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Object Spy for Internet Explorer

Object Spy supports CRUD operations to manage objects.


  • Ensure you have Full control rights to the folder and subfolders where Object Spy is getting installed.
  • Ensure that the Active scripting option is set to Enable under Security Settings section. To do so, under Internet Options > Security > Custom Level.  
    By default, this option is set to Disable in the high security zone.
titleView Image

  • Ensure that Enable third-party browser extensions* is enabled from the Advanced section of Internet Options.  


Launching Object Spy from the Browser

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Launching Launch Object Spy from the BrowserLaunching
Launch Object Spy from the Browser

Adding New Objects using Google Chrome Extension

  1. Launch Google Chrome browser and navigate to the application URL.
  2. Open Developer tools (press F12 or right-click and select Inspect from the context-menu).
  3. In Developer tools, select Object Spy.
  4. Enter Server URL and Qualitia User ID.
    The Server URL is a combination of the hostname and port 8887 where you have installed Qualitia server. 
    For example, or http://localhost:8887 (if server is installed on a local machine).
    By default, Qualitia uses port 8887. You may change it while installing /wiki/spaces/QASWM7/pages/1169433190 component.

    Image Modified

  5. Click Continue.
    The list of projects appears which are accessible to that user.
  6. Select the project under which you want to add new objects and click Continue.

  7. To add new objects in the repository, turn the Select Mode on.

  8. Hover the mouse pointer over the object and click it once the object details are highlighted.
    You will see the object added into the list in the Object Spy window.
  9. Once you add all the required objects, click Save to Repository.

    This will add objects into the repository and the object is now ready for use in the automation studio.

  10. To add the objects for a child window, do one of the following:
    1. Open the child window, and open its associated Object Spy to add the child window objects to a new child window object repository.
    2. Open the child window, and click the Select Mode button of the Object Spy associated with the parent window to add the child window objects to the parent window object repository. You can switch between parent and child windows to add their objects using the Select Mode button.  


      It is recommended to use Qualitia Object Spy on Google Chrome in left dock mode or right dock mode. If you want to use it in any other dock mode, re-enable the Select Mode button to start using it.

      You can also detach Object Spy UI with the application under test page and also add the child window objects as shown in the above-mentioned step. However, if you are adding objects for multiple application pages in the detach mode, the Chrome Object Spy adds the objects of all the pages in the same object repository.


titleImportant Notice:

Qualitia SmartLocator automatically identifies dynamic objects during the test case execution. Enabling this option, you cannot edit object details like locator value and locator type.

If you disable this option, this object will no longer be eligible for SmartLocator identification. Please note that if you wish to enable this option for this object later, you will have to perform either of the following steps for SmartLocator to work for this object:

  1. Learn this object afresh using Qualitia Object Spy.
  2. Specify a valid xpath for the object. The object will be SmartLocator enabled only after the first execution.

Highlighting the Objects

On the Google Chrome browser, launch Qualitia Object Spy and connect to the desired Qualitia server and project.


titleClick here for more information


Qualitia Web Object Spy lets you highlight the added objects when you navigate to the associated application under test page. This helps you to understand which objects are added into the repository and which objects are not added yet.

To highlight the objects:

  1. Launch the browser (Edge or Chrome) that is enabled with Web Object Spy.
    For detailed instructions on how to launch a web object spy, refer to Adding Web Application Objects.
  2. In the Repository section, select the page from which you want to highlight the object.
  3. Do one of the following:
    1. To highlight all objects on the page, click the highlight (Image RemovedImage Added) icon at the page level.

    2. To highlight a specific object, click the object name you want.
      You will see The application page highlights the objects highlighted on the application page.


      Objects exists existing in the repository are highlighted with the green border (as shown in the screenshot above). If object does Objects that do not exist in the repository yet , it will be highlighted in are highlighted with the red border. 

Remove Objects from Repository
