to Pass, the action execution result will always be Pass, irrespective of whether the actual execution result was Fail or Defect.


WaitForURLNotToBe      ""          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits until the specified web page URL value changes to the parameterized regular expression pattern. This comparison is case-sensitive. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.  



  • For the WaitFor actions to complete successfully, the specified object must exist.

  • Only for all the Wait actions, you can override the actual execution result with that of your choice using the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter. For example, if you set the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter to Pass, the action execution result will always be Pass, irrespective of whether the actual execution result was Fail or Defect.


WaitForURLPattern      "http[s]:\/\/www\.mysite\.com.*"          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits for the page to prompt an alert. After the alert is prompted, you can send the text specified in the parameter. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.

After adding the required text, you can use the AcceptDialog or WaitForAlertAndSpecifyBehavior to continue test case execution on the main window.



  • For the WaitFor actions to complete successfully, the specified object must exist.

  • Only for all the Wait actions, you can override the actual execution result with that of your choice using the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter. For example, if you set the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter to Pass, the action execution result will always be Pass, irrespective of whether the actual execution result was Fail or Defect.


WaitForAlertAndSendText      "Qualitia"          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"


This action waits for the web page to prompt an alert. After the alert is prompted, you can either accept the dialog or dismiss the dialog giving appropriate values in the parameters. You may specify the timeout and polling interval, if required.



  • For the WaitFor actions to complete successfully, the specified object must exist.

  • Only for all the Wait actions, you can override the actual execution result with that of your choice using the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter. For example, if you set the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter to Pass, the action execution result will always be Pass, irrespective of whether the actual execution result was Fail or Defect.


WaitForAlertAndSpecifyBehavior      "accept"          "5"          "500"        "Key"        "Defect"

WaitForPageToLoad (Deprecated)

This actions waits for the page to load for the specified number of seconds. If the wait time is "" then the wait time value is taken from the "Sync Time" set under the Qualitia Configuration (Execution) window. 



  • For the WaitFor actions to complete successfully, the specified object must exist.

  • Only for all the Wait actions, you can override the actual execution result with that of your choice using the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter. For example, if you set the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter to Pass, the action execution result will always be Pass, irrespective of whether the actual execution result was Fail or Defect.


In Webdriver, we wait for the object to come in ready state. If it is in ready state it is assumed that the page is loaded completely and Webdriver will stop waiting. The condition to wait till the object is in ready state and assume that the page is loaded could however not work as expected at all times.


This action waits for the page to prompt an alert. After the alert is prompted, it stores the alert text in the variable. You may specify the timeout if required. After storing the required text, It clicks the OK button on the alert/prompt/confirmation pop up.



  • For the WaitFor actions to complete successfully, the specified object must exist.

  • Only for all the Wait actions, you can override the actual execution result with that of your choice using the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter. For example, if you set the statusIfConditionNotSatisfied parameter to Pass, the action execution result will always be Pass, irrespective of whether the actual execution result was Fail or Defect.


WaitforAlertandStoreAcceptIfexist     “10“     “AlertMessage”


This action allows users to write or append the text in the specified file.
