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Watch the video tutorial about working with object spy here:


Static object is one for which the value of attribute does not change. For example, value of colors property of Indian National Flag will never change.
Best practices in identifying Static Object:
Out of all the attributes, the most static attribute known is the 'name' attribute. Next is the 'id' attribute as IDs can change, since there are few development frameworks that dynamically generate values for id attribute. For all such applications, 'id' attribute becomes the most dynamic.


Dynamic object is one for which the value of attribute is prone to change. For example, value of size property of Indian National Flag can change.
Best practices in identifying Dynamic Object:
To identify an object, never select an attribute that has a dynamic value. Look for any other attribute(s), which are expected to remain static and points to the desired object uniquely. If there are no such attributes, try to use 'regular expression' to avoid dynamism. This is possible if the attribute value has some static and some dynamic portion. You can even parameterize the value to take complete control of predictable dynamism.
There are cases where dynamism of attribute value is not predictable. Do not use such attributes.


  1. You can add Qualitia Object spy as an extension to Chrome or Edge browser:

    • To add the Chrome Object Spy:

      1. Download the ChromeExtension folder from the S3 location to your computer.

      2. Extract the QualitiaChromeExtension-8.3.x zip file in a local folder on your computer.

      3. Launch Google Chrome browser and navigate to chrome://extensions/.

    • To add the Edge Object Spy:

      1. Download the EdgeExtension folder from the S3 location to your computer.

      2. Extract the QualitiaEdgeExtension-8.3.x zip file in a local folder on your computer.

      3. Launch Microsoft Edge browser and navigate to edge://extensions/.

  2. Enable Developer Mode.

  3. Click Load Unpacked.

  4. Select the location of the extracted zip file (QualitiaChromeExtension-8.3.x  or QualitiaEdgeExtension-8.3.x), and click OK.

You can now launch Qualitia Object Spy on the selected browser. For more detailed instructions, Launching Object Spy from the Browser.

Launch Object Spy from Browser


  1. Launch either Edge or Chrome Object Spy.
    For detailed instructions on how to launch a web object spy, refer to Launching Object Spy from the Browser.

  2. Enter the application under test URL in the address bar.

  3. Enable the Select Mode on.

  4. Hover the mouse pointer over the object and click it once the object details are highlighted.
    The object is added into the list in the Object Spy window.

  5. After adding all the required objects, click Save to Repository.

  6. To add the objects for a child window, do one of the following:

    1. Open the child window, and open its associated Object Spy to add the child window objects to a new child window object repository.

    2. Open the child window. Click the Select Mode button of the Object Spy associated with the parent window to add the child window objects to the parent window object repository. You can switch between parent and child windows to add their objects using the Select Mode button.  


      It is recommended to use Web Object Spy in left dock mode or right dock mode. If you want to use it in any other dock mode, re-enable the Select Mode button to start using it.

      You can also detach Object Spy UI with the application under the test page and also add the child window objects as shown in the above-mentioned step. However, if you are adding objects for multiple application pages in the detach mode, the Web Object Spy adds the objects of all the pages in the same object repository.


  1. Launch the browser (Edge or Chrome) that is enabled with Web Object Spy.
    For detailed instructions on how to launch a web object spy, refer to Launching Object Spy from the Browser.

  2. In the Repository section, select the page under which the object exists which needs to be updated.

  3. Click the edit () icon next to the object that you want to edit.


    SmartLocator mode does not support HTML tag/structure change.

  4. Modify the object details and then click Save.


On your Windows machine, you must have

For more information on the same, please to the (8.3.0) Prerequisites & Configurations section.  

Installing the Mobile Server


  1. Navigate to the folder where you have downloaded Qualitia Installables.

  2. Open Mobile Server Folder.

  3. Do one of the following:

    1. If you are installing it on Mac, copy the Qualitia Mobile Server.pkg file to any temporary location.

    2. If you are installing it on Windows, copy the Setup.exe file to any temporary location.

  4. Follow the onscreen instructions and complete the installation procedure.

  5. To confirm the installation, do one of the following:

    1. Go to services console and check whether the Qualitia.Mobile.Service is running (for Windows only).

    2. You can try accessing Mobile Server using Server URL in any browser.
      Server URL is a combination of hostname/IP of the machine where Qualitia Object Spy server is installed along with the port 4001.
      Sample URL may look like: or http://localhost:4001.

Installing a Mobile Agent


This can be any Windows or Mac system with all the prerequisites installed for mobile application testing.


For more information on adding these dependencies, you may refer to the (8.3.0) Prerequisites & Configurations section.

Configuring a Mobile Agent on Windows


To configure iOS devices, to connect to the agent, refer to the Preparing Mobile Devices for Automation Testing section.

(info) ADB commands should not be executed on external terminal while Mobile agent is running.


  1. From the notification area, right-click the  Mobile Agent(

    ) icon to select Open Configuration.

    You will get the following information from system/IT administrator.

  2. Enter Mobile Server URL and click Open Settings.
    Mobile server URL is a combination of Hostname/IP of the machine where Mobile Server is installed along with with the port 4001.
    Sample URL may look like: or http://localhost:4001.

  3. Enter Keychain Path.
    It is a path to the private development key exported from the system keychain.

  4. Enter Keychain Password for authenticating to Keychain Path mentioned above.

  5. Enter Keystore Password.
    For more information about these properties, you may refer to Appium documentation.

  6. Enter the absolute path to chromedriver executable file which will be used while test case executions on mobile devices.

  7. Enter the path to the directory where you have stored the chromedriver to be used test case executions on mobile devices.

  8. Click Save.

  9. On the subsequent screen, enter Mobile Server URL.
    Server URL is a combination of hostname/IP of the machine where Qualitia Mobile server is installed along with the port 4001.
    Sample URL may look like: or http://localhost:4001 (if the mobile server is installed locally).


To configure iOS devices, to connect to the agent, refer to the Preparing Mobile Devices for Automation Testing section.

To Configure Mobile agent:

  1. From the notification area, right-click the 

    and select Open Configuration.
    You will get the following information from system/IT administrator.

  2. Enter Mobile Server URL and click Open Settings.
    Mobile server URL is a combination of Hostname/IP of the machine where Mobile Server is installed along with with the port 4001.
    Sample URL may look like: or http://localhost:4001.

  3. Enter Keychain Path.
    It is a path to the private development key exported from the system keychain.

  4. Enter Keychain Password for authenticating to Keychain Path mentioned above.

  5. Enter the Keystore Password.
    For more information about these properties, you may refer to Appium documentation.

  6. Enter the absolute path to the chromedriver executable which will be used test case executions on mobile devices. 

  7. Enter the path to the directory where you have stored the chromedriver to be used test case executions on mobile devices.

  8. Enter XCODE Signing ID.

  9. Enter XCODE Organization Team ID.

  10. Click Save.

  11. On a subsequent screen, enter Mobile Server URL.
    Server URL is a combination of hostname/IP of the machine where Qualitia Mobile server is installed along with the port 4001.
    Sample URL may look like: or http://localhost:4001 (if the mobile server is installed locally).


You can view the detailed procedure about creating and managing Android virtual devices, click here.

To create an Emulator:

  1. Download Android Studio.

  2. Once downloaded, double-click android-studio-bundle-windows.exe.
    This will start installation of Android Studio.

  3. Follow the on-screen instructions and complete the studio installation.

  4. Select Standard Installation.


System displays the list of components selected to be installed.

  1. Go to SDK Tools and ensure that Android SDK Build-Tools is installed. If not, then download it.

  2. Click OK

  3. Once all the required components are installed, click Finish.
    Now you can start creating virtual devices.


Sample URL may look like: or http://localhost:4001 (if mobile object Spy server is installed locally).


  1. Launch any browser.

  2. Enter Mobile Object Spy URL

  3. Enter Qualitia Server URL.
    Qualitia Server URL is a combination of Hostname/IP of the server where you have installed Qualitia server along with the port 8887.
    Sample URL may look like: or http://localhost:8887 (if mobile object Spy server is installed locally).

  4. Enter Qualitia Username and Password.

  5. Click Sign in

  6. Select Qualitia project under which you want to add newly inspected objects and then click Sign in.

Once you have launched the Mobile Object Spy, you can filter the devices based on the device type (emulator/simulator, real), OS version, connected agent, and so forth.

You can select or connect to the desired mobile device and start adding new objects from application under test.


  1. Launch Mobile Object Spy on any browser using Mobile Object Spy URL.
    Mobile Object Spy URL is a combination of hostname/IP of the machine where Mobile Object Spy server is installed along with the port 4001.
    Sample URL may look like: or http://localhost:4001.

  2. Enter Qualitia Server URLUser id and Password.
    Qualitia Server URL is a combination of Hostname/IP of the server where you have installed Qualitia server along with the port 8887.
    Sample URL may look like: or http://localhost:8887.

  3. Select the Qualitia project under which you want to add new objects.
    Here you will see all the real devices connected to the agent Mobile Object Spy agents along with the emulators or simulators.
    For more information on creating emulators/simulators using Android Studio or XCode, click here. 

  4. Click Boot and Connect to boot the device and launch it to spy the objects.
    This option is available for emulators/simulators only.

  5. Click Connect to launch the real device connected to Mobile Object Spy agent or already started emulator/simulator.
    For the device to be visible and usable the device needs to allow unauthorized access on the connected device for Mobile Object Spy to work


Ensure you have set the default browser as Google Chrome in the real device.

One mobile device can be accessed by one user only. If the device is being accessed by some other user, you will see the device state as Busy.


In order to launch application under test on the desired device, you must first create desired emulator/simulator on the Mobile Object Spy agent. For more information about creating and managing emulators, refer to (8.3.0) Prerequisites & Configurations section.

To launch an application under test:


In Mobile applications, there are two types of objects:

  • Web: The objects which are solely created for web applications. They are present in web context of the hybrid applications and web applications.

  • Mobile: The objects which are solely created for mobile applications. They are present in native and native context of the hybrid applications.






Helps you reset the application before starting the session.

Boolean (true/false)


Intent action to use to start an activity. Applications can have their own intentAction. You will get this information by the app developer.



Intent category to use to start an activity. You will get this information by the app developer.



This capability allows you to customize and configure a ChromeDriver session. For the complete list of ChromeDriver supported capabilities and how to use them, see the chromeOptions documentation.


To use the advanced options while launching an application:


Sample URL may look like: or http://localhost:4001 (if mobile object Spy server is installed locally).


  1. Launch any browser.

  2. Enter Mobile Object Spy URL

  3. Enter Qualitia Server URL.
    Qualitia Server URL is a combination of Hostname/IP of the server where you have installed Qualitia server along with the port 8887.
    Sample URL may look like: or http://localhost:8887 (if mobile object Spy server is installed locally).

  4. Enter Qualitia Username and Password.

  5. Click Sign in

  6. Select Qualitia project under which you want to add newly inspected objects and then click Sign in.

Once you have launched the Mobile Object Spy, you can filter the devices based on the device type (emulator/simulator, real), OS version, connected agent, and so forth.

You can select or connect to the desired mobile device and start adding new objects from application under test.
