Versions Compared


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Older Qualitia Versions (public static variables) 

 Latest Qualitia Version Public API 

1.) FwUtil.storeData() 

2.) Controller.STOREHASHMAP 

3.) Controller.testCaseName 

4.) Controller.suiteName 

5.) Controller.strObjectID 

6.) QualitiaTestCase.isCustomAction 

7.) QualitiaSelenium.getDriver() 


9.) GLOBALS.mobileUDID 

10.) FwUtil.resolveObjectProperties() 

1.) storeData(String key , String Value) 

2.) getStoredData(String key)  

3.) getTestCaseName() 

4.) getSuiteName() 

5.) getObjectID 

6.) isCustomAction 

7.) getWebDriver 

8.) isOptimizationModeEnabled 

9.) getMobileUDID 

10.) resolveObjectProperties 




=     This method is used to get the webdriver being used. 


                element = getWebDriver().findElement(; 





=     This method is used to get the mobile driver being used. 


                element = getMobileDriver().findElementByXPath(; 



 storeData(String key, String value) 

= this method is used to store environment data in StoreHashMap. 

This is an alternative to FwUtil.storeData(). 


getStoredData(String key) 

= This method is used to get the value of particular key stored in StoreHashMap. 

This is an alternative to Controller.STOREHASHMAP.get(). 


storeDataContainsValue(String value) 

= This method is used to find if Storehashmap has the particular value present or not.  


If   If it returns true then the Storehashmap has value else value is not present as store data.     


This is an alternative to Controller.STOREHASHMAP.containsValue(). 


removeFromStoreData(String key) 

= This method is used to remove store data with particular key from StoreHashMap. 

This is an alternative to Controller.STOREHASHMAP.remove() 


  1. getStoredDataAsObject 



This method is used to get stored data as Objects. 



storeDataAsObject(String key, Object value) 

=7 this method is used to store environment data  as objects in StoreHashMap. 

T7his is an alternative to FwUtil.storeData(). 



storeData(Map<String, String> storeMap) 

= this method is used to store environment data in StoreHashMap where all the data is stored in storeMap along with their keys. 

This is an alternative to FwUtil.storeData(). 



storeDataAsObject(Map<String, Object> storeMap) 

= this method is used to store environment data  as objects in StoreHashMap where all the object data is stored in storeMap along with their keys.  11)

storeDataContainsKey(String key) 

= This method is used to find if Storehashmap has the particular key present of not. 


This is an alternative to Controller.STOREHASHMAP.containsKey() 





=     This method is used to set the value of "CurrentWebExecutionPlatform".  

    Value The value can either be "DESKTOP" or "MOBILE" which can be set using "WebExecutionPlatform.DESKTOP" and "WebExecutionPlatform.MOBILE" respectively.  
    This can be used when the testcase switches platforms while execution.  

    This is an alternative to  QualitiaTestCase.setCurrentWebExecutionPlatform().      

    For example: If user wants the current action to execute on Desktop, he can set it as: 


     In earlier versions: 

  • QualitiaTestCase.setCurrentWebExecutionPlatform(WebExecutionPlatform.DESKTOP); 


     In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

  • setCurrentWebExecutionPlatform(WebExecutionPlatform.DESKTOP) 





=      This method is used to get the value of "CurrentWebExecutionPlatform".      Value   The value can either be "WebExecutionPlatform.DESKTOP" or "WebExecutionPlatform.MOBILE".  

    This can be used to know which platform is the testcase running on currently. 

    This is an alternative to  QualitiaTestCase.getCurrentWebExecutionPlatform() 


    For example: If user wants to do a particular operation when testcase is running on Desktop and another operation when testcase is running on Mobile, he can do it as: 


     In earlier versions     In Qualitia 8.0.0





        //Desktop related operation 


        else if(QualitiaTestCase.getCurrentWebExecutionPlatform().equals(WebExecutionPlatform.MOBILE) 


        //Mobile related operation 



     In Qualitia 8.0.0earlier versions




        else if(QualitiaTestCase.getCurrentWebExecutionPlatform().equals(WebExecutionPlatform.MOBILE) 


        //Mobile related operation 




This method is used to know if the current platform that the testcase is executing on is     MOBILE or not. It returns true if the current web execution platform is Mobile and returns false if it is Desktop.  


For example: If user wants to do a particular operation when testcase is running on Mobile, he can do it as:    

     In earlier versionsQualitia 8.0.0:  




        //Mobile related operation  






     In Qualitia 8.0.0:  

In earlier versions:  



        //Mobile related operation  




=     This method is used to get the value of Internet explorer driver path which is provided in execution profile.  

    The value can be either given by user in the execution profile or if driver is downloaded automatically then it is a default value. 

    This is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_IE_DRIVERPATH.      

   For example, if the user wants to set system property value for IE driver, he can do it as:      

    In earlier versionsIn Qualitia 8.0.0

        System.setProperty("", GLOBALS.CONFIG_IE_DRIVERPATH); 

    In Qualitia 8.0.0In earlier versions

        System.setProperty("", GLOBALS.CONFIG_IE_DRIVERPATH);      


=     This method is used to get the value of Google Chrome driver path which is provided in execution profile.  

    The value can be either given by user in the execution pofile or if driver is downloaded automatically then it is a default value. 

    This is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_CHROME_DRIVERPATH. 


    For example, if the user wants to set system property value for IE driver, he can do it as:      

    In earlier versionsIn Qualitia 8.0.0

        System.setProperty("", GLOBALS.CONFIG_CHROME_DRIVERPATH); 

    In Qualitia 8.0.0   In earlier versions

        System.setProperty("", GLOBALS.CONFIG_CHROME_DRIVERPATH); 



=     This method is used to get the value of Firefox driver path i.e. geckodriver which is provided in execution profile.  


48) getElementHighlighter 
= this This method is used to get the object of elementHighlighter class. It is used to highlight and unhighlight elements in browser.  


For  For example, if a user wants to highlight and unhighlight and element, he can do it as:   

In earlier versions: 



49) getKeywordFunction() 

= This method is used to get the current function/action.      this This is an alternative to Controller.strKeywordFunction 


50) getKeywordQFunction() 

= This method is used to get the Qfunction for particular keyword. 


53) setWebPlatformSession(PlatformSession webPlatformSession) 

= this This method is used to set a new web driver. This is an alternative to QualitiaSelenium.setDriver() 


for  for example, if the user wants to set a new browser web driver, he can do it as: 
