Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Sometimes switching from one tab to another tab in the web-view context for a mobile application on an iOS (simulator and real device) may fail. To work around this issue, switch to the native-context, activate the tab of the mobile application that you want to open, and then switch to the web-view context to select the tab that you want.


Known Issues in MOS and Qualitia Automation Mobile Recorder


  • Hovering over a web element may fail to highlight the web element if the page contains multiple iframes. In this case, MOS/MR displays the "Failed to execute method" error message.
    To work around this issue, Qualitia recommends to record the web element using the Qualitia Automation Web Recorder for the specific step.


  • When capturing an object on an SMS application, the object name is appended with null.

  • Unable to start a session after selecting an application in MOS or Mobile recorder on Xcode version 11.6 or higher. To work around this issue, refer to Unable to Start a Session on Xcode.MOS and Qualitia Automation



Mobile Object Spy

  • Clicking any object field displays the following message unnecessarily:
    ”Object updated successfully”

  • For an empty object, if you click its object class, the locator type is automatically selected as ID.
    To work around this issue, from the Locator Type drop-down list, select the desired locator type you want.

  • The empty object scenario does not work correctly on iOS.

  • No error message is displayed when you click the locator field values for an empty object. However, you can edit the empty object normally by selecting the class, type, and value.


  • You cannot record the objects when launching the application in the Android device, the auto-fill popup appears. The workaround is to disable the auto-fill popup.
    You can disable the appearance of auto-fill popup in the Android 10 device as follows:

    Settings >> Language and Input >> Autofill service >> Click and select option as None     

    For other Android versions, you need to check with the relevant Android Version documentation.


  • Qualitia Mobile Recorder does not support recording web and hybrid applications on an Android emulator that is connected to a Macintosh agent.

  • Simulators and real devices having iOS version 13.3 do not support native applications.The following iOS platforms do not support recording and Mobile Object Spy for the web applications and web-view context of hybrid applications:

  • All the iOS simulators versions

  • Real devices having iOS version 12


    2 or above

  • For the projects upgraded from the previous Qualitia versions, if you record a test case, then for every object, multiple pages and objects are created in the object repository.

    To work around this issue, after upgrading the project, change the locator type and value of the Page object to XPath and “//app”.

  • Unable to connect to a device intermittently. To work around this issue, restart the recording session.

  • While recording a web application, if you update the URL in the address bar, it is not recorded as a step. You need to enter a step manually with action as OpenURL and add the new URL in the parameter.
