Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Qualitia Automation Studio (QAS) enables you to easily manage Test Data, the set of data that is used during execution. You can view test data, add or delete, and edit existing test data. The Test Cases and Tasks can be reiterated multiple times using test data. Let’s see how this works!


 User should have the QAS - Client installed.

  1. User should be assigned to an existing project.

  2. A test scenario should exist.


User should have the below privileges to:


You can only view the parameters added for the parameterized data under Test Data.

Test Data icon will be enabled only if the test case contains parameterized data, if all the data is static, it will be disable.

To parameterize the test data:

  1. Login to QAS - Client.

  2. Access Develop from left navigation to view Test Explorer screen.

    1. On the Explorer section, you can view existing Test Scenarios.

  3. Click the Expand option on a test scenario, where you can view all its test cases.

  4. Open the test case in which you want to add test data or edit its existing test data.

  5. In the test case, under the Parameter columns, for the data you want to parameterize, replace the existing values with a unique value without enclosing in double-quotes. 

  6. Click Test Data at the bottom left corner of the Test Explorer screen.

  7. Clicking Test Data will open the Test Data explorer.

  8. To add a test case iteration, click + Add TC Iteration. It will insert a blank row below the selected iteration and auto generate the Itr. N.

    1. DataSetTag: Enter a unique value for a data set test case iteration. DataSetTag simplifies finding a test case iteration in the test case execution report.

    2. Toggle: Toggle on the iteration to enable the execution for the test case iteration or toggle off the iteration to disable the execution for the test case iteration. You must enable at least one test case iteration to execute the test case. 

    3. Enter the values in their relevant formats for each parameterized data.

      • Enter $NULL$ in the cell where you want to have a blank value by clicking on Add $NULL$ in blank from the More Options.

      • You can move and resize the Test Data explorer.

      • You can import test data for a test case from an excel file and also export it as an excel file.

    4. The Total TC Iteration shows the total number of iterations in test data.

  9. If the test case contains tasks, the first row displays the task names. Each task covers its associated parameterized data in the second row.

  10. Click + Add task Iteration to add a task iteration within a test case iteration.

    1. Clicking + Add task Iteration will insert a blank row after the test case iteration.

    2. Enter the values in their associated format for the task parameters.

      • The values added for parameters of a task are not duplicated in the same tasks that are present in other test cases.

      • You do not need to enter the values for the parameters that are not associated with task iterations as they are not considered in the task iteration executions.

  11. After adding or editing all the required data, click the Save button on the Test Case Editor screen.

  12. Click the Test Data button present in the test case editor screen to close the Test Data explorer.
    You can now Dry run the test case to verify whether the test data meets the test requirements.


  • Toggle - Toggle on or off the TC iteration. Using master toggle, we can mark or unmark all the iterations.

  • Error Navigator - If there are any errors in our data, we can navigate to that particular error using error navigator.

  • Delete - Delete the task iteration or the TC iteration.

  • More Options - Add $NULL$ to all the blank rows by clicking on more options.

  • Find - Search the values using find.

  • Expand All - Expand all the iterations.

  • Collapse All - Collapse all the iterations.

  • Hide ‘Skipped or unmarked’ Data - This will hide/unhide the skipped columns under the Test Case editor.

  • Import - A test case or task can be imported using an Excel file.

  • Export - Export test data in an Excel.

  • Maximize

  • Undo

  • Redo

  • Refresh

  • Popout

💡Golden Nuggets: Best Practices for Test Data Management

  • Adding multiple iterations: We are restricted to add one iteration at a time, and this can be time consuming. In order to save time and add multiple iterations at a time, QAS allows you to export data to the local and reuse it by just a drag and drop method to add multiple iterations. You can add multiple iterations using the Excel and import it again.

  • Getting errors in Test Data: You might get errors during execution and would not understand Why? This might be due to the blank cells in the test data. To avoid it, enter $NULL$ in the cell where you want to have a blank value by clicking on Add $NULL$ in blank from the More Options. This will add $NULL$ to all the blank cells and you can avoid the errors.

🔧 Got a problem? Let’s fix!

  1. Unable to edit iteration cell: When you add a task iteration for any of the test cases, you will be allowed to edit or parameterize the cell only under that task. However, when you will add this iteration, an entire row will be added and there will be cells for the test case as well as the other tasks under the same test case. These cells however will be inactive, and you won't be able to edit them.

    • For example: You have added a task iteration for Task1, which is part of Test Case1. Test Case1 consists of one more task that’s Task2. Now, when you add an iteration, a row will be added with cells under Test Case1, Task1, as well as Task2. However, only the cell under Task1 will be active and you will be able to add value to it, others will be inactive.

  2. Not able to copy task iteration from one task to another: You will be able to copy task iteration from one task to another, only if the schema of two tasks is same. They should have same number of parameters.

    • For Example: If Task1 consists of one parameter key* and Task2 consists of two parameters key* & InputString*, you won't be able to copy a task iteration from Task1 to Task2 or vice versa. However, if Task1 contains Key* and Task2 Inputstring*, the task iteration can be copied.

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