Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Once, the test case and the script are ready to execute, click Execute from the top menu of the Test Case editor screen.

  2. Clicking Execute will open the Debugger screen.

  3. On the Debugger screen, you will see a tool bar with the following options:

    • TC Iteration: Here, you can select the number of TC iterations from the dropdown. This will be in read only mode and you can only check the values of the other iterations here.

    • Pause On Failure: If this is checked, the execution will stop/ pause if there is a failure.

    • Go to Line: If you want to go to any particular step, by inserting the number of the step, you can directly go to that step.

    • Jump to Selection: While executing the test cases, if you want to go to the selected step, clicking on Jume to Selection will take you to that step.

    • Expand All: This will expand all the steps.

    • Collapse All: This will collapse all the steps.

    • Refresh: If multiple users are working on the script, and one of the users update the test case or task you will see a Red Dot near the Refresh button. The Red dot indicates update in the Test Case or the task. Click Refresh if you want to incorporate those changes in your script else continue.

    • Execute: The browser will execute the script, when you click Execute. Once executed, this button will then be used to Pause the execution. After pausing, it will be transformed into Continue button. By clinking Continue you can restart the execution. So, the single button will perform Play, Pause, and Continue.

    • Stop: This can be used to stop the execution.

    • Next: This will help you with line-by-line execution. You need to click this button after every step to continue the execution. Suppose after two steps you want to continue with direct execution, you can click Continue to run the entire script.

  4. Click Exit Debugger to exit the debugger.


You can perform the following operations while debugging a test case:

  1. Add or Remove the breakpoint at any step of test case by clicking the line numbers. You can add/remove the breakpoints on the Debugger windows as well.

  2. Clear All Breakpoints by right clicking the appropriate step with a single click.

  3. Skip / Unskip the steps from executing / debugging by right-clicking at the appropriate step.  

  4. View the detailed debugging logs of the last test cases by clicking View Report.


  • In a step, you can modify the following:

    • Replace or edit an objectEdit an object’s locator type and value.

    • Change static and variable parameters.

    • Edit the conditional stepsexpression.

  • However, these changes cannot be saved in the test case. Only modification in Object’s locator type & value directly get applied in the Object toolkit. The other changes will get permanently applied in TC through Change log.

  • When debugging a test suite of a desktop project, you cannot edit an OR object.  


Qualitia users can modify object's locator type and value of an existing step. The modified object will reflect in all the subsequent instances of the objects wherever it is used in the test case. In case of Desktop’s DP object, you can add/edit/remove property type & value.

To modify object of a step:


The modified Locator Type and Locator Value will be executed only if it matches with the browser or the xpath of the object.

For Web/Mobile/SFDC if smart locator is enabled then we cannot edit the object. We can only edit the Object’s locator type & value if the object’s smart locator is disable.

Modifying Conditional Structure


The Details tab also displays the test case iteration number in addition to other detailed information of each step being executed during the test case. 

Double clicking on the step will open a step detail window which will be only in read-only-mode. If you double click on Object, then user will get details of the object.

View Task Step Details by Task Iteration
