Free and open source (OpenJDK-based distributions with no field of use restriction)
Azul Java Development Kits and Java runtimes are certified fully compliant with the Java platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) specifications.
To be Discussed
The following features of AdoptOpenJDK are:
100% free and open source OpenJDK-based distribution.
AdoptOpenJDK builds are not TCK compliant.
AdoptOpenJDK provides rock-solid OpenJDK and Eclipse OpenJ9 (with OpenJDK class libraries) binaries for the Java ecosystem and also provides infrastructure as code, and a Build farm for builders of OpenJDK and Eclipse OpenJ9 (with OpenJDK class libraries), on any platform.
The following features of Oracle JDK are:
Proprietary JDK based on OpenJDK and is no longer available to download for free.
Oracle offers JDKs for Windows, Mac, Linux and Solaris Operating Systems, but it has dropped support for 32-bit runtimes after Java 9.
Oracle offers commercial support for their JDKs. Oracle leads both the OpenJDK Vulnerability Group
For further information, you may refer to the Java offerings comparison matrix made available by Azul Java at: https://www.azul.com/products/zulu-enterprise/jdk-comparison-matrix.For more information, refer to