Versions Compared


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  1. Do one of the following:

    1. To dry run a test case, from the Expand Menu, click Settings > Local Profile.

    2. To execute a test suite using a custom execution profile:

      1. From the Expand Menu, click Execution > Execution Profile.

      2. Do one of the following:

  2. Click Execution Configuration , and set Mobile to Android.

  3. Click Mobile > Android.

  4. From the Appium Options drop-down, select one of the following modes:

    1. Automatic: To allow QAS to communicate with the Appium server bundled with QAS.

    2. Custom: To allow QAS to communicate with another Appium server.
      Do one of the following:

      • To use the Appium server hosted on your computer, enter http://localhost:4723/wd/hub

      • To use the Appium server hosted on a remote computer, enter http://xyz:4723/wd/hub,where xyz denotes the IP address of the remote computer.

  5. (Mandatory) Enter the UDID of the device.

  6. Select a mobile browser as Chrome or Browser.

  7. If your Android app is hybrid or web, select the Execute on Mobile Web checkbox.

  8. (Mandatory) Enter the Device Name of the Android real device or emulator.

  9. From the Automation Name drop-down list, select any one of the following automation frameworks:

    • UIAutomator2 (Recommended)

    • Appium

    • Selendroid

    • Espresso

  10. If your Android app is hybrid or web, under Desired Capabilities, enter the following information:

    • platformVersion: Enter the platform version of the Android real device or emulator.

    • chromedriverExecutable: Enterthe absolute local path to the chrome driver executable (if Chromium embedder provides its own web driver, it should be used instead of the original chrome driver bundled with Appium).

      Example: chromedriverExecutable=/abs/path/to/webdriver

      Alternatively, if you have chosen Appium for execution, from the Appium UI, under the Advanced Settings, enter the chrome driver path.

    • nativeWebScreenshot (Mandatory for hybrid applications): Select this check box, and set its value to True. This option ensures that during the execution when switching from native-context to web-context, the screenshots are displayed for the steps executed on web-context in the Execution Summary Report.


  1. Do one of the following:

    1. To dry run a test case, from the Expand Menu, click Settings > Local Profile.

    2. To execute a test suite using a custom execution profile:

      1. From the Expand Menu, click Execution > Execution Profile.

      2. Click Execution > Execution Profile.

      3. Do one of the following:

  2. Click Execution Configuration , and set Mobile to iOS.

  3. Click the Mobile > iOS.

  4. Enter the Appium Server URL in http://xyz:4723/wd/hubformat, where xyz denotes the IP address of the Macintosh machine.

  5. Set Execution Platform to iOS.

  6. If your iOS app is hybrid or web, select the Execute on Mobile Web checkbox.
    Note: QAS currently supports only the Safari browser on iOS platforms.

  7. (Mandatory) Enter the mobile device identifier where you want to execute the test cases, in UDID.
    For more information, refer to How to Identify UDID in Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

  8. (Mandatory) Enter the Device Name of the simulator or iOS real device.

  9. Set Automation Name to XCUITest.

  10. Enter the Platform Version of the iOS simulator or device.

  11. Enter the wait time for the object to display after the associated page opens in Native Object Sync Time, in seconds.

  12. If your iOS app is hybrid or web, under Desired Capabilities, enter the following information:

    • Select includeSafariInWebviews and set to True.

    • Select webviewConnectTimeout and set to 9000 (milliseconds).
      Note: If a suite execution fails because web-view is not found, then Qualitia recommends to use these additional capabilities.