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Though Qualitia covers most of the actions required for automation testing, there might still be a need to add some more actions to Qualitia based on the project requirements. Qualitia allows you to develop your own actions and make them available to use while automating test cases for the application under test.  


title3. Import custom action code in Qualitia Project.

You can import the existing set of custom actions in Qualitia to share with the other project members easily.

(info) Ensure the class files you are providing have all the custom actions functions present for which you have provided the metadata. A single class file can contain functions for multiple custom actions.

  1. Log on to automation studio as a user with Manage Custom Action Code privileges. 

  2. Navigate to the project in which you want to import the custom action code and then click Develop > Custom Actions.
    You will see the notification about importing custom actions on the top. This option is visible only if the project contains any custom actions that are not yet imported.

  3. Click Import.

  4. Provide path to the the Eclipse project which we have created and compiled earlier.

  5. After importing all the custom action files successfully, click Close.
    Eclipse project directory will be copied under Qualitia project path with all the sub-folders mentioned earlier (bin, lib, src, and so forth).
    The Custom Action Repository Path under Configuration Settings will be set automatically to this new directory created under Qualitia Project Path.

  6. In case there are any issues while importing the actions, these will be listed which can be exported in the HTML report.

  7. Refer to the troubleshooting section to resolve the errors.

    Points To Know:

    • For example, if you add a Qualitia Class "", then this file creates a package and a java file called as "" and "" respectively.

    • The Custom Object Class is a user-friendly alternate name for a Qualitia Class, which you can specify.

title4. Add the missing Qualitia jar file in lib folder.

To add the missing Qualitia jar file in the lib folder, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to %localappdata%\QualitiaWDClient\app-8.5.0.XXX\WebDriver.

  2. Copy the qualitia-8.5.X jar file and paste it in the lib folder under the following directory: Projectpath/Projectname_projectdb/Projectname_QASJavaproject/

  3. Launch Eclipse by navigating to Qualitia > right-click on project name (Projectname_QASJavaproject) > Build path > Configure Build Path.

  4. Now, go to Libraries > Add jars.

  5. Expand the Projectname_QASJavaproject and the lib folder.

  6. Select the qualitia-8.5.0 jar and click OK.


  1. From the Expand Menu, click Develop.

  2. Click the Custom Actions tab.

  3. In the left pane, click the desired custom action which you want to update.
    Custom action details will appear in the right pane.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. Update Action Name, Description, Function Name, and parameters details based on the requirements.

  6. Click Save and Launch Editor.


    For desktop project custom action developed in VB, you cannot add or remove parameters from the mapped function for an unused cutsom action from Qualitia client.  To work around this issue, launch the associated VBS file from Qualitia client, add or remove parameters for the mapped function, and remap the function to the custom action from Custom Action window.
