Added few missing desired capabilities.
Fixed the screenshot trimming issue in the Qualitia execution report for the Desktop Capture mode.
Fixed the behavior of Environment variable to read the variable values from the environment file.
Fixed a few defects related to user interface enhancements to improve the user experience.
Fixed upgrade related defects that were observed while upgrading from Qualitia 5.6 to 8.3.x.
Fixed the issue related to incorrect publish status of test cases when only test data is changed in Azure DevOps integration.
Fixed the issue related to overwriting the environment variables in Azure DevOps executions/Offline executions when variable contains "=" in the value.
Known Issues
FireFox Recorder uses the SetWindowSize action instead of MaximizeBrowser when the browser is maximized during recording.
Currently, Mobile Object Spy and Mobile Recorder do not support the Shadow Dom feature.
The "Highlighted object(s) does not exist on the current page" error message occurs for all objects even if the objects are highlighted. This is an intermittent issue for Object Spy.
Unknown error exception occurs while performing actions on the Shadow DOM object:
For the Click and MouseOver actions, you can use the alternative actions ClickJS and MouseOverJS, respectively provided by Qualitia.
For similar issues with other actions, contact Qualitia Customer Support.Mobile execution with the “_appiumOption” capability as “Automatic” does not work With ALM integration. ALM does not allow to connect to the appium server even when the server starts successfully at the localhost. Once ALM is disconnected, the appium server is connected successfully, and the TC executed as expected.
The workaround to this issue is to set the capability "_appiumOption" as "custom".