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This guide walks you through the process of working with offline suites in the Qualitia Automation Studio (QAS) using Command Line Interface (CLI) commands.


  • Access to the QAS Client.

  • An offline package saved on your computer.

  • Basic familiarity with CLI operations.

🔂 Procedure

Execute Offline Suite using CLI Commands

The offline package runs the chosen offline suite with its set execution profile, which can be customized to override pre-configured settings.


  1. Open the Command Prompt.

  2. Go to the location where you have saved the offline package.

  3. Enter the following code: java -jar qualitiaoffline-9.0.x.jar

    1. The offline package is executed using the settings defined in the Qualitia Offline Configuration Manager.

  4. Override any of the following parameters:

    1. Mapped Execution Profile – Enter the location of the Execution Profile you want in the following ways:

      1. The location of the execution profile must be enclosed by double inverted commas. Note that you do not require any key.

      2. Your first argument must be as follows: java -jar qualitiaoffline-9.0.x.jar "D:/ABCsettings.JSON

    2. Offline Suite – Enter the location of the offline suite as SuitesDir="Suite_Path".
      For example, java -jar qualitiaoffline-9.0.x.jar SuitesDir="D:/OfflineSuite/Suite1"

    3. Environment Variable – Enter the environment variables and their associated values in the following format: java -jar qualitiaoffline-9.0.x.jar env.var1=value1 env.var2=value2. Here, var1 and var2 denote the environment variables, and value1 and value2 denote the associated values. For example, java -jar qualitiaoffline-9.0.x.jar env.username=john.smith env.password=12345

    4. Other Parameters defined in the selected Execution Profile – Enter the parameters preceded by their hierarchy in name=value format as command-line arguments. For example, to use a specific version of Google Chrome, enter the command line argument as follows - java -jar qualitiaoffline-9.0.x.jar googleChrome.version= . In this example, Google Chrome is the topmost parameter followed by its version. You may provide multiple property-value pairs separating them with space, as shown in the following example - java -jar qualitiaoffline-9.0.x.jar googleChrome.version= PageTimeoutInSeconds=10.

      1. If you are overriding the mapped execution profile, enter it as the first argument as this - java -jar qualitiaoffline-9.0.x.jar "D:/ABCsettings.JSON" googleChrome.version= PageTimeoutInSeconds=10

      2. If a key has a dot in its name, you need to put backslash before the dot, such as  chrome.chromedriverVersion, which is under Android Chrome as shown here -
        java -jar qualitiaoffline-9.0.x.jar\.chromedriverVersion=83

  5. Press Enter to start the offline suite execution.

View Offline Suite Execution Report

After running the tests, you would want to review a comprehensive report to analyze the results.

  • You can check the results on the Real Time Reporting Portal.

  • Additionally, the offline suite creates a detailed summary report based on the location set in the Qualitia Offline Configuration Manager > General Settings tab.

  • You can manually upload the locally saved report, if it is not available on the Real-Time Reporting Portal for any of the following reasons:

    • Qualitia Server URL is not configured in the offline suite.

    • Connection to Qualitia Server fails during offline suite execution.

Edit Test Data for Offline Suite

You can edit test data for an offline suite either using Qualitia Client or test data Excel file present in Offline Suite folder.

Editing the Test Data using Qualitia Client

  1. Open your test case from the client.

  2. Access the Test Data explorer to edit.

  3. Once done, re-create the offline suite.

    1. Refer to the section Work with Offline Packages.

Edit Test Data using Test Data File

You can also edit the test data directly in the Excel file located in the Offline Suite folder. However, it is recommended to edit through the Qualitia Client as it provides error alerts for incorrect data modifications.


  1. Don not add or remove columns, or change the column order.

  2. Use $NULL$ where you don not want to set a value for a parameter.

  3. Delete rows for unwanted task or test case (TC) iterations.

Steps to Modify Test Data for an Offline Suite

  1. Go to the Offline Suite folder.

  2. Backup the test data file you want to edit.

  3. Open the test data Excel file.

  4. You can update the values for the below fields, as needed.

    1. TC Iteration: Shows the number for every TC Iteration. There must be at least one TC Iteration for executing the test case.

    2. Selection: Shows True for the enabled test case iterations; Otherwise, it shows False. You can modify the values only for test case iterations.

    3. DataSetTag: Optionally, enter a label for identifying the dataset in the test case execution report. You can modify the values.

  5. To add a TC iteration, insert a row with values for TC Iteration Number, Selection, and DataSetTag (optional).

  6. For adding a task iteration, insert a row with values for associated parameters.

  7. Save the Excel file after editing.

The first row of the Excel file shows tasks in grey and the second row shows the corresponding task parameters. So, these rows are not editable. You can edit test data from the third row onwards.

Execute Offline Suite on a Shared Drive

You can execute an Offline Suite present in a shared drive for web and mobile applications in one of the following ways:

  • By mapping the shared drive to the local computer.

  • Without mapping the shared drive to the local computer.

Execute a Shared Offline Suite by Mapping

For a more seamless experience, you might prefer mapping the shared drive to your local system.



Note: You cannot execute an offline suite using the command prompt by specifying the complete UNC (Shared location).

Execute Offline Suite for Desktop Applications on a Shared Drive

You can execute an offline suite present in a shared drive for desktop applications.


  1. Configure the offline suite as per the requirements. For detailed instructions, refer to Configuring the System Execution Profile Settings for a Desktop Project.

  2. Do one of the following: 

    • Open command prompt, navigate to mapped drive location that contains the offline package and offline suite.

    • Navigate to the mapped drive location that contains the offline package and the offline suite and double-click the offline package (9.x.x jar).

Execute Offline Suites using CLI

Qualitia supports integration with Continuous integration tools like Jenkins, TeamCity, and Bamboo. It enables developers to find and solve defects in a code base rapidly and to automate testing of their builds.


If your test case is for mobile applications, Appium Server is internally hosted on Qualitia client. However, still you can use a custom Appium server if you want to test on another Appium version. 

Executing an Offline Suite from a Shared Drive without Local Mapping:

Method: Direct execution from the shared drive. Steps:



Note: Using the command prompt with the full UNC path for execution isn't supported.

Execution using Continuous Integration Tools:

Method: Integration via QAS settings.
