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These release notes provide information about the new features added to Qualitia Automation Studio. They also provide details about the enhancements done, bugs fixed, and known issues in this release.

Table of Contents

Qualitia Automation Studio 8.1.0 Release Notes

New Features

Parallel Execution of Test Cases for a Azure DevOps Pipeline

You can now execute multiple test cases for a Azure DevOps pipeline in parallel. All you need to do is configure multiple Azure DevOps agents with the Qualitia Remote Agent.

Azure DevOps Pipeline Executions in Real Time Reporting

The Real Time Reporting portal now shows the test case executions in real-time for a Azure DevOps pipeline.

Introduction of CompareSubString Action

The CompareSubString action verifies whether a string or any of its substring is defined in the desired pattern that you want. For more information, refer to General Web Actions .


  • When a task is removed from the Test Case Editor screen, the selection focus now moves to the previous logical unit (Test Case step, Task, If Block) instead of the first line of the test case.

  • Enhancements have been done to improve the error logging.

  • QAS now supports MOS and Mobile Recorder for iOS platform version 14.x.

  • MOS and Mobile Recorder now support web view on simulator and real device for iOS web and hybrid applications.

  • The offline package logging is updated to match the QFD version logging for enabling dependency on specific log formats.

  • Updated the PrintMessageInReport action to support backward compatibility for the Qualitia for Desktop v4.3.x projects migrated to QAS 8.x.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issues where the applications stopped responding during successive project changes.

  • Fixed the authentication issue that were seen while logging into the Reports and Dashboard portal.

  • Fixed the issue where an incorrect object class was mapped to a custom action.

  • Fixed the issue where the suite execution reports for Azure DevOps pipeline executions did not display the execution start and end time.

  • Fixed the issues related to migration of the desktop projects from Qualitia for Desktop v4.3.x to QAS 8.x.

  • Fixed the Date-Time formatting issue in the Sync TSR feature and the Sync TSR button visibility.

  • Fixed the issue related to incorrect migration of the ComputeExpression action for the desktop projects migrated from Qualitia for Desktop v4.3.x to QAS 8.x.

  • Fixed the issues in the reporting of parallel execution of a test suite using Power Shell utility. The Qualitia Parallel Execution Report is now generated if you abort the execution by pressing Ctrl+C from the PowerShell console.

Known Issues

  • Once a user is assigned a specific role in the Qualitia project, then there is no option to modify the role of the user from the product. The workaround for this issue is to delete the user from the project and add again with the required role.

  • While upgrading from a previous QAS version, the saved browser binary does not work correctly. This causes the browser to close immediately when you are recording a session.
    To work around this issue, update the browser binary to replace the existing browser binary even if it is the same at the following location:

  • The Excel.WritetoColumn and Excel.WritetoRow general actions are not working correctly.

  • During a MOS or Mobile Recorder Session, if you switch from a native-context to the web-context view, the web-view may get distorted for an iOS hybrid application on a real device having iOS version 12.4.5.

  • While recording a hybrid application, by default, the Page Refresh option is set to Auto mode by in the web view context.

  • The SelectWindowUsingURL action may sometimes fail to execute on Internet Explorer.

  • During execution, if you switch from the native-context to theweb-context of the hybrid application, the screenshots for the steps executed on the web-context are not displayedin the Execution Summary Report.
    To work around this issue:

    1. Open the associated execution profile.

    2. Click Edit Desired Capabilities > Android.

    3. Select the nativeWebScreenshot checkbox.

    4. Set nativeWebScreenshot to True.

    5. Click Update.

  • In desktop projects, if you add a test data with a double quote, it is replaced with an empty data.

Qualitia Automation Studio 8.0.5 Release Notes


  • Selecting an object in the object repository allows you to view the details of the object and also its child objects on the main page.

  • Updated the Writelog action for handling the pass message.

  • Updated the VerifyExistence action to display the appropriate message in the Info Log details.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issues related to editing child objects. Now you can select a child object directly and edit or remove it, without having to first select the parent object.

  • Fixed the issues to allow you to edit or remove an object that is selected using the Find option.

  • Fixed the issue where after editing any object name, it is reflected in the left pane immediately. Now you are no longer required to switch to other tabs and return to the Objects tab to see the updated object name.

  • Fixed the issue where the new properties added to an object were not displayed.

  • Fixed the issue with Qualitia executable process, which would remain active in the background even after closing the QAS client.

  • Fixed the issues in the Wait actions to enable working in the Explicit wait mode.

  • Fixed the issues related to saving test cases when objects are identified using the Google Chrome Object Spy.

Known Issues

Once a user is assigned a specific role in the Qualitia project, then there is no option to modify the role of the user from the product. The workaround for this issue is to delete the user from the project and add again with the required role.

Known Issues in Qualitia Automation Web Recorder

  • Recording the Enter key as a SendKeySequence Action as is not supported.
    To work around this issue, add a blank step manually in the test case, select the SendKeySequence Action, and type Enter as its parameter value.

  • Recording the SendKeySequence Actions using Internet Explorer is not supported. To work around the issue, Press the Tab button of your keyboard, and then record the SendKeySequence Action that you want.

Known Issue in MOS or Mobile Automation Recorder

Sometimes switching from one tab to another tab in the web-view context for a mobile application on an iOS simulator may fail. To work around this issue, switch to the native-context, activate the tab of the mobile application that you want to open, and then switch to the web-view context to select the tab that you want.

Qualitia Automation Studio 8.0.4 Release Notes

New Features

Introduced the Keep Dry Run Reports option, which does not overwrites the reports of the previous dry runs. For more details, refer to Dry Run a Test Case.



  • The QAS server upgrade process now handles the Unit Test stubs for the projects integrated with TFS/Azure DevOps. You are no longer required to re-publish the test cases after upgrading the TFS/Azure DevOps integrated projects.

  • Significant performance improvements have been made in the following areas:

    • Test case management

    • Object management

    • Project management

    • Local data cache management

    • SaveAs Project feature

  • The location of TFS/Azure DevOps Remote Agent working folder has been moved to the localappdata folder to avoid conflicts.

  • Cosmetic user interface changes done to improve the user experience.

  • Enhancements in the object identification for web elements using Smart locator with text strategy in the following scenarios:

    • Creating objects manually in QAS

    • Adding objects using the the Qualitia Automation Web Recorder

    • Learning objects using Chrome object spy and IE object spy

  • Enhancements in the SmartLocator algorithm.


  • Qualitia Automation Studio now allows you to save test cases with empty test data (cells containing only spaces).

  • Fixed the issue related to the data type while passing variables to the Vbscript engine for the test case executions on the Desktop applications.

  • Fixed the issue with test case exit flags in a test suite. When you save a test suite, the existing test case exit flags do not reset to Continue (Green flag) anymore.

  • Fixed the issues related to the test data of the projects that are migrated from QFD. Now the correct test data is shown for those actions whose parameter sequence has changed.

  • Minor fixes related to object identification are done.

Known Issues

  • The following error message appears when you open a test case of a project that is migrated from QAS v7.x:
    Object Reference not set to the instance of the Object.
    To work around this issue, after you complete the project migration, delete the DBCache folder, which is located at the following location:
    %localappdata%\Qualitia\WD\Client\Settings\<Project Folder>\DBcache

  • The QAS client crashes if it remains idle for more than 12 hours on a virtual machine.

Qualitia Automation Studio 8.0.3 Release Notes

Dropped Feature

Qualitia has dropped MOS and Qualitia Automation Mobile Recorder support for iOS version 10.4 and earlier.

Bug Fixes and Enhancements

  • Removed check-in of DBCache and environment variables in Git to avoid conflicts when using Git as the version control system.

  • Improved the Object Selection performance in the Test Case Editor screen.

  • Fixed the synchronization issues between Qualitia Design Studio and Qualitia Automation Studio.

  • Fixed the issue related to publishing custom actions during Azure DevOps integration.

  • Fixed the issue where custom action execution in Azure DevOps integration was skipped intermittently.

Known Issues

Once a user is assigned a specific role in the Qualitia project, then there is no option to modify the role of the user from the product. The workaround for this issue is to delete the user from the project and add again with the required role.

Known Issues in Settings

QAS client does not prompt any error message if the Java path is blank in the General Settings screen.

Known Issues in MOS and Qualitia Automation Mobile Recorder

  • MOS and Qualitia Automation Mobile Recorder do not support iOS versions 14.x and later.

  • Hovering over a web element may fail to highlight the web element if the page contains multiple iframes. In this case, MOS/MR displays the "Failed to execute method" error message.
    To work around this issue, Qualitia recommends to record the web element using the Qualitia Automation Web Recorder for the specific step.

Known Issues in QDS Integrated Project

  • If you create a task using steps of a test case in QAS, then QDS does not display the updated test case and the created task.

  • Changing the order of tasks in QDS for the test case which has a Test Data in QAS corrupts the test data in QAS. Also, you cannot edit or save the test case in QDS.
    To work around the issue, perform the following steps:

    1. Export the test data of the affected test case. This allows you to use the test data partially again.

    2. Detach all the tasks and remove all the TC steps from the Test Case in QAS.

    3. Import the same tasks in the required order and add the TC steps again at the appropriate places. However, you need to add the test data again using the data from the exported excel sheet appropriately.

Qualitia Automation Studio 8.0.2 Release Notes

New Feature

Introduction of Rest.Patch.Execute.API action.

This PATCH API action updates the partial resources, which can be used as an alternative to the PUT API action. Typically, PATCH API actions are light-weight and consume less bandwidth when compared to the PUT API actions. For more information, refer to Rest.Patch.ExecuteAPI.

Dropped Feature

Mobile Object Spy and Qualitia Automation Mobile Recorder has dropped supporting iOS versions 10.4 and earlier.


  • Multiple enhancements are done to the user interface to improve usability.

  • Improved the error message that is displayed when you create a project that already exists in the target database server.

  • Improved the error message to highlight the set of characters allowed in a project name while creating a project.   

  • Enhanced the info logs for wait actions. Info logs now display the actual values used in wait action executions.

  • Added support to integrate Azure DevOps Git repository as a version control tool in addition to Bitbucket and GitHub.

  • When a user edits a task, other users can now view the following information:

    • The user who edited the task

    • The date and time when the task was edited

    Earlier, only the following message was displayed:

    "Some tasks in the test case have been modified".

  • Added support for specifying a relative path to the AttachFile action.

  • Added support to update the expired password in the ALM integration settings.

  • Added support to update the expired password in the Azure DevOps integration settings.

  • Added support to install Qualitia Automation Studio for multiple user profiles on a Virtual Machine even when other users are actively using Qualitia Automation Studio.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed an issue related to the latest setup files for Qualitia Web server setup not getting updated to the latest version during the Server upgrade process.

  • Fixed the issue where the IF conditional statements that were migrated from QFD did not work.

Known Issues


  • The WindowsAuthenticationLogin action does not work on Safari.

  • The PressKeys action does not execute on the inactive screen of the VM for the following keys and key combinations.

    1. NUMLOCK



    4. PRTSC

    5. Ctrl+Shift+Tab

    6. Ctrl+N

    7. Alt+F4

    8. Ctrl+Shift+T

    9. Ctrl+W

    10. Ctrl+F4

    11. Ctrl+F5

    12. Alt+Home

    13. Ctrl+

    14. Ctrl-

    15. Ctrl+Shift+Del

    16. Ctrl+J

    17. Ctrl+P

    18. Ctrl+O

    19. Ctrl+U

Defect Management Systems

  • The defect management system integration settings are not preserved during migration to 8.0.x. After completing the migration, you must manually re-configure the defect management system integration settings.

  • You cannot directly change the settings in the Defect tab of Project Settings if you want to replace the mapping of a Qualitia Project to another Jira/TFS project.
    To replace the mapping for a Qualitia project with another Jira/TFS project, perform the following steps: 

    1. Do one of the following:

      • Go to Admin Project, under the Configuration column, click Configure next to a project.

      • Go to Settings > Project Settings.

    2. Click the Defects tab.

    3. Select the Target Defect Management System to None.

    4. Click Ok.


  • Fixed the minor issues in UI, suite executions, and configuration settings.

  • Fixed an issue related to Offline Suite executions.
    An offline suite execution fails if it contained an encrypted password that is defined in the associated Environment Variables.

Known Issues

  • The Web Dashboards display the execution results as per the time zone of the QAS server. However, the Realtime Reporting portal displays the execution results as per the local time zone of your computer.

    Hence, for the suite executions that occur in a time zone different than QAS server’s time zone, the date and time for the execution results displayed on Real Time Reporting Portal and Web Dashboard might be different.


  • Apply settings for custom actions and version control at a project level. This means that you can create different settings for different projects.

  • Create multiple execution profiles and select a particular execution profile during suite execution. An execution profile is a pre-defined set of configuration settings, which can be used to execute test suites. You can add multiple execution profiles with the different combinations of configuration settings. Use the new user interface for editing profile settings and desired capabilities.

  • Maintain multiple execution profiles for an offline package and edit the profiles using a simple user interface.

  • Developing Custom Actions has become more object-oriented as you can access Qualitia Public APIs.

Known Issues

The following are the known issues in Qualitia Automation Studio 8.0.0.


  • You cannot record the objects when launching the application in the Android device, the auto-fill popup appears. The workaround is to disable the auto-fill popup.
    You can disable the appearance of auto-fill popup in the Android 10 device as follows:

    Settings >> Language and Input >> Autofill service >> Click and select option as None     

    For other Android versions, you need to check with the relevant Android Version documentation. 

  • Qualitia Mobile Recorder does not support recording web and hybrid applications on an Android emulator that is connected to a Macintosh agent.

  • Simulators and real devices having iOS version 13.3 do not support native applications.

  • The following iOS platforms do not support recording and Mobile Object Spy for the web applications and web-view context of hybrid applications:

    • All the iOS simulators versions

    • Real devices having iOS version 12.2 or above

  • For the projects upgraded from the previous Qualitia versions, if you record a test case, then for every object, multiple pages and objects are created in the object repository.

    To work around this issue, after upgrading the project, change the locator type and value of the Page object to XPath and “//app”.

  • Unable to connect to a device intermittently. To work around this issue, restart the recording session.

  • While recording a web application, if you update the URL in the address bar, it is not recorded as a step. You need to enter a step manually with action as OpenURL and add the new URL in the parameter.
