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Table of Contents

Once you have installed Qualitia, you need to configure settings before you get started. The Qualitia Configuration window has three different sections;

Configuring General Settings

The General section under Configuration Settings window allows configuring settings about Project, Database Server, and SVN.

Qualitia Configuration

Project Path*

Click the Browse button and select the project where it is saved on your local machine.


Enter the domain name.

Qualitia Logs

Select this check box if you want to save logs for test cases.

Database Server*


Select the Server type from SQL Server and Mysql.

Server: Port

Enter the Server and the Port IDs.


Select Authentication from the drop-down list; Windows Authentication or SQL Sever Authentication.

Database Name

Enter database name.

User Name

Enter database server user name.


Enter database server password.



Select this check box if you want to use SVN.

SVN Client

Select SVN client version from the drop-down list.

User Name

Enter SVN username.


Enter SVN password.

  • #This option is applicable for SQL Server only.
  • *Changes to these settings will take effect only after restarting Qualitia.

Configuring Execution Settings

The Execution section under Configuration Settings window allows configuring settings about test case executions and CI tools.

Qualitia Configuration

Execution Results Path

Click the browse button and select the log path.

Custom Action Repository Path

Enter the path where you want to save your Custom Action Repository.

Sync Time

Enter Sync Time in seconds, default is 20.

Report Logs

Select appropriate check boxes for which you want to save your report logs.

Highlight Active Element

Select the check box if you want to highlight the object of AUT while executing tests.

Show Report After Execution

Select this check box if you want Qualitia to display reports immediately after test executions.

Capture Snapshot on

Select the check boxes when you want to capture the screenshots.
You can select multiple check boxes.

CI Tool

Select the CI Tool, if you are using any, from the drop-down list.

Configuring QTP Settings

The QTP section under Configuration Settings window allows configuring settings related to QTP.

Qualitia Configuration

Create QTP Results

Select the check box if you want to create QTP results.

QTP Results Path

Click the Browse button and select the result path. All the execution reports will be saved here.

Show QTP Window

Select the check box if you want view HP-UFT running when executing test cases. Otherwise, it will be running in background.

Table of Contents