Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


For more information, refer to Azure DevOps with Offline Package.


  • Improved the error highlighting in the Test Case Editor screen for the steps that contain empty or deleted objects. Now, the modified task steps are also highlighted if their test data is blank.

  • Real Time Reporting now allows to filter offline suite results executed through Continuous Integration (CI) tool. Also, the offline suite results executed through CI tools now display the CI tool next to their names, such as Offline | Jenkins and Offline | Azure DevOps.


  • Fixed the issue where the SVN client version was getting reset in the Scheduler suite executions.

  • Updated the custom action return status handling when the return status values are not as expected by Qualitia.

  • Now, you cannot edit the test data if all the test case steps use static data.

  • Fixed issues in action execution.

  • Fixed the issues where the suite execution results displayed cropped screenshots in different screen resolutions.

  • Improved the Excel.StoreCellData action to read different data types from an Microsoft Excel file.

  • Improved the performance of the Suites and Custom Actions screens.

  • Improved the Settings screen.

  • Some cosmetic changes are done in the product to improve the user experience.


  • Incorporated a custom-built locator type SFDC:Label to learn objects for the native SFDC application using Salesforce labels.
    When using the recorder or Chrome Object Spy with SFDC:Label, you can add SFDC objects in a more reliable manner that supports UI related changes.

  • Introduced a new set of SFDC Actions that work with different SFDC objects.
    For more information, refer to SFDC Actions.

Innovations in Qualitia Automation Studio Web Recorder

Qualitia Automation Studio Web Recorder now supports recording of the following browser actions:


  • Chrome Object Spy now enables you to:

    • Detach the Chrome Object Spy UI from the application under test page.

    • Learn objects for a child window in the following ways:

      • Opens another Chrome Object Spy to add child window objects.

      • Allows switching between a parent and a child window if you are using a common Chrome Object Spy UI.

  • The locator preference is now saved locally so that it is preserved across all the Object Spy sessions for a user.

  • You can now edit the Mandatory status for a custom action parameter though the action is added in a task or a test case.

  • You can now increase the timeout to query the database to more than 30 seconds.
    To set the timeout value, open the Qualitia Server Settings file and specify the DatabaseQueryTimeout value as per your requirement.

  • When the connection to the MS SQL database server fails, the Chrome Object Spy now displays an appropriate message to restore the database connection.

  • Updated Git integration workflow to avoid continuous incorrect Task modification notification.


  • SFDC objects do not support the following features:

    • Polling Interval and Time Out

    • Wait actions

  • The filter options in Chrome Object Spy does not contain the newly introduced SFDC classes.

  • After recording a non-label object, the same non-label object step is duplicated when the next step you record is to select multiple items from a pick list. Record again to select multiple items from a pick list and remove the duplicate step.

  • The QAS Recorder does not support the recording for the following actions:

    • The VerifyVisibility action for the inputCheckbox component.

    • VerifyChecked and VerifyUncheck actions for checkboxes.

    • All the input components actions that do not generate any event, such as select, inputCheckbox, and inputRadio when you click or hover them.




The VerifyEnablity action for the disabled radio group buttons and disabled checkbox groups.


The Set action for the inputCurrency component appends the existing value in the field with the specified value in the Set action parameter.

Add a step with the Clear action to remove the existing value from the associated field before the Set action.

All the SFDC actions related to combobox and Lookup might fail.

Check if the object is highlighted for the failed step in the associated screenshot of the execution report. If the screenshot displays the highlighted object, add a step with the Click action for the associated object before the failed SFDC action.

Due to a cross-origin frame issue, the execution of SelectFrameUsingURL action fails for the cross-origin frame as the URL of an iframe is dynamic.

Replace the SelectFrameUsingURL action with the SelectFrame or SelectFrameByIndexWhenAvailable action in the test case.


  • We have introduced the Import Tasks feature that enables you to reuse tasks across projects by importing them, thus boosting efficiency with minimal maintenance efforts.
    For more information, refer to Importing Tasks from Another Project.

  • The new UI even differentiates between tasks that are new, changed or already imported to enable more structured usage across projects.

  • Working with tasks has now become easier:

    • When any task is changed by someone, all test cases where it is present, get highlighted with a red underline.

    • Even better, when you open that test case, we also tell you exactly which task and which steps within that task have changed.

    • This helps you quickly analyze the impact of that change on your test cases and take appropriate actions to prevent any unnecessary test case execution failures.

    • This helps avoid significant investigative efforts spent in identifying the root problem, which is caused by unknown changes in tasks.

    • We now make it easy to differentiate between task steps and test case steps by highlighting them in white and grey colors respectively.


Introduced the Keep Dry Run Reports option, which does not overwrites the reports of the previous dry runs. For more details, refer to Dry Run a Test Case.

Bug Fixes and Enhancements


This PATCH API action updates the partial resources, which can be used as an alternative to the PUT API action. Typically, PATCH API actions are light-weight and consume less bandwidth when compared to the PUT API actions. For more information, refer to Rest.Patch.ExecuteAPI.

Dropped Feature

Mobile Object Spy and Qualitia Automation Mobile Recorder has dropped supporting iOS versions 10.4 and earlier.


  • When capturing an object on an SMS application, the object name is appended with null.

  • Unable to start a session after selecting an application in MOS or Mobile recorder on Xcode version 11.6 or higher. To work around this issue, refer to Unable to Start a Session on Xcode.

  • MOS and Qualitia Automation Mobile Recorder do not support iOS versions 14.x and later.




  • In Project Save As Feature, the custom action files from the source project are not moved automatically to the target project. After the project is saved, you need to manually move the dependent jars and Custom Action Function codes associated with the custom actions (keywords) that were selected during Save As process.

  • When editing a test case, if you make any changes and go to the search box to search a test case without saving the changes, you are prompted to save the changes. If you click Yes, the Scenario tree shows the test case with matching criteria, but the changes are not saved. You must save the changes that you made to a test case before you perform a search on the Scenario tree.

  • In a desktop project, if you search for an object that is a part of a long hierarchy in the Objects tree, clicking Next does not scroll up to the highlighted object.

  • The Desktop web executions are not tested on Macintosh computers.

  • Execution of test case steps on Web and Hybrid Apps using Android emulator takes a longer time.

    To work around this issue, do one of the following:

    • Open the mapped execution profile and disable all the options of Screen Capture On .

    • Open the mapped execution profile, click Mobile > Edit Desired Capabilities, and set nativeWebScreenshot to true.

  • The Click action may fail to execute if the Mobile checkbox object is added using the ID locator type. To work around this issue, use XPath locator type for adding the Mobile checkbox objects.

  • The Mobile.SelectWebViewUsingURL action may fail on some versions of iOS. During testing, the action failed on Simulator iPhone 8 with PlatformVersion 13.3.

  • Qualitia does not support nested environment variables. The test cases that were created using previous QFD versions, having nested environment variables will fail upon execution.

  • Qualitia supports only basic data types such as Number and List/Option, for integration with Defect Management Systems (Jira and TFS). Qualitia does not support complex data types such as custom user-defined data types, nested objects, and dates.

  • If you switch to another project from the Qualitia client, the current MOS session does not change. To work around this issue, log out from MOS, log in again, and select the correct project.


  • You cannot record the actions on the objects of permission request popups. To work around this issue, you need to manually add the steps with actions such as AcceptDialogand DismissDialog.

  • If you select an item from a list, the recorder does not record the SelectItemByText action, but it records a step with the Click action and the selected list item as the object.
