Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Qualitia Automation Studio 8.0.0 Beta Release


For the detailed information on how to update environment variable values runtime and its syntax, refer to the TFS/Azure DevOps integration documentation.

Automatically Getting Qualitia Server URL in Remote Agent (TFS/Azure DevOps Integration) 


For more information on this, refer to the Object Spy for Mobile Applications section.

Introducing New Way to Handle Custom Actions in Qualitia  


In order to sync offline package execution reports, you must first set Share Path under Qualitia Configuration Settings and configure file accordingly.  

Introducing New Web API Actions


For more information on using these actions and their parameters, refer to the Web Services Actions section. 

Changes in TFS/Azure DevOps Integration 


  • You can now cut/copy/paste multiple steps across tasks and test cases in Qualitia automation studio. 

  • Qualitia gives you a provision to print the customized status and message in the test execution report using the PrintMessageInReport action. 

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Qualitia administrator was facing difficulties while creating new role in Qualitia.

  • While installing or upgrading, Qualitia will now check whether the required .net version is installed. If not installed, Qualitia prompts user about it.

  • After installing TFS Remote Agent, all the dependency paths will now be pre-populated.

  • In order to be more comprehensive, Qualitia has made some changes in the parameter names of these actions mentioned below.

    • CompareString

    • CompareTabularResults

    • CompareArray

    • VerifyDifference

    • VerifyDates


titleQualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 6.0

Qualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 6.0

TFS/Azure DevOps Integration

Qualitia now offers seamless integration with TFS and Azure DevOps. As a part of this integration, Qualitia replaces manual testing procedures in the application development processes with Qualitia automated test cases. This makes the application development processes robust and simple. This integrated automation platform then allows managing Qualitia automated test cases inside TFS or Azure DevOps. 

Using this seamless integration, you can: 

  • Map Qualitia project to TFS project, 

  • Map Qualitia automated test cases to TFS test cases, 

  • Execute Qualitia tests cases locally in TFS/Azure DevOps (using self-hosted agents), 

  • Run Qualitia tests cases as part of your CI (Continuous Integration) pipelines,

  • Create Defects in TFS/Azure DevOps projects for the test cases that are failed or have defects from Qualitia Automation Studio. 

For more information about this integration, refer to the (8.4.X) Azure DevOps section.

New Web API Actions

Qualitia has enhanced its test coverage by adding few more capabilities into its Web API action’s repository. These actions will help you in automating test cases for REST API services with JSON and XML files. Following is the complete list of new actions which you can leverage for the API testing using Qualitia automation studio.  

List of all the actions: 





































For more information on using these actions and their parameters, refer to the Web Services Actions section. 

Introducing Donut Charts & Navigation Controls in Execution Results Report 

Qualitia suite execution reports are now enhanced with all new color schemes in order to be more user-friendly and intuitive. The Summary Report will now show the donut chart and help to understand the overall status of the suite at a glance.

Based on the requirements, you can then filter to view the test cases with specific statuses.  Additionally, in the Detail Report, you can route through the tasks or steps that are failed or have defects in them using new controls given at the top right corner of the screen. Shortcut keys have also been enabled for this navigation and these can be viewed from the tool-tips available for the controls.

You can show/hide the log section using the control () provided for the purpose.


titleQualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 5.6.2

Qualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 5.6.2

We would like to bring to your notice that Qualitia is now compatible with Open JDK. In case you are using Oracle JDK and now you want to shift to the Open JDK, download the Open JDK from here and change the Java 8 install path from Qualitia Configuration Settings.

titleQualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 5.6.1

Qualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 5.6.1

Bug Fixes:

  • Qualitia will now ask for User ID instead of Username while logging into Qualitia Object Spy using Google Chrome browser.

  • The information provided about Server URL and User ID is now retained even after you close Qualitia Object Spy. This will speed-up the login process for subsequent login attempts.

  • Added tunnel identifier support for test case executions behind firewall applications using Sauce Connect. For more information, click here.

titleQualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 5.6

Introducing SmartLocator for Objects with Dynamic Elements 

Qualitia Object Spy is now enhanced to identify objects with dynamic elements. Its SmartLocator understands changes in object behavior and identifies objects with dynamic elements automatically and corrects the object locator values runtime during test case execution. This makes test case execution of web applications more reliable despite changes in object elements. These updated values are also added into the object repository for future use.  

For more information about the SmartLocator feature, refer to Qualitia documentation

Object Spy for Google Chrome 

In addition to the Internet Explorer browser add-in, Qualitia is now delighted to introduce Google Chrome extension of Object Spy. This Object Spy for Google Chrome allows Qualitia users to add and update objects from the application under test. You can easily download and start using this extension from Chrome Web Store.  

For more information on how to work with Object Spy on Google Chrome, refer to Qualitia documentation

Introducing Excel-Based Dashboards 

Qualitia is delighted to introduce MS Excel-based Dashboards. These dashboards provide the capability to analyze the results of the Test Cases executed using Qualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile. These dashboards help product owners, managers, and testers getting a holistic and comprehensive view of Execution Results across Projects, Test Environments, and Business Requirements. 

For more information about accessing and interpreting charts and metrics from dashboard, refer to the MS Excel-Based Dashboards section. 

Sauce W3C (Beta) Capabilities Support  

With the Selenium version 3.11.0 and above, Qualitia now supports the W3C-compliant Selenium capabilities and protocol (Beta) while executing test cases on Sauce Labs. You can use these capabilities simply by setting a few desired capabilities in the file. 

For more information on how to use W3C-compliant Selenium capabilities and protocol (Beta), refer to the Test case Executions on Sauce Labs section. 

Introducing New Action:  StoreDateTimeByZone 

A new action has been introduced to store and convert the date and time into different time zones.  

For more information about this action and its parameters, refer to Qualitia actions section.  

Highlighting Task Headers with Different Colors in Test Data Sheet 

Identifying different tasks in Test Data sheet is now simplified by highlighting the task headers in different colors. This makes working with test data more user-friendly and intuitive.  

This makes test data more readable and comprehensive.

Bug Fixes:

  • Disabled changing of the parent object for any existing Qualitia object.

  • Resolved an error found during the Project Save As operation.

  • Handled the intermittent issue of error seen on selecting a new window on IE.

  • Added new desired capability (screenResolution) for executions in the Sauce Labs environment with specific screen resolution. You can find this capability in the file.

  • Resolved the issue of the report not getting generated if the user directly uses an undefined variable in Qualitia test cases.


titleQualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 5.5.2

Introducing MS Excel-Based Dashboards (Beta)

Qualitia has introduced the Beta version of MS Excel-based Dashboards. These dashboards provide the capability to analyze the results of the Test Cases executed using Qualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile. These dashboards help product owners, managers, and testers getting a holistic and comprehensive view of Execution Results across Projects, Test Environments, and Business Requirements.

For more information about accessing and interpreting charts and metrics from the Dashboard, refer to the MS Excel-Based Dashboards (Beta) section.

titleQualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 5.5.1

Introducing New Web Services and File Handling Actions (Beta)

In order to enhance its test coverage, Qualitia has introduced a few Web Service and File handling actions as follows.

  • REST.ExecuteAPIServiceAndDownloadWithRawData

  • REST.ExecuteAPIServiceWithRawData

  • REST.ExecuteAPIServiceWithFormData

  • File.StoreTextByLineNumber

For more information about using these actions and their parameters, refer to the Web Services actions section.

titleQualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 5.5

Enhanced Object Spy

In this release, Qualitia has enhanced the Object Spy. Besides bug fixes, many UI/UX enhancements have been made for making Object Spy more user-friendly and comprehensive. This enhanced version of Object Spy offers better usability features like new keyboard shortcuts for different user actions, better insights and alerts on possible errors faced while adding objects into the repository and so forth.

Extended Support to Add Objects from Modal Dialog

Object Spy can now identify object elements from the modal dialogs. Adding such objects will enable Qualitia users to automate test cases for the application having modal dialogs.  

To enable Object Spy for adding objects from the modal dialogs, select Inspect Modal Dialog option from the Object Spy settings. 

Bug Fixes:

  • After you switch Qualitia project in the Develop section, changes made to the tasks and test cases were not pushed to Bitbucket repository immediately. This issue has been fixed.


titleQualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 5.4

Qualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 5.4

Bitbucket Cloud Integration

Qualitia 5.4 offers integration with Bitbucket (Cloud), a web-based version control system. You can now use Bitbucket repositories to add and maintain your Qualitia project artifacts (Tasks and Test cases). This integration gives you provision to enable multiple Qualitia users to work on the single project. Also, the changes made to the tasks and test cases are automatically added and made available to multiple users at a single time using the web-based central repository.    

For more information on using Bitbucket repository, refer to the Bitbucket integration section.  

Introducing New Web Services Action: REST.ExecuteAPIService

A new action is added to the Web Services action repository. This action allows enabling or disabling the SSL certificate while executing the web service-related test cases.  

For more information about this action, refer to the Web Services actions section. 

Other Changes

  • In Configuration Settings, now you can easily search and select folders while selecting Project Path, Execution Results Path, and so forth.  

  • While creating new tasks/test cases, Qualitia now auto-populates the task/test case details based on the inputs provided for Task/Test Case Name. However, you can modify the task/test case details, if required. 

  • If a user with Project Manager role creates a Qualitia project, superadmin and logged in user automatically gets access to the new project. 


titleQualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 5.3.7

Object Spy Enhancements

Adding Objects using Relative Xpath

Qualitia Object Spy now comes with vastly improved and optimized algorithm to result in a smart and shortest possible XPath while learning objects from the web application. This provides reliable XPath when executing test cases in different test environments.

Introducing Additional Modes to Add Objects

Qualitia Object Spy is now enhanced with additional modes making it more comprehensive and user-friendly for adding objects into the object repository. In addition to the existing Right-Click mode, you can now use Left-Click and Mouse Hover mode to add objects from the application under test.

  • Left-Click: This mode helps adding objects from the applications where right-click function is not allowed for many web applications for security considerations.

  • Mouse Hover: This mode helps adding objects just by hovering mouse pointer over the object.

For more information, refer to the Adding objects using Multiple Modes section.

Ability to Select Object Attribute On-the-Fly

You can now, on-the-fly, decide which attribute you want to use while adding object into the repository. In order to do so, right-click the object which you want to add and select Add Object By.


When adding object using the right-click mode, system uses preference set under Locator Priority Settings.

Introducing Inspection Modes

You can now use multiple inspection modes while adding objects from application under test. You can set the inspection mode from the Settings section of Object Spy.

  • Browser Mode: In this mode, Qualitia identifies objects using the JavaScript events or native events.

  • Accessibility: Selecting this mode, you can utilize Microsoft Active Accessibility API to identify objects from application under test more reliably.

For more information about changing inspection modes, refer to the Selecting Inspection Modes section.

Ability to Resize Columns on the object Spy Screen

You can now resize the column width on the Object Spy screen based on your requirements. In order to use so, position the mouse pointer over column line and drag the pointer to the desired position.


titleQualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 5.3.2

Introducing Student Edition of Qualitia

The Student Edition of Qualitia Automation Studio is an educational version of Qualitia Software specifically designed for training purposes. The Student Edition is equipped with all basic capabilities of Qualitia Automation Studio. This offers trainees a completely functional product which can help them quickly learn scriptless test automation and help be prepared to implement it in complex enterprise environments.

For more information about features included in Student Edition, click here.

titleQualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 5.3.1

Removed Microsoft Excel Dependency for Test Data Explorer

Qualitia users now no longer need to use Microsoft Excel to add or update test data when working with multiple iterations of Test cases. Qualitia’s new interface for adding test data inherits a few functionalities of Microsoft Excel and helps in adding/updating test data more conveniently.

For more information about adding or updating test data, click here.


Important Notice

This dependency is removed for adding or updating test data only. In case you want export test execution reports and dashboard data or view the Project Save As report, you still need Microsoft Excel.


titleQualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 5.3

Introducing Support for Web Services

Qualitia has enhanced its test coverage by adding few more capabilities into its action repository. These actions will help you in automating test cases for XMLs, JSONs, and SOAP and REST services. Following is the complete list of new actions.


















For more information about these actions and their parameters, refer to the Web Services Actions section.

Introducing Support for Test Executions in Perfecto Environment

You can now execute Web and Mobile application test cases from your Qualitia offline packages using Perfecto’s Environment. To do so, you must configure your offline package accordingly.

For more information on how to configure the offline package to execute test cases in Perfecto’s environment, refer to the Executions on Perfecto section from Qualitia documentation.

Introducing Support for Test Executions on Sauce Labs Real Devices (aka TestObject)

You can now execute mobile application test cases from your Qualitia offline packages using Sauce Labs Real Devices. To do so, you must configure your offline package accordingly.

For more information on configuring the offline package to execute test cases using Sauce Labs Real Devices, refer to the Executions on Sauce Labs Real Devices section from Qualitia documentation.

Introducing Integration with HP ALM

Qualitia is now enhanced to integrate with HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM). This integration helps in linking Qualitia test cases to ALM test cases and export Test Suites from Qualitia to ALM. You can also view and manage reports for test case executions from ALM itself.

For more information about linking your test cases to ALM test cases, refer to the ALM Integration section from Qualitia documentation.

Ability to Upload Files from Local Directory during Web Application Testing in Remote and Cloud Environments

You can now use the AttachFile action to upload files from the local directory when executing test cases in cloud and remote environments as well.

For detailed information about using this action, refer to the AttachFile action documentation.


titleQualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 5.2.0

What's new in Qualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 5.2.0

Introducing Support for JVM Properties

You can now use JVM system properties when executing Qualitia test cases.

For more information on about using these properties, refer to the Adding JVM Properties section.

Introducing New Actions for Web Application Testing

Qualitia has added a new set of actions into its action repository. These actions can be used while developing test cases for Web applications. For the complete list of supported actions, refer to the Web Actions section.

Following is the complete list of new actions which are added with this release.

New General Actions

  • SetPageLoadTimeout

  • StorePageSource

  • StoreWindowHandleAtIndex

  • SelectFrameByIndexWhenAvailable

  • WaitForNumberOfWindowsToBe

  • SetWindowSize

  • StoreWindowSize

  • WaitForJavaScriptReturnsValue

  • StoreWindowPosition

  • SetWindowPosition

  • SetFullScreen

  • WaitForJavaScriptThrowsNoExceptions

  • ClickAndHold

  • DoubleClick

  • RightClick

  • WaitForAlertAndSpecifyBehavior

  • WaitForTitleContains

  • WaitForTitleNotContains

  • WaitForTitleToBe

  • WaitForTitleNotToBe

  • WaitForURLContains

  • WaitForURLNotContains

  • WaitForURLToBe

  • WaitForURLNotToBe

  • WaitForURLPattern

  • WaitForAlertAndSendText

For the detailed information on using these actions in Qualitia, refer to the (8.4.X) General Web Actions section. 

New Object-Based Actions (available for all object classes)

  • StoreText

  • StoreLocation

  • StoreCSSProperty

  • StoreSize

  • WaitForVisibility

  • SendKeySequence

  • SetValueAttribute

  • StoreValueAttribute

  • WaitForStaleness

  • WaitForInnerTextToBe

  • WaitForAttributeContains

  • WaitForAttributeNotContains

  • WaitForAttributeToBe

  • WaitForAttributeNotToBe

  • WaitForInvisibility

  • WaitForAttributeNotToBeEmpty

  • WaitForAttributeToBeEmpty

  • WaitForClickability

  • WaitForExistence

  • WaitForNonClickability

  • WaitForInnerTextContains

  • WaitForInnerTextMatchesPattern

  • WaitForInnerTextNotContains

  • WaitForInnerTextNotToBe

  • WaitForChildElement

  • WaitForNumberOfElementsToBe

  • WaitForNumberOfElementsToBeLessThan

  • WaitForNumberOfElementsToBeMoreThan

  • WaitForNonExistence

For the detailed information on using these actions in Qualitia, refer to the Web Elements Actions section. 

Changes on the Configuration Settings Screen

In order to be more user-friendly and comprehensive, Qualitia has updated the Configuration Settings screen with the following changes:

  • You can now add all the dependencies required for test case execution from the single screen. These dependencies include Project Path, Execution Results Path, AutoIT Install Path, and so forth.

  • The Platform section allows you to add all the test case execution platform-related settings for Web and Mobile application testing.

  • Few new options such as Wait Mode, Page Timeout, and so forth, are added to the Execution section.

For detailed information about configuration settings, refer to the Qualitia Configuration Settings section.

Introducing Explicit Wait Mode

Selenium provides two types of waits: Explicit and Implicit. In order to optimize performance while executing test cases, you can now select the Wait Mode based on your requirements from the Configuration Settings (Execution) screen. For more information about this, refer to the Qualitia Configuration Settings section.

Additionally, in Explicit Wait, you can use Timeout and Polling Intervals when developing test cases. These capabilities help you in optimizing the performance and building robust Qualitia test cases. For more information about how to work with timeout and polling interval, click here.

Introducing Object-based Polling Intervals and Timeout

You can now add Timeout and Polling Intervals for each object separately when adding objects into Qualitia object repository. These inputs will be considered only when selecting Explicit Wait Mode from the Configuration Settings (Execution) screen.

For more information about adding polling intervals and timeout, refer to the Adding an Object section.

Ability to Specify Grid Platform in Selenium Grid Executions

Qualitia provides you the ability to execute your test cases using Selenium Grid. You can specify the GridPlatform in the file from the Config folder of Qualitia Offline Package. When not specified, hub takes any available node and continues execution.

Quick Search for Actions

You can now search actions when selecting them on the Test Cases and Tasks screen. Start typing the action name and the list will be filtered based on the entered characters.

Deprecated Actions

You will find some actions listed in strikethrough (strike) text in purple on the Test Cases and Tasks screens. We recommend not to use these actions when developing a new test case as there are better options available now for the same operation. While these actions will continue to work in this release, they might be taken away in future releases with appropriate migration methods.

In case you execute your test cases with the deprecated actions, you will find these actions in the strikethrough (strike) text in the test execution reports as well.

For the complete list of deprecated actions, refer to the (8.4.X) Deprecated Actions section.

Change in Nomenclature

Business Rule is now renamed to Acceptance Criteria. All the references to Acceptance Criteria should be meant as Business Rules.  


titleQualitia for Web and Mobile 5.1.0

Auto-populating Test Cases

Qualitia can now automatically populate test cases for business rules. This saves time and helps you to create and implement test cases with a single-click after you synchronize stories from Qualitia Design Studio.

For more information on this, please refer to the Auto-populating Test Cases section.

titleQualitia for Web and Mobile 5.0.3

Ability to Auto-Create Issues in JIRA for Defects in Test Cases

Qualitia is now enhanced to automatically create issues in Atlassian JIRA after suite execution. This feature;

  • enables Qualitia users to efficiently use Atlassian JIRA integration with Qualitia Automation Studio and

  • eliminates the need for manually search and create issues in JIRA for each defect separately.


titleQualitia for Web and Mobile 4.1.6

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed data reader issue when working with Qualitia using slow network connections.

  • Fixed an issue which led to Qualitia crashing in some circumstances when clipboard actions were used. 

titleQualitia for Web and Mobile 4.1.5

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a rare crash while copy-pasting test case or task steps accessing Qualitia remotely.


titleQualitia for Selenium v3.11

Enhanced Qualitia Debugger

The following is the list of enhancements done in Qualitia Debugger:

  • You can now modify test steps while debugging

    • Modify test step data on the go.

    • Modify a Qualitia object’s locator type and value.

  • Change log view to review all the steps that were modified during debugging. You can also copy the step that is changed and paste it in the Qualitia test case development view.

Introducing Skip Feature

The Skip feature facilitates skipping the task(s) or step(s) from test case execution. Following are the key features of the Skip feature:

  • Ability to skip one or more steps and task instances within a test case from test case development view. The skipped steps and tasks are excluded during the test case execution.

  • Maintain the skipped state of the tasks/steps for all respective users of the test cases.

  • Ability to unskip the skipped tasks/steps from test case development view.


The Comment feature facilitates maintaining a note of information with a step/task. Following are the key features of the Comment feature:

  • Ability to add a note of information about a step/task during test case development view as well as from task view. These added comments can also be modified and deleted.

  • The comments are maintained for all the users of that test case.

  • Comments can also be maintained in Debugger, however, comments added/modified/deleted from debugger do not reflect in the test case development view directly.


Qualitia for Selenium will now be license protected. For more information, please refer to the Qualitia Licensing Guide.

Introducing Shortcut key to Hide the Object Spy Add-in

Qualitia users can now hide/unhide the Object Spy add-in using SHIFT+Ctrl+F4
