Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


In order to be competitive in the market, it is important that your application is compatible with multiple platforms and browsers. So, it is required to perform multi-browser testing for the same set of test cases to ensure the cross-platform, cross-browser compatibility of the application.

It takes a considerable amount of time to configure and test everything on every browser, executing test cases one-by-one on each browser and OS separately.

Qualitia provides the ability to configure all the required combinations of properties and perform execution of the test cases in one go. This eliminates the requirement of configuring the properties file separately for each combination differently. 

This is achieved using Windows PowerShell and parallel execution script by Qualitia.


In order to do so, ensure you are meeting following prerequisites:

  • Windows PowerShell script execution policy should be set to RemoteSigned. For more information about this, please refer to the PowerShell documentation.# 
  • Execution script provided by Qualitia.*
  • Qualitia Offline Package including test case XMLs.

  • #Run Windows PowerShell as an administrator to set this execution policy. This is a one time activity. 
  • *You will find execution script at Qualitia installed location (For example: C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\QualitiaWDClient\app-5.0.1\Scripts)
    In case you are using 4.1.x, contact support.

Parallel Execution

Parallel execution is a three step process:

  1. Creating Qualitia Offline Package
  2. Configuring Execution Script
  3. Execution using Windows PowerShell

1. Creating an Offline Package 

Creating offline package includes Packaging Execution Engine and Creating Test Packages.

For more information about this, please refer to the Qualitia Offline Package section.

2. Configuring Execution Script 

Once you have created the test package and offline execution engine, you can control execution of these test cases using the execution script provided by Qualitia. This execution script has three different files; arguments.ps1, master-configs.csv, and test-configs.csv.

  • arguments.ps1 

This file contains the following locations:

Argument Description
$offlineEnter the absolute path to the qualitiaoffline-x.x.x.jar. This file exists in the execution engine. 
$xmlpathEnter the path to the folder where your test cases are saved in the XML format.
$logpathEnter the path to the folder which you have created to save the execution logs of the offline package. 
$temppathEnter the path to the folder to save the temp files during or after execution. 

(warning) Enclose locations in quotation marks (" ").

  • master-configs.csv

This file contains all the master list of configurations. A configuration contains configuration name and arguments under this configuration.

Arguments can be processed in following two different ways:

Both the ways are explained below. 

  1. Adding All Arguments in a Single Cell 

    A single configuration can have multiple arguments and you can create as many configurations as required. All the required parameters should be added in a key=value pair in the arguments column. The key=value pair should be separated by single space.

    For example:

    Image Modified

  2. Adding Keys in the Top Row and Values next to Configname 

    Qualitia users can add different columns for each argument separately. Keys must be added at the top row and values for these keys should be specified next to the configname. 
    For example:


(info) You can refer to the,, and so on files for the complete list of arguments to be used when adding arguments. You can find these property files in the Config folder of Qualitia offline package or at Qualitia installed location (%localappdata%\QualitiaWDClient\app-5.0.0\WebDriver\config).

  • test-configs.csv

This file specifies the configurations to execute each test case.

Here, Qualitia users can combine the test cases (from the XML folder) and the configurations (from the master-configs.csv) to execute test cases accordingly.

  1. Qualitia users must list all the config names from the master-configs.csv in the top column (refer to the screenshot below)
  2. Enter the test case name and specify which configuration you want to execute the test case with. You can run single test case using multiple configurations.
    (warning) Qualitia considers test cases saved in the XML path mentioned in the Cross-Browser Parallel Execution using Qualitia file only.

3. Execution of Test cases using Windows PowerShell 


  1. Launch Windows PowerShell.
  2. Execute following command to run the test cases as per the configurations: .\exec-parallel.ps1

Execution Reports

Once the execution is completed, Qualitia displays a high-level summary report for the test cases executed in the specified environment(s). Execution report displays the test case names and the number of total passed and failed test cases. Qualitia users can then click the execution results (Pass / Fail) to view the step-by-step report of test case execution.
