
  • FireFox Recorder uses the SetWindowSize action instead of Maximize browser when the browser is maximized during recording.

  • Currently, Mobile Object Spy and Mobile Recorder do not support the Shadow Dom feature.

  • The "Highlighted Object does not exist on page" message occurs for all objects even if the objects are highlighted. This is an intermittent issue for Object Spy.

  • Unknown Error exception while performing operation on the Shadow DOM object:

    For the Click and MouseOver actions we have provided alternative actions, which are ClickJS and MouseOverJS, respectively.
    In case of similar issues for other actions, please reach out to our support team.

Qualitia Automation Studio 8.3.1 Release Notes

Automation Testing on Edge


Before executing a test case or a test suite on a custom browser profile, ensure that you close all the instances of the browser.

Qualitia Automation Studio 8.3.0 Release Notes

What’s New?

Innovations in SFDC Application Automation Testing


  • Fixed the issue with saving test cases when large test data is attached with filters.

  • The aborted scheduler executions now display the correct execution time in the reports and terminate after the predefined time period if no response is received for the execution progress.

  • Updated the Qualitia Server to refresh the database connection when the database connection goes into a stale state due to a temporary connectivity issue.

  • Fixed the issue that occurred while accessing the Reports and Dashboard due to blank spaces in the Qualitia Server URL.

  • Fixed the issue with Reports and Dashboard login when the domain name of the Active Directory is different from the E-Mail ID domain.

  • Fixed the issue where the work would be lost by automatic reload occurring due to a connection reset in Remote Desktop Connection.

Known Issues

General Known Issues

  • The Text parameter of the Secureset action is not encrypted if you add its value from the Task Editor screen.

  • Qualitia Offline Configuration utility does not display the Save and Cancel buttons though the utility is set to the recommended 1920*1080 display resolution and text size to 150%.
    To display the Save and Cancel buttons, change the display resolution of the utility to 1366*768 and its text size to 100%.

  • Qualitia Mobile Object Spy and Qualitia Automation Mobile Recorder do not support the Android SDK Build Tools having version 30 or higher.

  • After you import a task into a current project and update the corresponding task in the import project to add or delete a step, and then revert the changes, then in the Import screen, the import project task is displayed under the Conflicted Tasks section. Selecting the conflicted task does not show any changes.




The VerifyEnablity action for the disabled radio group buttons and disabled checkbox groups.


The Set action for the inputCurrency component appends the existing value in the field with the specified value in the Set action parameter.

Add a step with the Clear action to remove the existing value from the associated field before the Set action.

All the SFDC actions related to combobox and Lookup might fail.

Check if the object is highlighted for the failed step in the associated screenshot of the execution report. If the screenshot displays the highlighted object, add a step with the Click action for the associated object before the failed SFDC action.

Due to a cross-origin frame issue, the execution of SelectFrameUsingURL action fails for the cross-origin frame as the URL of an iframe is dynamic.

Replace the SelectFrameUsingURL action with the SelectFrame or SelectFrameByIndexWhenAvailable action in the test case.

Qualitia Automation Studio 8.2.0 Release Notes

What’s New

Brand new UI!

Isn’t it always a delight to use a product that has been made with care and attention, and with the user at the centre of its existence?


Qualitia Automation Studio 8.1.0 Release Notes

What’s New

Parallel Execution of Test Cases for a Azure DevOps Pipeline

You can now execute multiple test cases for a Azure DevOps pipeline in parallel. All you need to do is configure multiple Azure DevOps agents with the Qualitia Remote Agent.

Azure DevOps Pipeline Executions in Real Time Reporting

The Real Time Reporting portal now shows the test case executions in real-time for a Azure DevOps pipeline.

Introduction of CompareSubString Action

The CompareSubString action verifies whether a string or any of its substring is defined in the desired pattern that you want. For more information, refer to General Web Actions .
