Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Scheduler execution does not start if another scheduled execution is in progress.

  • Qualitia JIRA Defect integration is supported only till version 8.22 of on-premises JIRA.

  • Internet Explorer support is not available for recording or execution if Internet Explorer is not available on the machine, or you have set up auto redirect to the Edge browser.

  • Recording resumes from the recorder strap while executing the script via dry run and debugger.

  • If "Microsoft Windows Unquoted Service Path Enumeration" vulnerability is reported for Qualitia.Web.Service, then the same needs to be resolved manually. Server setup cannot handle the same.

  • Qualitia Client settings may get wiped off if there is no disk space on Qualitia Client machine.

  • The Qualitia user interface appears to be distorted when it is installed on Windows Server 2019.

  • For test cases aborted inside Suite of Suites, the execution time shows 0hr 00m 00sec. This is only for jobs which get aborted due to service restart.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues related to test case selection while adding test case in suite.

  • Fixed issue in offline execution in Bamboo pipelines.

  • Fixed cosmetic issues in the purge functionality of Reporting portal.

  • Updated Reporting portal to handle invalid authentication token in the session more effectively.

  • Updated the AttachFile action to be compatible with Sauce executions.

  • Updated the log4j library to the latest stable version.

  • Fixed the defects related to TSR merging performed during the Import Task feature.

  • Updated the test integration screen to display Azure DevOps test case ID for easy reference of Azure DevOps tests in Qualitia.

  • Made cosmetic UI fixes in Qualitia client user interface.


  • Execution of suites having test cases with large test data iterations, such as 5000 iteration rows and 500 parameter columns, fails to start.

  • While purging the old Qualitia Reports in large volumes, such as 16 GB reports with 44 GB data, you may see the "Error occurred while fetching purge listing" error.
    As a workaround, purge the old Qualitia Reports in chunks instead of purging large volumes at the same time.

  • Recording or executing test cases using Internet Explorer browser fails with a timeout error message in the QualitiaEngine.log file. This issue occurs as the WebDriverManager does not identify the IE browser version and hence it fails to download the appropriate driver.

    As a workaround, download and add a driver that is compatible with IE browser version manually and provide the path in Qualitia Settings by navigating to Browser>IE.

  • In the Dashboard Heatmap, if the date range spans across two calendar years, the heatmap shows the data only for the latest year.

  • In the Dashboard, for the date filters, the following behavior is observed:

    • If you select the current date, which is today’s date, the selection is applied.

    • If you select a date range, the starting date is applied but not the end date. Details up to the current date are displayed, irrespective of what end date is selected.

    • If you select a date from previous years, then the selection is ignored. Data for only the current year is displayed.

  • When you purge more than 2 GB of data, the purge status of the batch is not marked as completed as expected.

  • In the Dashboard – Test Trend, the unexecuted test cases from a suite are not included in the calculations.

  • For test cases aborted inside Suite of Suites, the execution time shows 0hr 00m 00sec. This is only for jobs which get aborted due to service restart.

  • Overriding an environment variable that is used in multiple QAS projects from the Azure DevOps pipeline overrides the environment variable across all QAS projects.
    You can use any of the following workarounds:

    • Do not use the same environment variable name across multiple Qualitia projects that are linked with an AzureDevOps project.

    • If you already have an environment variable that is used across multiple Qualitia projects with AzureDevOps pipeline, do not override the environment variable from AzureDevOps pipeline.

    • Ensure that the tests from different Qualitia projects are not linked to the AzureDevOps tests in the same test suite.

    • Ensure that environment variables names in multiple Qualitia projects do not match. You may prefix them with the project name.


  • Execution of suites having test cases with large test data iterations, such as 5000 iteration rows and 500 parameter columns, fails to start.

  • When a step inside a task that is being moved down crosses over another step being moved up, the test data of the test cases using the task being moved goes into inconsistent state. This issue is observed only when two test steps being moved in opposite direction cross other.

  • While purging the old Qualitia Reports in large volumes, such as 16 GB reports with 44 GB data, you may see the "Error occurred while fetching purge listing" error.
    As a workaround, purge the old Qualitia Reports in chunks instead of purging large volumes at the same time.

  • For test cases aborted inside Suite of Suites, the execution time shows 0hr 00m 00sec. This is only for jobs which get aborted due to service restart.

  • Overriding an environment variable that is used in multiple QAS projects from the Azure DevOps pipeline overrides the environment variable across all QAS projects.
    You can use any of the following workarounds:

    • Do not use the same environment variable name across multiple Qualitia projects that are linked with an AzureDevOps project.

    • If you already have an environment variable that is used across multiple Qualitia projects with AzureDevOps pipeline, do not override the environment variable from AzureDevOps pipeline.

    • Ensure that the tests from different Qualitia projects are not linked to the AzureDevOps tests in the same test suite.

    • Ensure that environment variables names in multiple Qualitia projects do not match. You may prefix them with the project name.


  • You may experience performance issues when editing a test case with large volume of test data associated with it.

  • Execution fails to start for the suites having test cases with large test data iterations.

  • Test data gets corrupt when the task steps are moved up or down.

  • Mobile Object Spy, Mobile Recording, and Mobile execution do not support Android real devices and emulators with Android 11 operating system and above.

  • Internet Explorer (IE) does not support Shadow DOM. Hence, IE Object Spy and IE Recorder do not support Shadow DOM Object Spying.

  • For test cases aborted inside Suite of Suites, the execution time shows 0hr 00m 00sec. This is only for jobs which get aborted due to service restart.

  • SFDC objects do not support the following features:

    • Polling Interval and Time Out on object level

    • Wait actions


  • FireFox Recorder uses the SetWindowSize action instead of MaximizeBrowser when the browser is maximized during recording.

  • Currently, Mobile Object Spy and Mobile Recorder do not support the Shadow Dom feature.

  • The "Highlighted object(s) does not exist on the current page" error message occurs for all objects even if the objects are highlighted. This is an intermittent issue for Object Spy.

  • In Shadow DOM, Web ObjectSpy and Web Recorder do not support element with dynamic attributes which have non-null attribute value.

  • Unknown error exception occurs while performing actions on the Shadow DOM object:
    For the Click and MouseOver actions, you can use the alternative actions ClickJS and MouseOverJS, respectively provided by Qualitia.
    For similar issues with other actions, contact Qualitia Customer Support.

  • Test Case execution from ALM fails when the integrated Test Case is locked or out of sync, when the associated task is modified by some other Test Case or from the Task tab.
    To work around this issue, unlock the Test Case or open and save the impacted test case, and then execute the Test Case again from ALM.

  • Commit from GIT fails for long file paths, though it works from GIT Bash. For example, C:\Users\localadmin\Documents\DND_QDS_Automation_Backup\DND_QDS_AutomationProject\Regression_Repo.
    To work around this issue, use short file path. For example, C:\.

  • Mobile execution with the “_appiumOption” capability as “Automatic” does not work With ALM integration. ALM does not allow to connect to the appium server even when the server starts successfully at the localhost. Once ALM is disconnected, the appium server is connected successfully, and the TC executed as expected.
    To work around this issue, set the capability "_appiumOption" as "custom".

  • For test cases aborted inside Suite of Suites, the execution time shows 0hr 00m 00sec. This is only for jobs which get aborted due to service restart.

Qualitia Automation Studio 8.3.2 Release Notes


  • FireFox Recorder uses the SetWindowSize action instead of MaximizeBrowser when the browser is maximized during recording.

  • Currently, Mobile Object Spy and Mobile Recorder do not support the Shadow Dom feature.

  • The "Highlighted object(s) does not exist on the current page" error message occurs for all objects even if the objects are highlighted. This is an intermittent issue for Object Spy.

  • In Shadow DOM, Web ObjectSpy and Web Recorder do not support element with dynamic attributes which have non-null attribute value.

  • Unknown error exception occurs while performing actions on the Shadow DOM object:
    For the Click and MouseOver actions, you can use the alternative actions ClickJS and MouseOverJS, respectively provided by Qualitia.
    For similar issues with other actions, contact Qualitia Customer Support.

  • Mobile execution with the “_appiumOption” capability as “Automatic” does not work With ALM integration. ALM does not allow to connect to the appium server even when the server starts successfully at the localhost. Once ALM is disconnected, the appium server is connected successfully, and the TC executed as expected.
    The workaround to this issue is to set the capability "_appiumOption" as "custom".

  • For test cases aborted inside Suite of Suites, the execution time shows 0hr 00m 00sec. This is only for jobs which get aborted due to service restart.

Qualitia Automation Studio 8.3.1 Release Notes


  • Fixed the issue where the SVN client version was getting reset in the Scheduler suite executions.

  • Updated the custom action return status handling when the return status values are not as expected by Qualitia.

  • Now, you cannot edit the test data if all the test case steps use static data.

  • Fixed issues in action execution.

  • Fixed the issues where the suite execution results displayed cropped screenshots in different screen resolutions.

  • Improved the Excel.StoreCellData action to read different data types from an Microsoft Excel file.

  • Improved the performance of the Suites and Custom Actions screens.

  • Improved the Settings screen.

  • Some cosmetic changes are done in the product to improve the user experience.

Known Issues

  • Before executing a test case or a test suite on a custom browser profile, ensure that you close all the instances of the browser.

  • For test cases aborted inside Suite of Suites, the execution time shows 0hr 00m 00sec. This is only for jobs which get aborted due to service restart.

Qualitia Automation Studio 8.3.0 Release Notes
