Launch Mobile Object Spy and install or initiate the application you're testing.
From the right pane, click Page Source.
A new section pops up, displaying the page source.
Hover over the object in the page source you wish to add and click the icon.
The object then shows up in the right pane of the Object Repository section. The following object properties are automatically included for a mobile object, but you have the option to modify them:
Object Class
Locator Value
Locator Type
To terminate the session, click the Stop button.
After launching the Mobile Object Spy, you can filter the devices based on factors like device type (emulator/simulator, real), OS version, connected agent, etc. You can then select or connect to the desired mobile device and start adding new objects from the application under test.
Updating Mobile Application Objects
You have the capability to update the details of the objects you've previously added to the repository.
Once an object is added into the repository, you can update it from either the Qualitia Automation Studio (Objects screen) or from Mobile Object Spy.
To update mobile application objects from the Mobile Object Spy:
Launch Mobile Object Spy and start the application under test.
A list of objects previously added from selected application will appear in Object Repository section.
Update object details like
Locator type/value, according to the requirements. For example, if the object is a button and its id has changed in the new version of the app, you can update the locator value to reflect this change.
Note that for an empty object, only the locator type and value can be updated. Other properties can be updated after adding the locator type/value.
Press TAB or ENTER to save the changes.
To edit object details from Qualitia Automation Studio:
Log in to Qualitia Automation Studio.
Navigate to Develop > Objects.
All objects will be listed on the left panel.
Select the object you want to update and click Edit.
Edit the required fields and click Save to save changes.
Filtering Mobile Objects
As your project progresses, you may accumulate hundreds of objects. Searching for specific objects can become a daunting task.
Qualitia allows you to filter objects while working with the Object Spy. You can filter objects by page and by object type as well.
Here's how to filter mobile objects:
Launch Mobile Object Spy and start application under test.
All previously added objects from this application will appear in the object repository section.
Click filter icon.
Select object class(es) based on which you want to filter the objects. For example, if you're looking for all the "Button" objects, you can select Button class from filter options.
Select object type, Mobile or Web.
Click Reset to remove all filters.
Switching to Another QAS Project
If you need to switch to a different Qualitia project, you must first sign out from Mobile Object Spy. Then, while signing back in, you can select the desired Qualitia project to add objects into.
Here are the steps to switch to another QAS project:
From top right corner, click on your username and select Sign Out.
Click Sign In again.
Enter your sign in details and click Sign In.
Select your desired project and start working on it. For example, if you were previously working on a Banking project and now want to switch to an E-commerce project, select the latter from the available projects during sign-in.