Versions Compared


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Though Qualitia covers most of the actions required for automation testing, there might still be a need to add some more actions to Qualitia based on the project requirements. Qualitia allows you to develop your own actions and make them available to use while automating test cases for the application under test.  


title1. Gather or generate all java source files at one place.

In order to import and streamline the custom actions with other project data in Qualitia, you must add all the java source files at one place. In case you do not have source files for some actions, you can generate the source code files easily using these commands mentioned below.

  1. Launch command prompt.

  2. Navigate to the %localappdata%\QualitiaWDClient\app-7.1.0\Dist folder.

  3. Enter the following command:


    Code Block
    C:\Users\<HOSTNAME>\AppData\Local\QualitiaWDClient\app-7.1.0\Dist>java -jar jd-cli.jar "D:\ClassFiles" -od "D:\JavaFiles"
    21:21:06.078 INFO  jd.cli.Main - Decompiling D:\ClassFiles
    21:21:06.095 INFO  jd.core.output.DirOutput - Directory output will be initialized for path D:\JavaFiles
    21:21:06.412 INFO  jd.core.output.DirOutput - Finished with 2 class file(s) and 1 resource file(s) 

    Post executing this command, source code files will be added at the destination folder. You can use them now to build and compile Eclipse project.

title2. Create an Eclipse project and compile the project with all the custom actions.

To create and compile custom action project:

  1. Launch Eclipse and create a new java project using an execution environment as JRE 1.8.

  2. Set the bin folder as an output folder.

  3. Add new folder and name it as lib.
    The complete folder hierarchy will look something like this in the project directory.

  4. Add all the existing custom action files in this directory.
    Before you start adding custom action-related data into these sub folders, ensure that the code is working fine.

    1. Add all the dependency files in the lib folder. 

    2. Add all the compiled class files in the bin folder.

    3. Add all the java source files in the src folder. 
      Ensure you add all your dependent jars in lib folder and provide the relative path for these jars in Build Path with the correct sequence.

  5. Compile and build the Eclipse project.
    Actions are now ready to be imported.


title4. Add missing Qualitia jar file in the lib folder.

To add the missing Qualitia jar file in the lib folder, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to %localappdata%\QualitiaWDClient\app-8.6.0.XXX\WebDriver.

  2. Copy the qualitia-8.6.X jar file and paste it in the lib folder under the following directory: Projectpath/Projectname_projectdb/Projectname_QASJavaproject/

  3. Launch Eclipse by navigating to Qualitia > right-click on project name (Projectname_QASJavaproject) > Build path > Configure Build Path.

  4. Now, go to Libraries > Add jars.

  5. Expand the Projectname_QASJavaproject and the lib folder.

  6. Select the qualitia-8.6.0 jar and click OK.


  1. From the Expand menu, click Develop.

  2. Click the Custom Actions tab.

  3. Click the Add button (  ) or Create Custom Action button.
    The Custom Actions screen appears.

  4. Select Base Class.
    (warning) The Custom Object Class file name including its file path should not exceed 256 characters when you are using Git/Bitbucket as a source control system for maintaining project artifacts.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • To add a new Qualitia Class:

      1. Click the Plus button next to Custom Object Class to add a custom object class by mapping to the Qualitia Class that you want to add.

      2. Enter the java class file name without its extension along with the package name (if required), in Qualitia Class.

    • To select a pre-defined Qualitia Class that is mapped to a Custom Object Class:

      • From the Custom Object Class drop-down list, select a pre-defined custom object class.
        The associated Qualitia Class is selected automatically.

        Points To Know:

        • For example, if you add a Qualitia Class "", then this file creates a package and a java file called as "" and "" respectively.

        • The Custom Object Class is a user-friendly alternate name for a Qualitia Class, which you can specify.

  6. Enter Action Name, Description and Function Name for the action to be created.

  7. In the Properties section, click Add.
    A new line will be added in the grid.

  8. Add Parameter Name, Description, ArgDataType for the parameter, and select whether this parameter is mandatory.

    1. To save the action, click Save.

    2. To save the action and launch the code template in Eclipse IDE, click Save and Launch Eclipse.

  9. Close the Welcome on the IDE window to see your auto-generated custom action code template.

  10. Import the pre-created Custom Action Java project workspace into Eclipse workspace.
    (info) This is a one-time activity for a project.

    1. To import the pre-created workspace, right-click Package Explorer, and select Import from the context-menu.

    2. On the Import window, under the General section, select Existing Projects into Workspace and then click Next.

    3. In the Select root directory section, click the Browse button, select <PROJECTNAME>_QASJavaproject and click Finish.
      You will find this directory under Qualitia project path.

  11. In Eclipse IDE, from the Window menu, select Preferences.

  12. Select General > Workspace > select Refresh using native hooks or polling.

  13. Click Apply and Close.

  14. Ensure you do not change the method signature and provide only the method body. Changing the signature in code may break your action in Qualitia.

  15. In the editor, add the custom action code in the provided template for your custom action.

  16. To add the dependent jars, do the following in the order listed:

    1. Add the dependent jar files in the lib folder under the project.

    2. Right-click the Project, point to Build Path, and then select Configure Build Path.

    3. Click Libraries > Add JARs.

    4. Under Jar Selection window, expand the Project folder.

    5. Under the lib folder, select the dependent Jar, and click Ok

    6. Click Apply and Close.

  17. Build the project and close the Eclipse IDE.
    To work this custom action code in the Qualitia automation test cases, you must build the project successfully.
    You can now use this newly created custom action while developing task and test cases in Qualitia.


Once you have closed the Eclipse IDE, Qualitia automatically commits the code to the version control system (if configured) and makes the code available to other Qualitia project members.


Validation Error


.classpath file is not present in your Eclipse project location 

Ensure that the Eclipse project was built successfully after adding all required artifacts (lib, bin, src folders) to it. This will create a .classpath file. 

.class files are not present in your Eclipse project location 

Collect the required compiled .class files and add them to the Eclipse project (under bin folder). Names of the required files is mentioned in the report.

Jar files mentioned in .classpath in your Eclipse project location

Collect all the required jar files and add them to your Eclipse project directory (under lib folder).

Java source files are not present in your Eclipse project location 

You need to generate the source code from the compiled class files and add them into the src folder under Eclipse project directory. For more information on the creating the source files, refer to the Importing Existing Custom Actions Created in Previous Qualitia Versions section. 

Once you have fixed all the errors mentioned above, you can continue importing custom actions in Qualitia. 


  1. From the Expand Menu, click Develop.

  2. Click the Custom Actions tab.

  3. In the left pane, click the desired custom action which you want to update.
    Custom action details will appear in the right pane.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. Update Action Name, Description, Function Name, and parameters details based on the requirements.

  6. Click Save and Launch Editor.


    For desktop project custom action developed in VB, you cannot add or remove parameters from the mapped function for an unused cutsom action from Qualitia client.  To work around this issue, launch the associated VBS file from Qualitia client, add or remove parameters for the mapped function, and remap the function to the custom action from Custom Action window.
