Versions Compared


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These release notes provide information about the new features added to Qualitia Automation Studio. They also provide details about the enhancements done, bugs fixed, and known issues in this release.


Introduced the Keep Dry Run Reports option, which does not overwrites the reports of the previous dry runs. For more details, refer to Dry Run a Test Case.

Bug Fixes and Enhancements


This PATCH API action updates the partial resources, which can be used as an alternative to the PUT API action. Typically, PATCH API actions are light-weight and consume less bandwidth when compared to the PUT API actions. For more information, refer to Rest.Patch.ExecuteAPI.

Dropped Feature

Mobile Object Spy and Qualitia Automation Mobile Recorder has dropped supporting iOS versions 10.4 and earlier.


  • When capturing an object on an SMS application, the object name is appended with null.

  • Unable to start a session after selecting an application in MOS or Mobile recorder on Xcode version 11.6 or higher. To work around this issue, refer to Unable to Start a Session on Xcode.

  • MOS and Qualitia Automation Mobile Recorder do not support iOS versions 14.x and later.



  • In Project Save As Feature, the custom action files from the source project are not moved automatically to the target project. After the project is saved, you need to manually move the dependent jars and Custom Action Function codes associated with the custom actions (keywords) that were selected during Save As process.

  • When editing a test case, if you make any changes and go to the search box to search a test case without saving the changes, you are prompted to save the changes. If you click Yes, the Scenario tree shows the test case with matching criteria, but the changes are not saved. You must save the changes that you made to a test case before you perform a search on the Scenario tree.

  • In a desktop project, if you search for an object that is a part of a long hierarchy in the Objects tree, clicking Next does not scroll up to the highlighted object.

  • The Desktop web executions are not tested on Macintosh computers.

  • Execution of test case steps on Web and Hybrid Apps using Android emulator takes longer time.

    To work around this issue, do one of the following:

    • Open the mapped execution profile and disable all the options of Screen Capture On .

    • Open the mapped execution profile, click Mobile > Edit Desired Capabilities, and set nativeWebScreenshot to true.

  • The Click action may fail to execute if the Mobile checkbox object is added using the ID locator type. To work around this issue, use XPath locator type for adding the Mobile checkbox objects.

  • The Mobile.SelectWebViewUsingURL action may fail on some versions of iOS. During testing, the action failed on Simulator iPhone 8 with PlatformVersion 13.3.

  • Qualitia does not support nested environment variables. The test cases that were created using previous QFD versions, having nested environment variables will fail upon execution.

  • Qualitia supports only basic data types such as Number and List/Option, for integration with Defect Management Systems (Jira and TFS). Qualitia does not support complex data types such as custom user-defined data types, nested objects, and dates.

  • If you switch to another project from Qualitia client, the current MOS session does not change. To work around this issue, log out from MOS, log in again, and select the correct project.


  • You cannot record the actions on the objects of permission request popups. To work around this issue, you need to manually add the steps with actions such as AcceptDialogand DismissDialog.

  • If you select an item from a list, the recorder does not record the SelectItemByText action, but it records a step with the Click action and the selected list item as the object.
