Navigate to the Users section in your QAS.
Hover your mouse over a User in Users section, Edit User option will appear.
Click Edit User.
This will open Edit User window. Update
Status checkbox: Uncheck to make a user Inactive or Check to make a user Active
Click Update Save. The user is saved with the edited values.
Discard if you have accidentally clicked.
Click a User to view the User details.
In the User details section, click Change Password
This will open Alert – Change Password window.
Enterthe Old Password and the New Password to change the password for the selected User. Thepassword should be 6 to 30 characters long and include at least one uppercase, one lowercase, one digit, and one special character.
Cancel Discard if you have accidentally clicked.
Navigate to the Users section in your QAS.
Hover your mouse over a User in Users section, Delete option will appear.
Click Delete (bin)
This will open Alert – Delete User window. Click
Delete to permanently delete the selected User.
Cancel if you have accidentally clicked.
The user will be deleted in Qualitia Automation Studio.