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A project is a top-level container that contains artifacts needed for automating the test cases. The artifacts are objects, tasks, test scenarios, and many more.


For instructions on how to configure your project settings, refer to Configuring the Project Settings.

Creating a Project

You can create new projects and add users with different roles to them. 

titleImportant Notice
  • Only administrators can create new projects.
  • In case you are using Bitbucket (GIT) as the version control tool, then create a project branch in the Bitbucket repository before creating a project in Qualitia.
  • For more information about creating a branch in Bitbucket repository, refer to the links mentioned below:


  1. From the Expand Menu, click Project Management.
  2. In the left pane. click the Add Project button (  ).
  3. From the Project Type drop-down list, select one of the following project type:

    • Web/Mobile Project : To create a project to automate testing for web and mobile applications.

    • Desktop Project: To create a project to automate testing for desktop applications.

    • Salesforce Project: To create a project to automate testing on a SFDC application along with its associated web and mobile applications.
  4. Enter a Project Name and a Description.
  5. Perform this step only if you are adding a desktop project and want to map it with a tsr file.
    Click the Browse (...) button next to the Global TSR Path, and then locate and select the tsr file. 
    Unless you map a desktop project with a tsr file, you cannot use OR objects in the project. For more information on OR objects, refer to Working with OR Objects
  6. (Optional) Select the Design Studio Integration checkbox to integrate the project with a Qualitia Design Studio project and perform the following steps.
    1. Click Create.
    2. Under Connect with Design Studio
      1. Enter the Qualitia Design Studio URL.
      2. Enter your Qualitia Design Studio Username and Password.
    3. Expand Sync with Design Studio Project to select an appropriate Qualitia Design Studio Project and click Sync.
      The following relevant project artifacts of the Qualitia Design Studio project along with their counts appear:
      1. Issue Types
      2. Issues
      3. Objects
      4. Tasks
      5. Test Cases
    4. Click Finish.
  7. Click Create.

After you create a project, you need to assign existing users. For more information, refer to Assigning Users to a Project

Editing a Project


Only administrators can edit the project details that include marking a project as Active or Inactive.

You cannot edit the name of a project, but edit its description.

You can activate or deactivate the project.

To edit a project:

  1. From the Expand Menu, click Project.
  2. Select the project that you want to edit.
  3. In the main pane, click the Edit Project button ().
    The Edit screen is displayed.
  4. Edit the Description as required.
  5. If necessary, select or clear the Active checkbox to change the project status.
  6. Perform this step only if you are editing a desktop project and want to map it with a tsr file.
    Click the Browse (...) button next to the Global TSR Path, and then locate and select the tsr file. 
    Unless you map a desktop project with a tsr file, you cannot use OR objects in the project. For more information on OR objects, refer to Working with OR Objects
  7. Click OK to save the changes you made to the project.

Assigning Users to a Project

You can assign existing users to a project. 


To assign users to a project:

  1. From the Expand Menu, click Project.
  2. In the left pane, click the appropriate project.
  3. Under Assigned Users, click Manage User
  4. From the User ID drop-down list, select a user. 
  5. From the Role drop-down list, select a role for the user. For more information on Roles, refer to Adding a Role
  6. Click the Plus sign button () to add another user.
  7. After you are done adding all the users, click Add.


If this project is connected to a Version Control Management tool, then you have to add the users to the Version Control Management tool too. Otherwise, they cannot access the project.

Removing Users from a Project

In Qualitia, the Administrator can remove a user from a project if the user is no longer required for that project or if the user is allocated to other projects. You ensure security of a project by removing the users who are no longer required for the project.
In Qualitia, using Project screen, the Administrator can remove a user from a project.

To remove users from a project:

  1. From the Expand Menu, click Project.
  2. In the left pane, click the appropriate project.
  3. Under Assigned Users, click Manage User
  4. From the User ID drop-down list, select a user. 
  5. From the Role drop-down list, select a role for the user. For more information on Roles, refer to Adding a Role
  6. Click the Minus sign button () to add another user.
  7. After you are done removing all the users, click Add.

Best Practices for Project Backup and Restore

Qualitia Automation Studio creates the following databases in the selected database management system (MySQL or SQL Server):

  • A Master Database that serves as an anchor for all the projects.

  • A Project Database for every project, which stores the associated project artifacts. Every Project Database is named as Projectname_projectdb.

  • A Result Database for every project, which stores the results for all the test suite executions. Every Result Database is named as Projectname_resultdb.

Best Practices

Qualitia recommends the following best practices for project backup and restore.

  • Integrate your project with a version control tool (SVN or Git).

  • Backup the database, GIT/SVN, custom actions, and reports daily.

  • Ensure that you perform the following actions while backing up a Qualitia project:

    • Back up the database, custom actions, reports, and SVN/GIT at the same time so that all the artifacts are in the same state and are synchronized with each other.

    • Ensure that no user is working while backing up the project.
      Tip: Stop the Qualitia license server temporarily to stop the users from using Qualitia.

    • Back up the constraints and triggers for the following databases:

      • Master Database

      • Project Database

      • Reports Database

    • Back up the Results folder from the Qualitia Server, which stores the Realtime Reporting data.

    • If you do not use a version control tool, ensure that you back up the following folders for every project:

      • Project Path, which stores the test cases and tasks as XML files.

      • Custom Action Repository Path, which stores the custom actions.
        Note: To know the location of these folders, from the Expand menu, click Settings >Project Settings. The location of these folders might differ for every project.

    • Back up ​the TFS folders from Qualitia Server for the projects that are integrated with the TFS/Azure DevOps projects

  • Similarly, while restoring a Qualitia project, ensure that you restore the constraints and triggers for the following databases:

    • Master Database

    • Project Database

    • Reports Database
      Note: If you restore a project without restoring its constraints and triggers, then after the project is restored, the object creation fails.

  • Before upgrading the Qualitia Automation Studio to a higher version, backup all the projects and follow all the best practices recommended for backing up and restoring the projects.

Save As Project

The "Save as Project" feature of Qualitia allows you to create a new project from an existing project by copying over the desired existing test cases, tasks and custom actions to the new project.

You can now reuse the test cases, tasks, and objects required for every new project in Qualitia by simply using the Save As Project feature.

Key Points to know when working with the Save As Project Feature

Following is the list of some important points to be considered before you perform Save As operation for projects.

  1. Save As operation is possible only on local system and cannot be performed across multiple servers.
  2. Projects that are enabled for Qualitia Design Studio integration cannot be used as Source or Destination projects when performing Save As operation.
  3. Test data conflicts will not be checked.
  4. Data changes are not copied if test cases do not have changes.
  5. Save As supports copying only development artifacts. Execution artifacts cannot be copied using the Save As project method. You must create suites manually.
  6. Test cases cannot be copied without scenarios. Copying a test case copies its associated scenarios as well.
  7. Make sure you copy the custom actions from the source project to the target project before performing any Save As project operation.
    In case your target project does not have custom actions imported, you may refer to the
    Importing Existing Custom Actions into Qualitia section.
  8. Save As operation on custom actions does not work on parameter name differences. A check is performed on the action name, parameter count, function name, and Qualitia class.
  9. Environment variables used within the test data cannot be copied as a part of the Save As process.
  10. The custom action files from the source project do not move  automatically to the target project. You need to manually move the dependent jars and Custom Action Function code associated with the Custom Actions (keywords) that were selected during Save As process.
  11. Custom action code is not copied as a part of Save As operation. It is expected that you check-in the code into the version control system so that it is available to all other users. Other users need to ensure that the code for custom actions is checked out on to the local system and the appropriate path for custom actions is specified in the .config file.
  12. To ensure that the Target Project can use environment variables, use the following steps:
    • If the Target Project is new (there are no environment variables by default), do the following:
      1. Navigate to the Source Project folder on the system.
      2. Copy the environment variables folder having the related XML.
      3. Paste into Target Project location on the system; example, location can be - C:\Qualitia\projectdb_folder\Environment variables.
  13. If the Target Project already exists and has some environment variables, do the following:
    • Open the EnvironmentVariables.xml in the Source Project and Target Project folders.
    • Append the Target Project EnvironmentVariables.xml file manually with the environment variables from Source Project. 
  14. Based on the version control tool you are using, create new branch or add new folder into the remote repository.
    1. If you are using Apache Subversion, import your new Qualitia project into remote repository following steps mentioned here.
    2. If you are using Bitbucket repository, import your new Qualitia project into remote repository following steps mentioned here.

Additional Points for Desktop Projects

  1. You cannot use SaveAs feature for moving project artifacts from a desktop project to a web/mobile project and vice-versa.
  2. There must be more than two desktop projects.
  3. You must perform the SaveAs feature process in the following sequence:
    1. Create a blank target project without mapping it to a tsr file.
    2. Perform the Save As operation from the source project.
    3. After the Save As operation completes, map the tsr fie path of the source project to the target project.
  4. If you map a tsr file with the Target project before performing the Save As operation on the source project, then except for the custom actions, the other test artefacts are not imported.

Copying Qualitia Project

The key features of Save As are mentioned below:


  • You can save the Save As project operation report to a spreadsheet by using the Export function. The report will be exported to a pre-formatted spreadsheet. The spreadsheet report can then be saved for future reference. 

Copying Qualitia Project Artifacts

Empty Qualitia project is a fresh project created through Admin > New Project tab.

  • You must have Product Administration privilege to perform this operation.
  • It is mandatory to have at least two existing Qualitia Projects, one is the Source Project and the other is the empty Qualitia Project as target.
  • You can select the top level artifact; all the child level artifacts will automatically be marked for copy.
    Example: If you select a scenario node, then all test cases in that scenario will be marked for copy via Save As project.
  • You can select individual artifacts to save to the new project.
    Example: If you select an individual test case, only the test case and its associated artifacts (tasks, objects, actions) which are used in the test case will be marked for copy.
  • You can select individual artifacts irrespective of their association with test cases/tasks.
    Example: You can filter on artifact types and select only objects to save. In this case, the custom actions, tasks, and test cases in which these objects have been used shall not be saved.
  • If you try to navigate to another artifact type without saving, the selections will be lost.

Saving to a Blank Project


Note: Only project administrators can use Project SaveAs feature.


  1. From the Expand Menu, click Project Management.
  2. In the left pane, click the source project.
  3. In the main pane, click the Save As button ().
    The following confirmation message prompts that none of users are working on the source project.
  4. Click one of the the following buttons:
    • OK: To continue the saving project as process after ensuring that none of the users are working on the source project.
    • Cancel: To stop the saving project as process.
      The Save As dialog box opens.  
  5.   You can perform save as operation on the selected artifact type by using the filters available as shown in the following figure:

  6. Do in the following order listed:
    1. From the Target Project drop-down list, select a target project to which you want to copy the artifacts.
    2. From the Change Status drop-down list, select one of the following options:
      • All: To select all the artifacts.
      • Never Moved: To select only those artifacts that were never copied to the selected target project.
      • Already Moved: To select only those artifacts that were already copied to the selected target project.
      • Changed and Moved: To select only those artifacts that after copying to the selected target project were edited in the source project. 
    3. Artifacts: You can select test case, independent task, or custom action.
  7. After applying the filters, click Go.


    If you select test case, the left pane in the dialog box shows test cases under their scenarios. When a test case is copied to the target project, the associated tasks are also copied.

  8. Do in the following order listed:
    1. Expand the left hand side tree to view the artifacts.
    2. You can click a test case node to view the associated tasks on the main pane.
    3. You can click a task node to view the status of associated objects and actions. 
  9. Click the Preview button to open the Save As Preview Report and view its results.
  10. Do in the following order listed:
    1. Expand the left hand side tree to view the artifacts.
    2. You can click a test case node to view the associated tasks on the main pane.
    3. You can click a task node to view the status of associated objects and actions. 
  11. The following icons denote:
    • denotes that the artifact can be copied.
    •  denotes that the artifact cannot be copied as its xml file is missing in the source project.
    •  denotes that the artifact is already copied to the target project. 
  12. Click Confirm & Move to complete the operation.
    An information message appears to indicate if the operation was successful.
  13. Click Yes to export the report to a spreadsheet.
    If Save As operation has found artifacts which are already existing or conflicting with the target project, then the message changes. You can export the report to a spreadsheet clicking Yes.
    The spreadsheet report is displayed. You can store the report at any desired location.

Saving to an Existing Project

The following prerequisites are required in order to save Qualitia project artifacts to another Project with the existing artifacts:


  • In case there is a conflict, you need to manually resolve the conflicts and perform Save As.
  • In order to perform Save As on a project with existing artifacts, follow the same steps that are used to perform Save As on a blank project.

Handling Conflicts

When you use the "Save as Project" feature of Qualitia, conflicts may arise in a Test Case, Task, Objects, or Custom Actions.

Conflicts in a Test Case

The conflicts that may arise while performing a Save As on a Test Case are as follows:


If the tasks in the Source or Target Project are changed, conflicts exist in the task.

Conflicts in a Task

The conflicts that may arise while performing a Save As in a Task are as follows:


The Custom Actions in the Target Task may be conflicting.

Conflicts in Objects

The conflicts that may arise while performing a Save As on an Object are as follows:


  • If the Source Project has an object named "Obj1" with ID "123," Target also contains an object named "Obj1" but with ID "456."
  • The Source Object will not be copied into the Target even if these are two different objects.

Conflicts in Custom Actions

The conflicts that may arise while performing a Save As on Custom Actions are as follows:


  • If Source Project has an action of name "Key1," Target also contains an action named "Key1."
  • The source action will not be copied into the target even if these are 2 different custom actions.

Conflicting Artifacts Causing a Roll-Up Effect

The roll-up effect of conflicts is seen when a conflict exists in an artifact which is used within test cases or tasks. In such cases, the test cases or tasks will also be set with a conflict status.
The following are the conditions of roll-up conflict situations:
