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This section provides a list of YouTube videos to help you get started with Qualitia Automation Studio. it is recommended that you go through the videos in the sequence presented below to form a solid foundation.

Beginners Guide to Test Automation

Recording Test Cases

Set of tutorials to learn about Qualitia test recorder, how to record test cases and create reusable components.

titleRecording test cases using Test Recorder

Learning Objectives

  1. Launch the test recorder

  2. Record a multi-step test case flow

  3. Verify the test case using a dry run

  4. View the dry run execution report

Learning Objectives

  1. Launch the test recorder

  2. Record a multi-step test case flow

  3. Verify the test case using a dry run

  4. View the dry run execution report

Learning Objectives

  1. Test Recorder Toolbar features

  2. Best Practices to use recorder

Learning Objectives

  1. Creating reusable Components

  2. Best Practices for test automation development using recorder

Developing Test Automation

Set of tutorials to learn more about how to Develop Test Automation using the test editor, modifying test cases, more about Objects and Actions.